2017 Voters' Guide for Alumni Council elections

Mary QBA

Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2014
Good morning friends,

Here's the Voters' Guide for the Alumni Council elections which are going on now until May 31st. For a better image and much more information, including the candidates responses to our question, please to to

Some notes:
* In a big departure from previous years the list of candidates was not released before the ballot was sent out (we'll take credit for that, PSAA CEO Paul Clifford didn't like that we were actively campaigning for candidates we liked). So we had to ask the candidates to reply to us very quickly and appreciate those that did.

* This year 10 candidates will be elected to seats on Alumni Council and 10 more will be appointed, bringing the grand total of AC members to 109. If Alumni Council was a national legislature, this would put it somewhere in size between Rwanda and New Guinea.

* The Penn State Alumni Association still lists Alumni Council as it's governing body on the IRS filings. Yet the only votes are taken by the Executive Board, which is a much more manageable size.

* Our guide is sorted by candidates first name to give a bit of randomness and level the playing field.

Thank you for putting this information together.

In a side note, despite being on Alumni Council, I've not received a ballot. Do you know where I can get one? Perhaps this has happened to others. I can't imagine that PSAA does not have my email - I certainly receive enough requests for donations, but no ballot yet.

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I've not received a ballot. Do you know where I can get one?


Last year the number to call was VoteNet but I'm not sure that's correct for this year. I guess best to call the Alumni Association Monday morning and ask for one: 800-548-5466.

Also, I've been getting quite a few private emails requesting guidance on whom to vote for. Since Paul Clifford decided to keep the candidates a secret before the ballot went out we were unable to do due diligence to make endorsements (which was his plan all along). I can only say* who I like personally:

- Sam Settle (excellent response to our question, provides contact information, and is a new face)
- Heather Wolfe (new face, did good work with Smeal)
- Ira Gross (new face, out of state, provided a good answer and contact information)

I will not be voting for anyone with Executive Board experience, anyone who is an employee of Penn State, or anyone who did not actually go to Penn State. I'd like to see new faces, preferably from out-of-state, and who took the time to reply to us.

*Please note that any current AC member may not endorse any candidate.
I cannot endorse anyone but I can agree with the criteria that Mary has outlined above. Remember when the current bylaws changes to Alumni Council were rammed down Council's throat in Spring 2015? I do. If you look at who was on Council during that time, there is only one person running who joined me in vocally standing up to the changes that were being made. I can't tell you who that is but Mary knows.
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That would be Michael Catino, who is running for a second term on Alumni Council. Michael has proven that he is an independent thinker, he listens to all sides of an issue, and he's not afraid to push back on (PSU Trustee) Kay Salvino's ridiculous knee-jerk reaction ideas that cost the Alumni Association tens of thousands of dollars. Or more.
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I'm still wondering if it is even worth my time. And I was once an Alumni club leader and president.
I'm still wondering if it is even worth my time

It's still very much worth your time to vote - if only because Kay Salvino doesn't want you to. She has been widely quoted as saying a seat on Alumni Council should be a reward, we think it should be to represent the wishes of the alumni members.

If you read back the thread there are some good candidates mentioned.
Bumping again. We know PSAA is not a game changer but there are some good people running.
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Bump again. I just spoke with VoteNet and they are advising that if you have not received your email ballot, even after calling to request one, to call back and they will give you a manual link to a website where you can vote. It's a bit more work but evidently many more servers are blocking anything from the Penn State Alumni Association as 'junk'.
For the benefit of those who've not yet voted: are there are others worthy of consideration?

John Hook mentions that he used to manage the Phyrst, which automatically gets him a check on my ballot. Don't feel that just because you can vote for 10 you should, but if you want to fill out the rest of your ballot perhaps focus on the out-of-state candidates (who are not currently or formerly on the Executive Board). Jay Weitzel Jr, Jonathan Savage, and Todd Simmens are new, responded to our question, and would be representing out-of-state alumni members.

We noted state of primary residence because you'll see that the majority of AC candidates (and current AC representatives) live in PA. Many are within easy driving distance of State College and aren't subjected to the huge expenses out-of-town AC reps are to attend meetings (Paul Clifford insists that the bi-annual meetings be on a home football weekend and Blue/White.) This, however, effectively leaves alumni members from outside PA with almost no voice in our Alumni Association.

We've introduced the idea of call-in or Skype-in meetings, but many of the Alumni Council representatives really like being wined and dined at the bi-yearly meetings. The Fall one is always on a major home football game weekend, and they received two tickets and an invitation to the Alumni Association skybox. Spring is Blue-White game. Who wants to give that up?
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