2015........historians will view this year as THE year when the proverbial (sh!t) hit the fan


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2013
...record setting heat waves in Pakistan and India killing more than a 1000 people;

...Washington State Olympic Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in recorded history;

...London faced 98 degree heat during the hottest July in recorded history;

...The Guardian had to halt its live blog during the heat wave due to its servers overheating.

There was some POSITIVE news, though...

...In America, the chance of an atheist becoming President is now up to 58% (up from 18% in 1958)
...record setting heat waves in Pakistan and India killing more than a 1000 people;

...Washington State Olympic Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in recorded history;

...London faced 98 degree heat during the hottest July in recorded history;

...The Guardian had to halt its live blog during the heat wave due to its servers overheating.

There was some POSITIVE news, though...

...In America, the chance of an atheist becoming President is now up to 58% (up from 18% in 1958)
I get you now. You're a troll disguised as a "well known member."
A note of interest for PSU alumni and our friends of the university
Susan Eisenhower to speak at Breazeale Nuclear Reactor 60th anniversary event
August 6, 2015
anniversary website.

The Breazeale Nuclear Reactor is also holding an open house that day from 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. The reactor, housed in the Radiation Science and Engineering Center, will be open for tours.
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What's an atheism?

I don't think idiot-boy realizes that "atheism" technically means "believing in nothing" outside of hedonism and narcissism. Sound familiar? This is the "Anti Golden Rule" or the "creed of Belial" according to the Torah (e.g., the creed of the Anti-Messiah.....or Anti-Christ if you wish to use the Greek term for Belial).

It can be scientifically proven that it is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to approach life "believing in absolutely nothing" -- everybody has to have some "belief system"......"philosophy of life"......."faith in something", etc., because it is the only way we can exist as humans. This is often termed the "human condition". So the notion of "atheism", in a technical sense (e.g., absolute belief in nothing) is nonsense. The hardest question for the most intelligent Physicists in the world is tackling the question of why "intelligence" exists within the universe -- physicists can't even explain what "intelligence" is for that matter. Is it a form of energy? Or is it like light, appears to be energy but actually is a particle with mass - has to be one of the two, we know that from E=MC^2 (in reality, it isn't just intelligence that scientist can't explain - scientists still can't explain gravity or magnetism perfectly are they reactionary forces or a form of energy/mass). If you push Physics beyond its "human limits", it becomes "philosophy" -- e.g., the rules we understand, but those rules may be a small fraction of all the rules and we many not even understand those rules perfectly -- for instance, Einsteins "Local Reality" via the EPR Paradox, a central tenant of understanding our "local" physical world was recently proven likely to be an incorrect explanation of "spooky action at a distance" (e.g., entangled particles). Quantum Physics has pretty much proven that "entangled particles" are real and they communicate at speeds which exceed the speed of light meaning that Einstein's "Local Reality" (e.g., we can define everything locally via the speed of light because it is impossible to travel through the universe at a speed that exceeds the speed of light) could very likely be wrong.

According to Physics as we currently know it, the universe does not need "intelligence" to function; however, via "the rule of conservation" we know that "intelligence" would not exist unless it was needed and played some role within the universe -- it's a paradox....IOW, why does "intelligence" exist, what's it's role, etc...? Why in our own "Local Reality" do we always get the same answer in terms of "Physics" -- specifically, out of randomness comes order and that order even in our own solar system and galaxy always appears to "exist" to support life and "intelligence" because these things would not exist without "rules" that clearly create the "order".....IOW of the IOW, just because we don't understand the rules or even understand what role or why intelligence is necessary to the universe, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and that one very LOGICAL explanation is that "intelligence" may be the FINGERPRINT of the creator of the universe who knows all the rules and algorithms of the universe - doopy-brains here is terribly ignorant, belief in an all-knowing, "intelligence" and creator is as "elegant" an explanation as anything, perhaps a better explanation than others. Such a belief system (including the universe having absolute rules for "right" and "wrong" -- e.g., "morals") is not "anti-science" in the least because of the construct that if there were proof one way or the other, you would not need "faith" (faith is a simple word which also means "belief"...."creed"....."philosophy".....etc., it is a secular word despite wack-jobs wanting to ascribe religious connotations to it). If God could be proven, you wouldn't need faith because it would be a proven reality (e.g., you wouldn't need a "God-centric belief system", you would simply KNOW that the universe is God-centric). If you could prove that God did not exist, you wouldn't need a BELIEF SYSTEM which denies an "Intelligent Creator of the universe", but has utterly NO EXPLANATION for the inexplicable actions of the universe, especially the "orderliness out of randomness" nature of the universe that tends to act in a way to protect and promote "life" and "intelligence". Everybody has a "belief system", so God is a matter of "faith" or "creed", not science and belief in God is no more "anti-science" than not believing in God - and in many ways it may be more "scientific" in that it EXPLAINS many paradox's of the universe rather elegantly whereas "non-creationists" have no explanation whatsoever for the most fundamental of questions such as LIFE and INTELLIGENCE -- why do they exist if they are utterly UNNECESSARY for the functioning of the universe? This would be a massive contradiction of the Law of Conservation and that Law is a central tenant of science and is rather immutable.
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I don't think idiot-boy realizes that "atheism" technically means "believing in nothing" outside of hedonism and narcissism. Sound familiar? This is the "Anti Golden Rule" or the "creed of Belial" according to the Torah (e.g., the creed of the Anti-Messiah.....or Anti-Christ if you wish to use the Greek term for Belial).

It can be scientifically proven that it is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to approach life "believing in absolutely nothing" -- everybody has to have some "belief system"......"philosophy of life"......."faith in something", etc., because it is the only way we can exist as humans. This is often termed the "human condition". So the notion of "atheism", in a technical sense (e.g., absolute belief in nothing) is nonsense. The hardest question for the most intelligent Physicists in the world is tackling the question of why "intelligence" exists within the universe -- physicists can't even explain what "intelligence" is for that matter. Is it a form of energy? Or is it like light, appears to be energy but actually is a particle with mass - has to be one of the two, we know that from E=MC^2 (in reality, it isn't just intelligence that scientist can't explain - scientists still can't explain gravity of magnetism perfectly are they reactionary forces or a form of energy/mass). If you push Physics beyond its "human limits" (e.g., the rules we understand, but those rules may be a small fraction of all the rules and we many not even understand those rules perfectly -- for instance, Einsteins "Local Reality" via the EPR Paradox, a central tenant of understanding our "local" physical world was recently proven likely to be an incorrect explanation of "spooky action at a distance" (e.g., entangled particles). Quantum Physics has pretty much proven that "entangled particles" are real and they communicate at speeds which exceed the speed of light meaning that Einstein's "Local Reality" (e.g., we can define everything locally via the speed of light because it is impossible to travel through the universe at a speed that exceeds the speed of light).

According to Physics as we currently know it, the universe does not need "intelligence" to function; however, via "the rule of conservation" we know that "intelligence" would not exist unless it was needed and played some role within the universe -- it's a paradox....IOW, why does "intelligence" exist, what's it's role, etc...? Why in our own "Local Reality" do we always get the same answer in terms of "Physics" -- specifically, out of randomness comes order and that order even in our own solar system and galaxy always appears to "exist" to support life and "intelligence" because these things would not exist without "rules" that clearly create the "order".....IOW of the IOW, just because we don't understand the rules or even understand what role or why intelligence is necessary to the universe, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and that one very LOGICAL explanation is that "intelligence" may be the FINGERPRINT of the creator of the universe who knows all the rules and algorithms of the universe - doopy-brains here is terribly ignorant, belief in an all-knowing, "intelligence" and creator is as "elegant" an explanation as anything, perhaps a better explanation than others. Such a belief system (including the universe having absolute rules for "right" and "wrong" -- e.g., "morals") is not "anti-science" in the least because of the construct that if there were proof one way or the other, you would not need "faith" (faith is a simple word which also means "belief"...."creed"....."philosophy".....etc., it is a secular word despite wack-jobs wanting to ascribe religious connotations to it). If God could be proven, you wouldn't need faith because it would be a proven reality (e.g., you wouldn't need a "God-centric belief system", you would simply KNOW that the universe is God-centric). If you could prove that God did not exist, you wouldn't need a BELIEF SYSTEM which denies an "Intelligent Creator of the universe", but has utterly NO EXPLANATION for the inexplicable actions of the universe, especially the "orderliness out of randomness" nature of the universe that tends to act in a way to protect and promote "life" and "intelligence". Everybody has a "belief system", so God is a matter of "faith" or "creed", not science and belief in God is no more "anti-science" than not believing in God - and in many ways it may be more "scientific" in that it EXPLAINS many paradox's of the universe rather elegantly whereas "non-creationists" have no explanation whatsoever for the most fundamental of questions such as LIFE and INTELLIGENCE -- why do they exist if they are utterly UNNECESSARY for the functioning of the universe? This would be a massive contradiction of the Law of Conservation and that Law is a central tenant of science and is rather immutable.
Bushwood, I have to hand it to you. Calling the board's leading humanist/intellectual "idiot-boy" is priceless.
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I don't think idiot-boy realizes that "atheism" technically means "believing in nothing" outside of hedonism and narcissism. Sound familiar? This is the "Anti Golden Rule" or the "creed of Belial" according to the Torah (e.g., the creed of the Anti-Messiah.....or Anti-Christ if you wish to use the Greek term for Belial).

It can be scientifically proven that it is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to approach life "believing in absolutely nothing" -- everybody has to have some "belief system"......"philosophy of life"......."faith in something", etc., because it is the only way we can exist as humans. This is often termed the "human condition". So the notion of "atheism", in a technical sense (e.g., absolute belief in nothing) is nonsense. The hardest question for the most intelligent Physicists in the world is tackling the question of why "intelligence" exists within the universe -- physicists can't even explain what "intelligence" is for that matter. Is it a form of energy? Or is it like light, appears to be energy but actually is a particle with mass - has to be one of the two, we know that from E=MC^2 (in reality, it isn't just intelligence that scientist can't explain - scientists still can't explain gravity or magnetism perfectly are they reactionary forces or a form of energy/mass). If you push Physics beyond its "human limits", it becomes "philosophy" -- e.g., the rules we understand, but those rules may be a small fraction of all the rules and we many not even understand those rules perfectly -- for instance, Einsteins "Local Reality" via the EPR Paradox, a central tenant of understanding our "local" physical world was recently proven likely to be an incorrect explanation of "spooky action at a distance" (e.g., entangled particles). Quantum Physics has pretty much proven that "entangled particles" are real and they communicate at speeds which exceed the speed of light meaning that Einstein's "Local Reality" (e.g., we can define everything locally via the speed of light because it is impossible to travel through the universe at a speed that exceeds the speed of light) could very likely be wrong.

According to Physics as we currently know it, the universe does not need "intelligence" to function; however, via "the rule of conservation" we know that "intelligence" would not exist unless it was needed and played some role within the universe -- it's a paradox....IOW, why does "intelligence" exist, what's it's role, etc...? Why in our own "Local Reality" do we always get the same answer in terms of "Physics" -- specifically, out of randomness comes order and that order even in our own solar system and galaxy always appears to "exist" to support life and "intelligence" because these things would not exist without "rules" that clearly create the "order".....IOW of the IOW, just because we don't understand the rules or even understand what role or why intelligence is necessary to the universe, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and that one very LOGICAL explanation is that "intelligence" may be the FINGERPRINT of the creator of the universe who knows all the rules and algorithms of the universe - doopy-brains here is terribly ignorant, belief in an all-knowing, "intelligence" and creator is as "elegant" an explanation as anything, perhaps a better explanation than others. Such a belief system (including the universe having absolute rules for "right" and "wrong" -- e.g., "morals") is not "anti-science" in the least because of the construct that if there were proof one way or the other, you would not need "faith" (faith is a simple word which also means "belief"...."creed"....."philosophy".....etc., it is a secular word despite wack-jobs wanting to ascribe religious connotations to it). If God could be proven, you wouldn't need faith because it would be a proven reality (e.g., you wouldn't need a "God-centric belief system", you would simply KNOW that the universe is God-centric). If you could prove that God did not exist, you wouldn't need a BELIEF SYSTEM which denies an "Intelligent Creator of the universe", but has utterly NO EXPLANATION for the inexplicable actions of the universe, especially the "orderliness out of randomness" nature of the universe that tends to act in a way to protect and promote "life" and "intelligence". Everybody has a "belief system", so God is a matter of "faith" or "creed", not science and belief in God is no more "anti-science" than not believing in God - and in many ways it may be more "scientific" in that it EXPLAINS many paradox's of the universe rather elegantly whereas "non-creationists" have no explanation whatsoever for the most fundamental of questions such as LIFE and INTELLIGENCE -- why do they exist if they are utterly UNNECESSARY for the functioning of the universe? This would be a massive contradiction of the Law of Conservation and that Law is a central tenant of science and is rather immutable.

...record setting heat waves in Pakistan and India killing more than a 1000 people;

...Washington State Olympic Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in recorded history;

...London faced 98 degree heat during the hottest July in recorded history;

...The Guardian had to halt its live blog during the heat wave due to its servers overheating.

Joe Bastardi ‏@BigJoeBastardi
Last 90 days across US. Most of nation at or below normal, exception SE and NW


The Pause Draws Blood – A New Record Pause Length:

No Warming for 18 years 7 months

For 223 months, since January 1997, there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature shows the Pause setting a new record at 18 years 7 months.

It is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an El Niño will begin to shorten the Pause somewhat, just in time for the Paris climate summit, though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption and perhaps even a lengthening of the Pause.

Figure 1. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the RSS satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset shows no global warming for 18 years 7 months since January 1997.

The hiatus period of 18 years 7 months is the farthest back one can go in the RSS satellite temperature record and still show a sub-zero trend.

The start date is not cherry-picked: it is calculated. And the graph does not mean there is no such thing as global warming. Going back further shows a small warming rate.

The RSS satellite system is supported by NASA, NOAA and the National Science Foundation.
...record setting heat waves in Pakistan and India killing more than a 1000 people;

...Washington State Olympic Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in recorded history;

...London faced 98 degree heat during the hottest July in recorded history;

...The Guardian had to halt its live blog during the heat wave due to its servers overheating.

There was some POSITIVE news, though...

...In America, the chance of an atheist becoming President is now up to 58% (up from 18% in 1958)

Why didn't the Guardian servers fall under good news?
...record setting heat waves in Pakistan and India killing more than a 1000 people;

...Washington State Olympic Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in recorded history;

...London faced 98 degree heat during the hottest July in recorded history;

...The Guardian had to halt its live blog during the heat wave due to its servers overheating.

There was some POSITIVE news, though...

...In America, the chance of an atheist becoming President is now up to 58% (up from 18% in 1958)
Michael, soon there will be no historians, unless the androids - that take over the world in the wake of the human extinction you have so eloquently foretold in your previous proclamation of apocalyptic doom - take up the profession.

Dahlquist on August 13, 2015 at 2:25 pm

Just got this from No Tricks Zone by a german Meteorologist. Interesting. This came from a discussion about the former NOAA climate researcher, Dr. Dilley, who claims we are heading into a very cold period.

Hans-Dieter Schmidt 13. August 2015 at 9:01 PM | Permalink | Reply

“Well said. May I contribute a confirmation of Dilleys speech from an entirely different direction? Every synoptical meteorologist should have noticed that there is an extraordinary series of most intense low pressure systems on the Atlantic. Just today there is one with core pressure below 975 hPa! In average this happens every five years ONCE in summer, but a sieries like this one I never experueinced in more than 40 years of work as a bench forecaster.

The intensity, amongst other phenomena, depends on the temperature difference between high and low latitudes. The bigger the difference, the stronger the low pressure systems. Thats why in winter this is a regular phenomenon – there is much more seasonal variability in the arctics than in the tropics. If there is a series like this occurring in summer, there is just one conclusion: it must be extraordinary cold in the arctics this summer! This must not necessarily be mirrored by sea ice cover instantly, but wait for the next few years.

More information about this can be found in my article (in German) over by the EIKE here:

Dipl.-Met. Hans-Dieter Schmidt

  • DD More on August 13, 2015 at 2:43 pm
    Hans-Dieter, your “If there is a series like this occurring in summer, there is just one conclusion: it must be extraordinary cold in the arctics this summer! This must not necessarily be mirrored by sea ice cover instantly, but wait for the next few years.” seems to be showing up in Icelandic temperatures.

    H/T to NoTricks
    The first thirteen weeks of summer this year have been the coldest in Reykjavik in over twenty years, reveals Icelandic meteorologist Trausti Jónsson.
    The northern city of Akureyri fares even worse – one has to go back around thirty years to find a colder summer. Last year was Akureyri’s warmest summer in 67 years.
    Summer in Reykjavik has not been this cold since 1992, although the summer of 1979 was by far the coldest. The warmest summer in Reykjavik in the past 67 years was in 2010.
    Summer in Akureyri has not been this cold since 1983.
    Check out the weather forecast for your part of Iceland on Iceland Monitor
I'll give you this Felli, you generate, and attract, an amazing amount of flotsam.
By definition, believe in nothing, means you are the most absolute believer of all.

In other words, nothing matters. In Astrophysics terms dark matter still matters.

To the end of the world talk track, there is a very easy solution -- get rid of people. The end of the carbon foot print cause by people will stop the end of the world real quick. I gladly offer myself up once I see the first 6 billion dead beats gone for all the heart ache they have caused. After that, I will joyously take the kool aid. I'm not innocent by a long shot.

N i t t a n y A m e r i c a