Amazon Smile donation issue?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Ontario, OH
I signed up to donate to the NLWC through the Amazon Smile process seemingly over a year ago. Today I received this notice:

We’re sorry. Nittany Lion Wrestling Club has not completed its AmazonSmile registration and therefore we have been unable to issue donations to the organization.
Since we have not been able to successfully issue the donations based on your previous AmazonSmile purchases, we have been holding these donations. Please select a different charity to support and Amazon will issue the donation amount generated as a result of your previous purchases to the new charity you select.

Did anyone else receiver this notice?

After short consideration I suspect the amount of money donated is very small and possibly the registration process is difficult or onerous for the NLWC, thus they didn't comply but this is all speculation on my part. Just wondering if others received the notice and your thoughts.
It is still listed as a choice of organizations to choose from. That is strange...
I signed up to donate to the NLWC through the Amazon Smile process seemingly over a year ago. Today I received this notice:

We’re sorry. Nittany Lion Wrestling Club has not completed its AmazonSmile registration and therefore we have been unable to issue donations to the organization.
Since we have not been able to successfully issue the donations based on your previous AmazonSmile purchases, we have been holding these donations. Please select a different charity to support and Amazon will issue the donation amount generated as a result of your previous purchases to the new charity you select.

Did anyone else receiver this notice?

After short consideration I suspect the amount of money donated is very small and possibly the registration process is difficult or onerous for the NLWC, thus they didn't comply but this is all speculation on my part. Just wondering if others received the notice and your thoughts.
Having been through this before, it usually is due to not having the banking info completed or something along those lines.

Until then, you could pick "Grover Rains Takedown Club" and help a small town team out ;)
The donation is 0.5%. It is not worth it. I saw an article in the NYtimes, they recommended to charitable clubs not to do it. If people think they are donating through Amazon smile, they don't donate as much. Real donations are better than 0.5%.
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The donation is 0.5%. It is not worth it. I saw an article in the NYtimes, they recommended to charitable clubs not to do it. If people think they are donating through Amazon smile, they don't donate as much. Real donations are better than 0.5%.
If you had watched Superman 4, you’d know that even sub-pennies add up! ;)
Amazon had reached out to the NLWC, but the club never responded. Out of an abundance of caution, they (the NLWC) have so far chosen to not participate. That may change in the future.

We suspect the reason the NLWC is on the list is because they were contacted. Seems bass-ackwards to me … don't place them on the list till the paperwork is done.
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... Out of an abundance of caution ...
Aside: In case you were about to ask my opinion, according to my own pet peeve, the “abundance of caution” phrase should never be used. It’s not worth it! (Because it seems to be a weasel phrase used by weasel lawyers.) :)
Aside: In case you were about to ask my opinion, according to my own pet peeve, the “abundance of caution” phrase should never be used. It’s not worth it! (Because it seems to be a weasel phrase used by weasel lawyers.) :)
Isn't the term "weasel lawyers" an oxymoron?

Seriously thanks to the feedback from everyone. They confirm my suspicion of the Amazon commitment to donations, minimal at best..
The donation is 0.5%. It is not worth it. I saw an article in the NYtimes, they recommended to charitable clubs not to do it. If people think they are donating through Amazon smile, they don't donate as much. Real donations are better than 0.5%.
Wow. No idea it was this small. So $1 million in Amazon sales pointed to a specific charity would yield only $5000 for that charity? Unless the paperwork for that charity is small and easy, almost not worth it.

In fact, for the HWC to get $5 million directed to it (to keep on par with the NLWC), they would need to buy $1 billion in Amazon product!! I don't think the net worth (let alone buying power) on HR (minus FineMaterial and WT of course) approaches $10k, let alone $1 billion.

Almost looks like a bit of a scam. You could repurpose your 1-5% cash back on your credit card from purchases to your charity and have an exponential effect
It is a small amount, but it doesn't have to be in lieu of donations. I have my account set up for a different charity, and though it may only be a small amount it adds up. This organization is has over 460,000 followers on Facebook. If only a quarter of them spend $200 a year on Amazon, it is $5750. And people don't do Amazon Smile instead of donations, it is on top of them...
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If only a quarter of them spend $200 a year on Amazon, it is $5750. And people don't do Amazon Smile instead of donations, it is on top of them...
I hope you are right, but human nature being human nature, if there is a way to be lazy AND save money they will. The club I help run does it. I donate. But we do it by word of mouth among the officers, so we get a little of Amazon's money but we don't shut off(or reduce) the general donations. Those are people who will donate anyway. Good luck.
I hope you are right, but human nature being human nature, if there is a way to be lazy AND save money they will. The club I help run does it. I donate. But we do it by word of mouth among the officers, so we get a little of Amazon's money but we don't shut off(or reduce) the general donations. Those are people who will donate anyway. Good luck.

Maybe I am naive (probably am) but people who are passionate about something, and will make the effort to sign up to help via Amazon, will probably also donate other ways as well. I donate to the boxer rescue where we have adopted our last three dogs. But I also donate regularly to help with extreme rescues who have special medical needs etc...
How do you skip over 'Office Space' and reference Superman 4?:confused::)
Oops. Also, I skipped over Superman 3 which actually skimmed sub pennies, and referenced Superman 4, which probably did not involve sub pennies and which I never watched. :)

One thing I forgot about Superman 3:
“... the company’s accountants immediately notice the sudden loss of funds and finger Gus the next day when he nonchalantly drives his new Ferrari to work.”

I hope the slush funders are still prudently driving Toyotas and such. ;)
I have no idea the percentage of purchase going to organization, but it all adds up.

If you go to Your AmazonSmile account it plainly tells you both what you have earned and a total.

You have generated
as of July 14, 2019

All charities have received
... AmazonSmile account ...

You have generated

You must buy a lot of nice stuff! I have generated only $12.82, from when I remember to buy from instead of just .