A (not so) great look by Flo


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2016
For those who remember, I used to post videos of matches on youtube back in 2016/2017. TLDR: is that I got banned without any warnings or strikes (at least I was not alerted of them) and youtube has been a pain to use since. I finally took the time to dig up who filed the appeal and it was pretty awful.

I always assumed ESPN/NCAA or a similar giant corporate entity banned the original matches were broadcast on ESPN 3. The truth was way worse.

It turns out that flowrestling, who never owned broadcasting rights for nationals and had to post clip compilations so as not to violate restrictions, were the ones that decided to flag my account out of spite. Despite not uploading a single match/clip that was behind Flo's paywall (the only time I ever did so was after I asked Willy if he would allow me to use a clip of theirs from the southern scuffle), flo decided to get really petty. I wish they'd just bury the hatchet on this one and remove their claims so I can delete the vidoes and get my ****ing playlists back.

PS: You have to admire the fact that instead of submitting one claim, they made sure to make four separate claims so that I would be banned immediately instead of getting a warning or a 1st strike.
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I believe I pointed out Flo's overreach at the time on these specific facts--where they had a limited license and misused that as the basis to takedown content that exceeded that license. There's relatively little risk in issuing copyright takedowns against smaller-fish account holders b/c they generally don't have the wherewithal to issue counternotifications and they (often justifiably) fear litigation.
For those who remember, I used to post videos of matches on youtube back in 2016/2017. TLDR: is that I got banned without any warnings or strikes (at least I was not alerted of them) and youtube has been a pain to use since. I finally took the time to dig up who filed the appeal and it was pretty awful.

I always assumed ESPN/NCAA or a similar giant corporate entity banned the original matches were broadcast on ESPN 3. The truth was way worse.

It turns out that flowrestling, who never owned broadcasting rights for nationals and had to post clip compilations so as not to violate restrictions, were the ones that decided to flag my account out of spite. Despite not uploading a single match/clip that was behind Flo's paywall (the only time I ever did so was after I asked Willy if he would allow me to use a clip of theirs from the southern scuffle), flo decided to get really petty. I wish they'd just bury the hatchet on this one and remove their claims so I can delete the vidoes and get my ****ing playlists back.

PS: You have to admire the fact that instead of submitting one claim, they made sure to make four separate claims so that I would be banned immediately instead of getting a warning or a 1st strike.
Probably because your videos were better than theirs. I can't go anywhere and rewatch them can I?