Alex Boone on Jim Harbaugh - "This guy might be clinically insane." link**

Oh, no. He's a genius. He likes American Sniper, and he doesn't care who

is offended. He's a hero for our time.
His style is much better suited for college than the NFL

You can fire up 18 to 22 year old kids with that gung ho attitude but its a lot harder to do that with vertran NFL players.
What does American Sniper have to do with it other than an opportunity for

you to take a shot at conservatives on this board as opposed to the test board? By the way, he was right to stand up to campus "liberals" who were so "liberal" as to attempt to shut down an opposing viewpoint on their campus. That has nothing to do with football though. It is just a means to insert your political agenda here. If an anti-liberal remark is made on this board, the thread is immediately shut down or moved. That to me is a very limp-wristed way of conducting one's self. If you truly believed in your point of view, why not welcome the opportunity to defend it against those who challenge it?
Well, wasn't that letter from a Michigan coach to a players girlfriend related to Harbaugh? That letter was borderline insane or written by someone on speed. The Michigan fans will eat this nonsense up for a few years but after a while I think Harbaugh begins to annoy people in the AD office just like at San Francisco.
What does that have to do with anything?

So a movie about a guy who served his counter and did everything possible to protect his mates in urban combat is some how bad? Good grief come out of your fantasy world.
Help me out - and what is wrong with that?

Am I supposed to think less of him because he liked American Sniper?

What a lame and insulting post.
I haven't seen American Sniper, but apparently you have. Did you not like

it? Was it the acting, the director or the general theme?
All that matters is winning. Anybody who believes otherwise

in 2015 is naive.

Not saying I agree with this, but it is true.
He IS insane ..... no doubt. Not necessarily a bad thing.

Now, I'm firmly in the camp of "JH is going to be highly successful at AA." But: that's not a sure thing. Call it a 80% chance.

What IS 100% is there's no way JH is going to be "somewhere in the middle." Either this is going to be a roaring success or an enormous train wreck that is 20 times worse than the Rich Rod era.

Fun times ahead ........
Oh, you must have missed the thread a week ago where a person pointed out

what a great thing it was that Harbaugh announced he was going to show American sniper to his team even though the university had banned it. That had nothing to do with football, either, but you did not demand it be on the test board. And in fact it stayed up for the rest of the time it COULD have stayed up. Nobody took it down and there were lots of attacks on me and my views and this one wont get taken to the test board either, most likely

Now it turns out someone who worked with him, and who knows him better than you or I ever will, thinks he might be crazy. That has nothing to do with football either.
This post was edited on 4/20 7:15 AM by demlion
The general theme "It is possible to be a complete, beloved hero when

what you are doing is the product of a war crime by the top folks in the US." Left me cold. I was also wondering why the film did not spend any time outlining Kyle's longterm adversarial nature with the truth. Ain't all that many heroes get lit up for defamation like that.
Re: The general theme "It is possible to be a complete, beloved hero when

You're an @ss. I'll just leave it at that.
Well, ANOTHER part of your argument last week

was that JH shouldn't voice his opinion on these sorts of things, because a couple players he didn't even coach got in trouble in Ann Arbor during the Brady Hoke regime.

That was another reason for the "lots of attacks on me and my views" that occurred.
And it is still true today--he has his hands full. he ought to shut up

about geopolitics until he has shown he can run his FB team. But as a naked ploy to get fools like you to admire him, it worked. so there is that.
Jesus Christ himself could become a college football coach

and he'd still have some subset of his 85 scholarship players who were running around doing dumb stuff and getting in trouble. Boys will be boys ........

I don't have a problem with coaches talking about movies. You say "geopolitics", but this isn't exactly negotiating nuclear armaments with Iran. Just an opinion on a movie.
That's the most common defense of rape culture (gibbons)

and vicious beatings doled out to opposing teams' fans (lewan). "Boys will be boys..." Harbaughs job is to fix it, not take stands on movies. If it does not matter why is he talking about it? he chose the topic.
Harbaugh will be very successful at mich. I like
How the op focused on this guy is crazy.
Now will it be forever probably not.

They will contend for a championship or several though.

He takes a team to a higher level with intensity and gets

I will take that over someone like Obama who preaches
Hope and improvement but because he isn't a leader, doesn't know how to get there.

Now we will contend with Hilary another non leader that Doesn't
Know or has ever led anyone.

There I said it. Demlion I am sure that will fire you up.
Yeah, I'm a big time-basher as regards Gibbons and Lewan

I don't "defend rape culture." Those two did not act like dignified and proper human beings, and deserve to be called out for such.

That said, (a) those two aren't part of the JH regime, and (b) you get 85 guys together, even if a coach is good enough to make sure that 98% of them act like proper and dignified human beings, there is STILL a greater than 50% chance you have at least 2 screw-ups.

I think back to the fellas I knew in college. Mostly great guys, but there were definitely more than 2% who were fully capable of doing extremely dumb and/or violent stuff at times. 18-22 year old guys ... I view it as impossible that they will all be saints.
Boys will be boys, right? Gobbpns did this and walked free without

any sanction for over a year. Which boys were being boys when that got arranged?
A few years back, a kid in Pennsylvania was "looking at stuff on the internet" and it "drove" him bonkers and "made" him attack his teacher.
Police --- the ACTUAL police --- investigated Gibbons and

didn't charge him. What exactly do you want there?

Yes --- "boys will be boys." Our gender is more hard-wired to act stupid and act violent, especially when we are young, versus the fairer gender.

Seriously, I took my 8-year-old nephew to a UC Bearcat football game with 5 of his friends this past December. Just me and 5 8-9 year olds. It was honestly like supervising a pack of rabid wolves. Boys are boys.

I fully promote that we should do as much as possible to teach young boys how to act respectfully. But we're never going to bat 100% in that respect, it is what it is.

So to answer your question --- YES, boys will occasionally be boys.
This post was edited on 4/20 11:20 AM by michnittlion
Re: Im sure the police said Boys will be Boys.*

I wonder what the police would say about trying to tie a new coach to what happened on a previous coach's team and whether that should prevent the new coach from making a comment about a film.
Re: Jesus Christ himself could become a college football coach

Originally posted by michnittlion:
and he'd still have some subset of his 85 scholarship players who were running around doing dumb stuff and getting in trouble. Boys will be boys ........

I don't have a problem with coaches talking about movies. You say "geopolitics", but this isn't exactly negotiating nuclear armaments with Iran. Just an opinion on a movie.
Excuse me, but did you say "boys will be boys?"
Michigan kicker Brendan Gibbons RAPED a female student.Michigan OL Taylor Lewan threatened the rape victim to keep her mouth shut or she'd get RAPED again.Michigan police took zero corrective actions against these star Michigan football players.The University of Michigan allowed them to continue playing football because #sports.If you want to downplay their violations of humanity, that's great. But please do it as a Michigan football fan rather than as a Penn State graduate. #RapeCulture
Yes --- "boys will be boys." Reference the link --- to a post of mine

elsewhere in this thread.

As you know, the police investigated Gibbons/Lewan. A POLICE REPORT ACTUALLY EXISTS!

Of course: if only a police report for 2001 existed at Penn State, then we wouldn't have had all those problems a couple years ago.

But alas, nobody went to the police ............
Re: Yes --- "boys will be boys." Reference the link --- to a post of mine

Originally posted by michnittlion:

As you know, the police investigated Gibbons/Lewan. A POLICE REPORT ACTUALLY EXISTS!
How soon we forget why rape charges were never filed vs Brendan Gibbons:


Sad to see you aiding and abetting Michigan's rape culture in the name of gridiron glory, michnittlion.
Well, there IS a Police Report. Damn, I wish WE had one from 2001

don't you agree?

Just ONE police report from then and the last 3 1/2 years don't happen.
Re: Yes --- "boys will be boys." Reference the link --- to a post of mine

If only he defended Penn State on the Michigan board half as much as he defends Michigan on the Penn St board. ;)
Re: Well, there IS a Police Report. Damn, I wish WE had one from 2001

Stop spinning. This thread is about Michigan football. Not Jerry Sandusky.

Q: Did Taylor Lewan threaten the rape victim with another rape if she pursued charges vs Brendan Gibbons?

Is that just "boys being boys" in your world?

You sound like the cops who high-fived Taylor Lewan after he clocked an Ohio State fan. #culture

LOL, "stop spinning." My original argument was in response

to demlion, who appears to think that all football coaches should be able to have a roster of 85 saintly young-men who always act in a proper and dignified fashion.

Guess what --- impossible. As I said, we should 100% teach young boys respect and proper behavior. But we're not going to bat perfectly on that, and young males are simply more hard-wired to be aggressive, physical and risk-taking.

Penn State does NOT have a "rape culture problem", despite the events of the last 4 years. We have a "some fellas didn't do what they were supposed to do problem", but the key word there is some. Anyway, it's absurd how you label that Michigan has a "rape culture problem." That's just as absurd as people claiming we have one.
This post was edited on 4/20 11:42 PM by michnittlion
What does that have to do with anything?

So a movie about a guy who served his counter and did everything possible to protect his mates in urban combat is some how bad? Good grief come out of your fantasy world.
Oh, no. He's a genius. He likes American Sniper, and he doesn't care who

is offended. He's a hero for our time.

PLEASE, someone tell me I just can't find the "Ignore" button and that it's not just gone. Please.