2017 NCAA Championships


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
At the risk at sounding very amateurish and redundant of previous threads, does anyone know when tickets go on sale for the nationals? The website only seems to allow you to go to the 'package deals'. I know there are always ways to get them come March but I was just wondering. I am going to go... get a visit in with the brother-in-law (non-fan)!!
At the risk at sounding very amateurish and redundant of previous threads, does anyone know when tickets go on sale for the nationals? The website only seems to allow you to go to the 'package deals'. I know there are always ways to get them come March but I was just wondering. I am going to go... get a visit in with the brother-in-law (non-fan)!!
called the ticket office several weeks ago and put in an order for 4.
NLC applications for NCAA tickets were due Sept 30. You had to pay and wait to see if you get the tickets depending on certain criteria, NLC points being the first cut off, I believe...
NLC applications for NCAA tickets were due Sept 30. You had to pay and wait to see if you get the tickets depending on certain criteria, NLC points being the first cut off, I believe...
that sounds about right. Funny how the NCAA website makes you think they are for sale... thanks everyone. I'll wait and buy them on the 'market'
Really. Ticket applications were due back in June or July sometime so I'd be interested to know how you ordered them recently.

OK, that is later than I remember, but then I didn't order them this year, someone else did it for me. :)
The process, for the Penn State allocation of tickets from the NCAA...those managed by the Penn State Athletic Department...has changed this year. Until this year, the applications were due June 30th. This year it was September 30th.

The reason for the change is that the notice given to the University, from the NCAA, regarding their allocation, keeps moving out.

And the NCAA does sell tickets, but they sell out in less than a day...usually during the Championships for the succeeding year.
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