“Kellogg’s has shown its contempt for Breitbart’s 45 million readers and for the main street American values that they hold dear,” said Breitbart President and CEO, Larry Solov. “Pulling its advertising from Breitbart News is a decidedly cynical and un-American act. The only sensible response is to join together and boycott Kellogg’s products in protest.”
Some of Kellogg’s brands:
- Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes®
- Kellogg’s® Nutri-Grain®
- Pop-Tarts®
- Rice Krispies®
- Cheez-It
- Kashi
- Eggo®
- Frosted Mini-Wheats®
- Cocoa Krispies
- Morningstar Farms
- Famous Amos
- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes®
- Kellogg’s Honey Smacks® cereal
- Corn Pops®
- Mother’s Cookies
- Keebler Company
- Smart Start®
- Froot Loops™
- Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
- Low Fat Granola
- Fruit Flavored Snacks
- Apple Jacks®
- Cracklin’ Oat Bran®
- Mueslix®
- Smart Start®
- Smorz
- Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
- Krave
- Crispix®
- All-Bran®
- Apple Jacks®
- Crunchmania
Kellogg’s offered no examples of how Breitbart’s 45 million monthly readers fail to align with the breakfast maker’svalues. Indeed, the move appears to be one more example of an out-of-touch corporation embracing false left-wing narratives used to cynically smear the hard working Americans that populate this nation’s heartland.
Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow encouraged the boycott of Kellogg’s products, describing their war against Breitbart News as bigoted and anti-American:
“Breitbart News is the largest platform for pro-family content anywhere on the Internet. We are fearless advocates for traditional American values, perhaps most important among them is freedom of speech, or our motto ‘more voices, not less.’
For Kellogg’s, an American brand, to blacklist Breitbart News in order to placate left-wing totalitarians is a disgraceful act of cowardice.
They insult our incredibly diverse staff and spit in the face of our 45,000,000 highly engaged, highly perceptive, highly loyal readers, many of whom are Kellogg’s customers.
Boycotting Breitbart News for presenting mainstream American ideas is an act of discrimination and intense prejudice.
If you serve Kellogg’s products to your family, you are serving up bigotry at your breakfast table.”
In response, Breitbart launched its #DumpKelloggs petition to encourage its vast readership and the followers of its #1 in the world political Facebook and Twitter pages to ban bigotry from the breakfast table by boycotting Kellogg’s products.