These posts crack me up. There are several thousand members, all capable of starting a thread on football at anytime 24/7. They can discuss any aspect of the football program, no restrictions other than what is on the pay service. They can research sports papers, web sites, sports channels. They can talk to players, player's families, neighbors, co-workers, coaches, cheerleaders, band members, high school friends, ex-girl friends, ex-boyfriends, any source they want on any topic they want.
If there is any news, rumors, rumors of news......anything...they can start a thread. They can put up the hundredth post about how bad the OL was last year and how scared they are of it again. Or whine about Coach O leaving. Or pretend you know who to play or how to call plays better than a dozen coaches with years of experience and spending 12 hrs a day with the players, the training staff, or watching film. They can ask about who was the best back up, windy, place kicker holder of all time. What was the best quadruple reverse half back pass option with a hitch and go of all time. What is your favorite snap count and why. A N Y T H I N G ! ! !
So stop whining about what is being posted. Go do some research, talk to some sources, drink heavily until some arcane football subject arises out of the fog and post away. Until then, just don't click on what you don't want to read.
There now, that wasn't so difficult was it?