If you don't want to read all 19 pages, here is a summation:
Jaroslav Hasek “next time anyone hears a btn plus match with a home announcer this slanted please start a thread. the few minutes i listened to was the most homerific announcing of any sport i've ever heard.”
VakAttack “I kept thinking "is this as awful as I think it is? Byers was just flat wrong on a LOT of things...”
LkwdSteve “What I disliked most was the constant naming of the referee with every complaint. Over and over. To sum it up in one word----OFFENSIVE.”
Threadkilla “I am a PSU fan and I have to agree that Byers came off as quite a bit over the top. It wasn't his finest hour.”
Pipewrench “Worse than Jeff Byers?”
Jammen “I have no problem with Byer's homerism and he is quite good at describing the action. It was his incessant berating the refs that put me off, even as it became comical.”
Rakkasan91 “No offense to you JB or your profession but he was very bad during this dual, radio or TV. ...but in this case he was just inaccurate and really came off as clueless...”
silver-medal “I would have said Byers did a good job except his judgement about the officiating was hopelessly biased and inaccurate. He should publicly apologize to the official.“
MSU158 “Still, the one theme he had that I couldn't ignore was his saying the ref needs to look at the clock before he makes stall calls. That killed me.”
rshear111 “If you don't bleed Penn State blue, this announcer is unbearable. If I wanted to hear someone bash the ref for an entire dual they could just pump in the crowd noise. He whined about the ref, and I felt took away from one of the biggest duals of the year.”
OfficialObserver “For all of those blasting the ref - including the ridiculous announcer - go purchase an NCAA rules book and bury your nose in it.”
IronChef “Byers should know better. It's not a new rule."
LoStNuMbEr “This announcer is total garbage. Never seen someone more biased in my life."
MrBurns “...the announcing got me fired up. Just awful. Byers can't help himself, he drops pot shots every period of every match. I feel bad for the ref. He's getting ripped for a full 90 minutes. Byers continually using his name makes it feel personal. But I guess for most of us Byers looks like the idiot.”
Pennsyrules “The last thing I need to hear though is a guy complaining about every call the ref makes. Very annoying.”
BRGuy “no announcer should ever mention an officials name while talking about controversial calls! horrible announcer...”
Bombermule “The head table should never have told him the ref's name because he just kept calling it out and complaining. Very obnoxious in the opinion of an unbiased viewer (me) and the 3 Penn State fans that I watched with.”
dutchcountry7 “Disgraceful announcing. It's one thing to be a hometown announcer but this wasn't seeing things through blue tinted glasses it was just making things up. It was whining and complaining about things that weren't there.”
hammerlockthree “Announcer whining, mark ironside almost attacked him at big tens once,”
Byers "As usual matt sorchinsky isn't aware of what is going on....for once the second ref does his job"
This guy is a pompous dork. If he is gonna act like a clown, he could at least be funny, not just smug."
nom “This announcer is OVER THE TOP! I get the excitement for Penn State points but this degree of bias is too far.”
headshuck “Announcer calls out the ref... Haha “
pm-01 “The announcer is an embarrassment. He's seeing things that just aren't there.”
“Homerism is one thing, but this guy is over the top and reporting inaccurately. Chewing the ref to this extent is also ugly.” “If I was the ref and heard this announcer, I'd head to his booth right after this match.”
Paboom “Why do I have to pay a subscription to watch Big 10 matches and have to listen to the worst "HOMER" announcer I have possibly ever heard? I am a PA guy through and through...All I hear is whining. His calling the official by his name shows a serious lack of professionalism...”
MPICK “Who was this HOMER announcer. He needs to put on the stripes and try them out.”
mgrimm “The announcer for the MN/PSU dual sounded like one of the biggest buffoons I've heard."
rossel3 “That announcer was a clown. I turned the sound down...” “I guess if it was only audio, it might be considered good broadcasting. The problem with the video being added, is it didn't mesh with what he was describing.”
OtisCampbell “I have preached for a while how bad this guy is…