Anyone else having problems with rivals freezing your computer?

NoVa Lion

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Happens to me constantly including more than once while making this post. I'm about ready to just give up on this site.
Happens to me constantly including more than once while making this post. I'm about ready to just give up on this site.

Add more anti-freeze and bring your computer indoors.
I had similar problems a long time ago and they stopped after I loaded an ad blocker
Happens to me constantly including more than once while making this post. I'm about ready to just give up on this site.
Where I work we pay a lot of money to our help line and for every issue they always recommend to reboot your computer and here you just got that advice for free
Happens to me constantly including more than once while making this post. I'm about ready to just give up on this site.

Yes, it's the ads. They constantly refresh every 25 to 30 seconds, Between all the ads refreshing I get about 10 seconds out of every minute to post or review a thread.