2018 Recruiting Thread

FIRST offer, not the last dummy. Maybe if you paid for that site you might understand recruiting. Honestly you should or stick to legal stuff...this is your hero worshipping crap all over again. Ruder will probably commit to UNC this weekend and more offers will go out, this was a hail mary to try and stop that and get in the door. Then don't follow recruiting so it's like talking to a squirrel. Other QB's are being contacted too....ooops...that is how it works.

Wrong again spin-doctor garbage spewer - here is what you actually said:

Then you don't understand how recruiting and college football work. They all do the dance, but some are better at it than others.

College FB Coaches are unique INDIVIDUALS, not the "cookie-cutter" commodities that you claim in your typical rubbish-based, self-serving spew. There is ZERO evidence that Coach Franklin is playing some type of game with Ruder exclusively to Franklin's advantage (and potentially to Ruder's great disadvantage).....JUST AS THERE IS ZERO EVIDENCE that Franklin played any such game with Fields, Patterson and Leary after PSU's football camp (a situation which has cost PSU and Coach Franklin Patterson's significant interest in playing QB for PSU). You're beyond full of $hit that all CFB Coaches "are the same" and all have equal amounts of integrity or lack thereof.....a completely BULL$HIT claim that anyone with even half a brain can see the clear "redherring" logical fallacy in - specifically "everybody does it" or "all coaches do it" in this specific case (i.e., argumentum ad populum).

Go figure, another PROVABLE "red herring" logical fallacy rhetorical argumentation technique used by king bull$hit spewer aimed at demeaning Coach Franklin's character and integrity??? Shocking...........NOT!!!
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Wrong again spin-doctor garbage spewer - here is what you actually said:

College FB Coaches are unique INDIVIDUALS, not the "cookie-cutter" commodities that you claim in your typical rubbish-based, self-serving spew. There is ZERO evidence that Coach Franklin is playing some type of game with Ruder exclusively to Franklin's advantage (and potentially to Ruder's great disadvantage).....JUST AS THEIR IS ZERO EVIDENCE that Franklin played any such game with Fields, Patterson and Leary after PSU's football camp (a situation which has cost PSU and Coach Franklin's Patterson's significant interest in playing QB for PSU). You're beyond full of $hit that all CFB Coaches "are the same" and all have equal amounts of integrity or lack thereof.....a completely BULL$HIT claim that anyone with even half a brain can see the clear "redherring" logical fallacy in - specifically "everybody does it" or "all coaches do it" in this specific case (i.e., argumentum ad populum).

Go figure, another PROVABLE "red herring" logical fallacy rhetorical argumentation technique used by king bull$hit spewer aimed at demeaning Coach Franklin's character and integrity??? Shocking...........NOT!!!
Who said anything that demeans Franklin's character or integrity?
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Then you don't understand how recruiting and college football work. They all do the dance, but some are better at it than others.

Precisely doc69, but $hit-for-brains doesn't see the "red herring" logical fallacy clear self-serving and gratuitous "rhetorical argumentation" being used here in an attempt to demean Coach Franklin's integrity and character by attempting to associate him with the "lowest common denominator", pragmatic, zero-principle, zero good-faith, exclusively self-interested, narcissitic coaches out there. Not only is his argumentation-style of constantly using, and applying, gratuitous, self-serving "logical fallacies" utterly bankrupt, but he apparently is such a moron that he is too stupid to understand that he is even using them.
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I believe (Note to Pennsy_Kraken, I said "I", as in my personal thoughts) that the staff feels that we are still in the running for Justin Fields and the back-up plan is Jace Ruder from Kansas.

Many times after we lose a commit, you see many offers going out to recruits at that position. The only QB to receive an offer post Fields decommitment was Ruder. Many thought that Leary (QB from NJ) would pick-up an offer asap, which has still yet to happen. Ruder is the type of dual-threat QB that fits Franklin/Moorhead's system, and has very similar traits to Trace. Leary is more of a strong arm pocket passer.

My prediction going forward:
I feel we are about to become serious with Jace Ruder after Tyler Shough commits to UNC. Jace recently had a very good visit to Chapel Hill and had some crystal balls pointing that way for him in the last couple of days, but I think Shough will take the QB position at UNC for the 2018 class. The more Fields takes visits and the longer it goes without a decision, the PSU staff will put the full court pressure on Ruder for a PSU commitment.
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Who said anything that demeans Franklin's character or integrity?

He has stated and clearly implied that Franklin is playing games, and not being candid and forthright, with Ruder (among other potential QB prospects Coach Franklin and PSU are currently pursuing)!!! He also stated that just because some scumbag college coaches act in a dishonorable way towards recruits (a good example would be Hairball going back on his word to several "Michigan Commitments" only weeks before LOI Day), it means that all coaches do these types of things....A CLEARLY BULL$HIT and SELF-SERVING ARGUMENTATION "LOGICAL FALLACY". LMFAO, "who said anything that demeans Franklin's character or integrity?"
Chris Bleich will be back on campus tomorrow.

Huh? Your example proves the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE Einstein -- PSU made AND ACCEPTED additional offers to OL after Bleich's Decomittment (offers and acceptances from OL Prospects rated much higher than Bleich I should add). Your notion that PSU and Coach Franklin would welcome Bleich back with open arms at this point (or have a scholarship for him) if he changed his mind and wanted to "re-commit" to PSU after de-committing several months ago is LAUGHABLE beyond description.

Your example proves the diametric opposite of what you are attempting to prove, LMFAO!
Huh? Your example proves the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE Einstein -- PSU made AND ACCEPTED additional offers to OL after Bleich's Decomittment (offers and acceptances from OL Prospects rated much higher than Bleich I should add). Your notion that PSU and Coach Franklin would welcome Bleich back with open arms at this point (or have a scholarship for him) if he changed his mind and wanted to "re-commit" to PSU after de-committing several months ago is LAUGHABLE beyond description.

Your example proves the diametric opposite of what you are attempting to prove, LMFAO!

I think you have hit the point where you are now confusing yourself with multiple posters who have called you out for being, in a polite way, a "dick". Can someone come get their guy?

Who said that Franklin was going to allow him to re-commit? There are always recruits on campus without offers...
I believe (Note to Pennsy_Kraken, I said "I", as in my personal thoughts) that the staff feels that we are still in the running for Justin Fields and the back-up plan is Jace Ruder from Kansas.

Many times after we lose a commit, you see many offers going out to recruits at that position. The only QB to receive an offer post Fields decommitment was Ruder. Many thought that Leary (QB from NJ) would pick-up an offer asap, which has still yet to happen. Ruder is the type of dual-threat QB that fits Franklin/Moorhead's system, and has very similar traits to Trace. Leary is more of a strong arm pocket passer.

My prediction going forward:
I feel we are about to become serious with Jace Ruder after Tyler Shough commits to UNC. Jace recently had a very good visit to Chapel Hill and had some crystal balls pointing that way for him in the last couple of days, but I think Shough will take the QB position at UNC for the 2018 class. The more Fields takes visits and the longer it goes without a decision, the PSU staff will put the full court pressure on Ruder for a PSU commitment.
I like the way you think. I didn't know about Shough vis-vis UNC. CBs say Michie but lets hope for UNC. Ruder is an RPO QB who really likes to run. His arm strength looks similar to Trace's, which is enough (unless we listen to the self-disappeared dimwit WallaceBreen).
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He has stated and clearly implied that Franklin is playing games, and not being candid and forthright, with Ruder (among other potential QB prospects Coach Franklin and PSU are currently pursuing)!!! He also stated that just because some scumbag college coaches act in a dishonorable way towards recruits (a good example would be Hairball going back on his word to several "Michigan Commitments" only weeks before LOI Day), it means that all coaches do these types of things....A CLEARLY BULL$HIT and SELF-SERVING ARGUMENTATION "LOGICAL FALLACY". LMFAO, "who said anything that demeans Franklin's character or integrity?"
You live on 'Big Rock Candy Mountain'.
I think you have hit the point where you are now confusing yourself with multiple posters who have called you out for being, in a polite way, a "dick". Can someone come get their guy?

Who said that Franklin was going to allow him to re-commit? There are always recruits on campus without offers...

Huh? Here is what you posted to support your argumentation and notion that PSU is playing self-interested disingenuous games with QB Prospects they are currently pursuing....using them as a hedge in case they can't get JF (i.e., comparing the Bleich and Fields decommitments, but still being recruited):

Chris Bleich will be back on campus tomorrow.

Bleich is not getting another "commit-able offer" regardless of how many times he drives to campus from Plymouth, PA.
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Bleich is not getting another "commit-able offer" regardless of how many times he drives to campus from Plymouth, PA.

I do not look at Bleich's and Field's recruitments anywhere near the same.
Fields is fielding offers and visiting national powerhouses.
Bleich is visiting Rutgers and Pitt.

Wouldn't you just shit yourself if somehow the "We Are...Better" tweet came out this weekend, and Bleich recommitted to PSU though...
Not a single person has, but some understand he has to recruit in 2017 not 1955. I love that Franklin is an aggressive elite recruiter and understand what that entails.

More lies and bull$hit from spew-boy as this post unquestionably proves via it's clear lowest-common-denominator "everybody does it" LOGICAL FALLACY ARGUMENTATION:

Then you don't understand how recruiting and college football work. They all do the dance, but some are better at it than others.
He has stated and clearly implied that Franklin is playing games, and not being candid and forthright, with Ruder (among other potential QB prospects Coach Franklin and PSU are currently pursuing)!!! He also stated that just because some scumbag college coaches act in a dishonorable way towards recruits (a good example would be Hairball going back on his word to several "Michigan Commitments" only weeks before LOI Day), it means that all coaches do these types of things....A CLEARLY BULL$HIT and SELF-SERVING ARGUMENTATION "LOGICAL FALLACY". LMFAO, "who said anything that demeans Franklin's character or integrity?"
I didn't get that implication. At the end of the day, we have no idea what Franklin, Moorhead or the staff said to Ruder when they got involved in his recruitment. The message from the staff could have been "we love your talent, we're offering you a scholarship and we hope you accept it," or it could have been "we're really interested in you and we know other schools are too, and to convey our interest we're offering you a scholarship. We both know that there are other kids we're looking at, and we hope you take some time to think about what we have to offer and find some time this summer so we can talk about it some more."

Neither scenario reflects poorly on Franklin's character, and recruits say constantly that one of the best things about this staff is that they're always straight up. We don't know the message they sent to Ruder, but I think we can safely assume that the message accurately reflects the staff's intention, whether that intention is that they hope Ruder commits on the spot and he's #1 on their board, or whether it's that they're interested in him as a prospect and are offering him to show their interest - even if neither party is ready to commit just yet.
Hey! So can you confirm the two visiting prospects this week?

Hell no. I don't know a damned thing, and even when I was told stuff that made me think I knew a damned thing, it turned out that I didn't know a damned thing after all.
More lies and bull$hit from spew-boy as this post unquestionably proves via it's clear lowest-common-denominator "everybody does it" LOGICAL FALLACY ARGUMENTATION:

I CAN USE CAPS TOO and YELL PROFANITY....but the difference is I know you are FOS.

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I like the way you think. I didn't know about Shough vis-vis UNC. CBs say Michie but lets hope for UNC. Ruder is an RPO QB who really likes to run. His arm strength looks similar to Trace's, which is enough (unless we listen to the self-disappeared dimwit WallaceBreen).

Well there is step 1 - The Shough commitment to UNC.
Next up is for the visit from Ruder to PSU.
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Believe Isheem Young, Micah Parsons, and some others (Anderson-Butts?) will be back at PSU this weekend for the 7v7.