I have to agree. For a long time I was of the school that Bitcoin was another tulipmania. However, in business I've had to learn how to deal with the millennials and Gen-Zers, and more important understand how they think. They value different things than I do. They are fearful of things I never feared. They are fearless in certain arenas in which I am totally uncomfortable. They value time, they value savings, they value experiences, they value knowledge, and they value portability. They do not fear the digital world. For when the s#@t hit the fan in the past, I always wanted real assets (real estate, equipment, gold, fine art, fine wine) and low/no debt. The next generations don't want to be bogged down with possessions that they can't AirBnB. They don't trust government. They want to save. They love owning equities (although many have not lived through the other side of the last 10 months. And they will want some assets in digital currencies. BTC is not, nor will it ever be used as a traditional currency (although in many cases, you could purchase a house with it and transfer the funds to do it for less than $100USD.) It is a store of value as gold, diamonds, art, collectible wine and whiskey, and even property are. It is exponentially more volatile than any of those assets because of the uncertainty which surrounds it. It could be worth $500,000 in 5 years, or it could be worth $5.00 in 5 years. As the certainty increases, the value will move closer to one of those 2 points. It is the nature of speculative markets.
But in analyzing the equation, we have to think like the 21-40 year olds, or at the very least understand how they think. We logically think they are nuts. As our kids tell us all the time, they think we are nuts. We just value different things.
There is a great economist that I have followed for 20 years name Brian Beaulieu and he reminds me do not mistake the millennial's innovation for laziness. They are incredibly innovative and intelligent and underestimate them at your own expense. ( hopefully the kids don't read this)