Funny how they confidently list only the top 12 seeds to account for only 4 dropouts in the top 8. I'm skeptical they'd be able to find 8 willing wrestlers from 33, given how there's no name attached to the site (whether or not it's widely otherwise known to insiders) and given how the location given is TBA (but somewhere in the "Midwest, Cleveland to Chicago").
I imagine it's probably difficult to have details in place without first gauging interest but the site looks like it's putting the cart before the horse. If I'm an athlete I'm looking for names--who's promoting, who's agreed to ref, names of nurses/doctors/health officials administering tests. The site undermines its credibility by not having names and organizations up front.
Oh, and I'd want to know who's making money from the livestream sales. Any of that going to the wrestlers? Are wrestlers travel and lodging at least accounted for? Are non-graduating seniors risking NCAA eligibility if they accept money or benefits?