Now is when @2lion70 comes around and tells us Biden is a man of high character.... lol....
The ignominious end of this administration suggests that Joe Biden may be lucky if historians only remember him as a man who suffered from cognitive decline. Unfortunately character problems that date back to the days when he was mentally sound continue to haunt America’s 46th president.
Steven Nelson reports for the New York Post:
The ignominious end of this administration suggests that Joe Biden may be lucky if historians only remember him as a man who suffered from cognitive decline. Unfortunately character problems that date back to the days when he was mentally sound continue to haunt America’s 46th president.
Steven Nelson reports for the New York Post:
The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons.
The cache of photos, released long after their potential political salience and days before Biden retires on Jan. 20, also show Chinese President Xi Jinping grinning as then-Vice President Biden introduced his son during the same December 2013 trip to Beijing.
The Xi-Hunter Biden encounter, which had not previously garnered much attention, appears to have been at a meal Hunter described in an email to his former associate Devon Archer as “pretty amazing” because his dad and China’s powerful authoritarian leader “were supposed to spend 2hrs together [but it] stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love.”
Xi was about two months into his ambitious “Belt and Road” foreign-influence and investment campaign — and a Chinese state-backed company aligned with that vision, BHR Partners, was in the process [of] being co-launched by Hunter.