Anybody know the best current CD rates?

It depends on how much you’re willing to put in and for some banks if you are already a client or not but I’m getting 4 1/2 and 5% on mine.
LMCU is a credit union, federally insured, you open a savings account for $5 and then have full access. Think they are based in Michigan and Florida. I use LMCU as my basic Florida bank. Seems no charges for anything.
Vanguard's money market funds are over 5% now. one-year CDs around 5.5. 10 year municipals 4.3 which is pretty intriguing if you're not too worried about inflation.

If you've interested in shifting cash to bond mutual funds, now's a good time to do it. It wasn't a good time when bond yields were near historic lows.
I have some cash in CDs, non-callable, paying 4.5-5.00%. All with April maturity to use to purchase a home. Rest of my liquid (non-retirement) funds are in RYTNX, a mutual fund that does 2x S&P 500.
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Brokered CD's at Fidelity are now at 5.30-5.35% for 3, 6, 9, or 12 mos.
Brokered CD's at Fidelity are now at 5.30-5.35% for 3, 6, 9, or 12 mos.
I have a few of these laddered with Fidelity Investments, they are market CD's redeemable at face value upon maturity, but they may be traded at market, subject to discounts if you purchased a few years ago before rates increased but purchased to at least preserve capital. 2% at the time was so much better than watching value erode in the investment market.
One coming due is 4.25. I have others at 4.5 and 5.0. Around 100k total
LMCU still offering 4.65 for one year. By the way, i will only deal with a bank i can physically visit. You might be able to do better with a money market account, those rates fluctuate with the market. We also have accounts with Fidelity, check web site for Market Rate CD's. Yes, I do physically visit the Fidelity office in Naples as well as several LMCU branches in SW FL. It is nice to have a bit of extra money.
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LMCU still offering 4.65 for one year. By the way, i will only deal with a bank i can physically visit. You might be able to do better with a money market account, those rates fluctuate with the market. We also have accounts with Fidelity, check web site for Market Rate CD's. Yes, I do physically visit the Fidelity office in Naples as well as several LMCU branches in SW FL. It is nice to have a bit of extra money.
My local bank seems to have the best rates so I’m good but an extra 0.5% on 100k is 500 bucks, enough to add an extra night to vacation….