The SCOTUS made it's first ruling in 2008 that the 2nd Amendment gave individuals the 'rightto keep and bear arms'. Up until then it was considered a 'group' right. Even in the 'Heller decision' they stated that the government has the right to exercise 'reasonable regulation' (Scalia) of that right.
Background checks just might fit the very definition of 'reasonable regulation'. Limits on the types of guns could also fit into that category.
The SCOTUS made it's first ruling in 2008 that the 2nd Amendment gave individuals the 'rightto keep and bear arms'. Up until then it was considered a 'group' right. Even in the 'Heller decision' they stated that the government has the right to exercise 'reasonable regulation' (Scalia) of that right.
Background checks just might fit the very definition of 'reasonable regulation'. Limits on the types of guns could also fit into that category.