LOL, "stop spinning." My original argument was in response
to demlion, who appears to think that all football coaches should be able to have a roster of 85 saintly young-men who always act in a proper and dignified fashion.
Guess what --- impossible. As I said, we should 100% teach young boys respect and proper behavior. But we're not going to bat perfectly on that, and young males are simply more hard-wired to be aggressive, physical and risk-taking.
Penn State does NOT have a "rape culture problem", despite the events of the last 4 years. We have a "some fellas didn't do what they were supposed to do problem", but the key word there is some. Anyway, it's absurd how you label that Michigan has a "rape culture problem." That's just as absurd as people claiming we have one.
This post was edited on 4/20 11:42 PM by michnittlion