106 year-old Berks County lady credits longevity to.......


picked up the flag before it was thrown
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Just one Yuengling a day? How long will we live if we drink the normal 10 a day?
Do the math, 1060!

As an aside, my brother-in-law's parents lived in the Pittsburgh area and were big Iron City Beer drinkers. So much that they had Iron City on tap at their house. When his mother died the local beer distributor sent the family a condolence card. Neither parent lived to be 106.
If she's 106 and drinking 1 beer a day, I guess they don't need to give her too much free beer.
I guess that's why they call it Vitamin Y in that region. (Had a friend from Minersville bring a case of Vitamin Y(his words) to parties all the time in the mid 80s before Yuengling was as popular as it is now).
Don’t we want to live to see the WFT’s next Super Bowl?
It is pretty much the same for everyone. When you are a teenager you think that living to about 55 would be fine. When you are 40 or so you think that living until about 70 would be great. When you are 60 you think that living to about 80 would be peachy keen. When you get to 70 then you would like to live until 90. Desired life span is just like your savings account. No matter how much you have you always want just a little more.
If she's 106 and drinking 1 beer a day, I guess they don't need to give her too much free beer.
I get a kick out of the reasons that people over 100 give for their longevity. The naked truth is that it is purely lucky genetics. This lady didn't get pancreatic cancer when she was 75. She didn't get ALS. She didn't get Parkinsons. To live beyond 100 is totally lucky genetics.
I get a kick out of the reasons that people over 100 give for their longevity. The naked truth is that it is purely lucky genetics. This lady didn't get pancreatic cancer when she was 75. She didn't get ALS. She didn't get Parkinsons. To live beyond 100 is totally lucky genetics.

Yeah, but she knew how to parlay it into free beer.
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