Anyone see Walking Dead last night?

Chickenman Testa

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2003
Great episode - even without Michionne or Daryl featuring.

You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.

I love scary-ass Carol.
Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
Great episode - even without Michionne or Daryl featuring.

You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.

I love scary-ass Carol.
I love how the multiple story lines dealt with the same theme - Rick's group is better prepared for life "outside" the walls - with different results.

and Eugene finally manned up. but that mullet, that van. it was glorious . . .

surprised Carol went to Rick with that "news" . . .
I was watching that episode and it seemed like a nice sunny summer day, and yet the carnage was devastating. As odd as that sounds, it brought a sense of realism to a day in the show. Carol - wow. I haven't seen a performance like that since Gene Hackman in Unforgiven. She is utterly menacing.
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
I've loved the show since the beginning. Don't know about you, but if the zombie apocalypse hits, I'm headed for an island. Cull the island zombies, and zombie free living forever. Easy
I am going to make a bold prediction for the season 5 finale

Originally posted by Up In The Air:
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
next episode will deal with the aftermath of the bloodshed from this week's episode

it will pit the Alexandria natives versus Rick's group. sides will be taken. blood will be shed. Darryl will take on a F-14 fighter jet and win.

then at the very end of the season finale, the feuding will stop because . . . Negan and Lucille. fade to black, suck it for 8 months and season 6
this, though if you read World War Z

There may be some issues with Zombies washing up on shore.

At the very least I'd live near water with access to boats so one flank was safe.
here is my list of deaths by the end of season 5

Originally posted by Up In The Air:
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
Father Gabriel (cuz eff that traitor!!)
Reg (mister Deanna)
Pete (Jessie's husband will die a painful death!)
BTW, I'm who's going to be the first to call Rick "Shane" to his face?

This whole season I've been waiting for it.
I don't understand the severity of the zombie threat.

I can't help but think a Roman legion would make mince meat of them. Tight formation, shields and armor, spears to keep them at bay, and excellent sword skills to decimate them, and yet mankind with all its technology and more importantly communications ability falls prey to something that can't work a doorknob? Which leads me to the survivors tactics. We all know taking walkers and cutting off the arms and jaws provides nice protection. So does covering yourself in zombie blood. Why is this not standard mo at all times? You could form an interlinking chain of zombies and be darn near invisible to the rest of the walkers. Which brings me to another rant. At the warehouse, when they encountered the zombies behind the fence, why not take them out? It would have been easy, safe to do, and not taken much time. How does not taking out walkers considered the safe bet? There should be an active policy to clear as much of the threat at every opportunity as possible. Walkers are stupid. Corale and kill them like cattle at every opportunity.

Then there's Morgan. I don't read the comics, but I know it's not going to happen anyways, but I'd love to find out all those W's on those corpses were actually upside down M's.

End rants about a show I am absolutely addicted to.
Re: I am going to make a bold prediction for the season 5 finale

You're just stealing the fighter jet that has been idled for years and still works from the John Travolta/Barry Pepper classic extraordinare Battlefield Earth.
Re: I am going to make a bold prediction for the season 5 finale

Originally posted by 91Joe95:
You're just stealing the fighter jet that has been idled for years and still works from the John Travolta/Barry Pepper classic extraordinare Battlefield Earth.
I want to award you points for creativity

but I also want to punch you in the thorax for bringing up that dreadful film
Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
Great episode - even without Michionne or Daryl featuring.

You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.

I love scary-ass Carol.
Yea it was a good episode. I have some "issues" with it, mostly that I don't think the Zone would have survived this long, since they're mostly cowards and cold have never amassed the stuff that they have on their own "runs".
I know many are awaiting the arrival of Negan but INMO its too soon, these last few episodes have followed the comics pretty closely so I would be expecting The Survivors to make an appearance.

I love Carol the "talk" she had with Sam the week before was emmy material.
Also liked what they did with Eugene but again while they didn't follow the source material exactly you knew it was in the making.
Re: I don't understand the severity of the zombie threat.

Originally posted by 91Joe95:
I can't help but think a Roman legion would make mince meat of them. Tight formation, shields and armor, spears to keep them at bay, and excellent sword skills to decimate them, and yet mankind with all its technology and more importantly communications ability falls prey to something that can't work a doorknob? Which leads me to the survivors tactics. We all know taking walkers and cutting off the arms and jaws provides nice protection. So does covering yourself in zombie blood. Why is this not standard mo at all times? You could form an interlinking chain of zombies and be darn near invisible to the rest of the walkers. Which brings me to another rant. At the warehouse, when they encountered the zombies behind the fence, why not take them out? It would have been easy, safe to do, and not taken much time. How does not taking out walkers considered the safe bet? There should be an active policy to clear as much of the threat at every opportunity as possible. Walkers are stupid. Corale and kill them like cattle at every opportunity.

Then there's Morgan. I don't read the comics, but I know it's not going to happen anyways, but I'd love to find out all those W's on those corpses were actually upside down M's.

End rants about a show I am absolutely addicted to.
Those questions you have will all be answered.
Re: I am going to make a bold prediction for the season 5 finale

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by Up In The Air:
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
next episode will deal with the aftermath of the bloodshed from this week's episode

it will pit the Alexandria natives versus Rick's group. sides will be taken. blood will be shed. Darryl will take on a F-14 fighter jet and win.

then at the very end of the season finale, the feuding will stop because . . . Negan and Lucille. fade to black, suck it for 8 months and season 6
INMO its too soon for Negan and Lucille. I think about this time next season they will show up.
Although they might give you a glimpse or 2 of them.
Re: I am going to make a bold prediction for the season 5 finale

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by 91Joe95:
You're just stealing the fighter jet that has been idled for years and still works from the John Travolta/Barry Pepper classic extraordinare Battlefield Earth.
I want to award you points for creativity

but I also want to punch you in the thorax for bringing up that dreadful film
Some movies are so bad that they become good. Battlefield Earth doesn't reach that level, but they sure did give it the good old college try.

Thanks for sharing. Seriously. ***

Originally posted by 91Joe95:
I can't help but think a Roman legion would make mince meat of them. Tight formation, shields and armor, spears to keep them at bay, and excellent sword skills to decimate them, and yet mankind with all its technology and more importantly communications ability falls prey to something that can't work a doorknob? Which leads me to the survivors tactics. We all know taking walkers and cutting off the arms and jaws provides nice protection. So does covering yourself in zombie blood. Why is this not standard mo at all times? You could form an interlinking chain of zombies and be darn near invisible to the rest of the walkers. Which brings me to another rant. At the warehouse, when they encountered the zombies behind the fence, why not take them out? It would have been easy, safe to do, and not taken much time. How does not taking out walkers considered the safe bet? There should be an active policy to clear as much of the threat at every opportunity as possible. Walkers are stupid. Corale and kill them like cattle at every opportunity.

Then there's Morgan. I don't read the comics, but I know it's not going to happen anyways, but I'd love to find out all those W's on those corpses were actually upside down M's.

End rants about a show I am absolutely addicted to.
I'm on issue #136 of the comics, so I dug into the back issues

Originally posted by BBrown:

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by Up In The Air:
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
next episode will deal with the aftermath of the bloodshed from this week's episode

it will pit the Alexandria natives versus Rick's group. sides will be taken. blood will be shed. Darryl will take on a F-14 fighter jet and win.

then at the very end of the season finale, the feuding will stop because . . . Negan and Lucille. fade to black, suck it for 8 months and season 6
INMO its too soon for Negan and Lucille. I think about this time next season they will show up.
Although they might give you a glimpse or 2 of them.
I somehow overlooked about 30 issues between the arrival in Alexandria Safe-Zone and the arrival of Negan.

maybe season 5 will end with the firefight with the scavenger group and the arrival of "the herd"

but damn I hope the TV show doesn't water down Negan the way they watered down The Governor . . .
I keep watching, probably because the acting is so good (Carol, Daryl, Michionne -- all first rate actors)

But really the zombie combat -- the core of the show's premise and so much of the action -- is so farfetched. These things are slow, completely stupid, easily distracted. Their skulls are rotted and soft so they can be killed basically by hitting their head or stabbing them with a stick.

As someone noted, rudimentary Roman Legion tactics would work. A wooden or plastic shield that can resist the bites, and a club -- that's pretty much all you would need. It's a game of whack a mole. And if there are too many, just keep moving because they can't run at all and they trip over pretty much any obstacle. Just three seconds of running buys 10-15 seconds of safety and there's almost no terrain where you couldn't climb something and get out of reach -- or at least a place where you can bash them before they teach you.

I think if the zombie apocalypse were real, it would actually be a lot less scary because real people would figure out how easy it is to kill these things.

And can someone explain -- how can something whose bones are the consistency of cheese somehow have the biting abilities of a (non-zombie) lion. Just one bite and they can rip your viscera out! Makes for some great gruesome TV but every time I see it it doesn't make sense. Human skin is layered and elastic and actually fairly bite-resistent.
Re: I'm on issue #136 of the comics, so I dug into the back issues

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by BBrown:

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by Up In The Air:
Last night's episode had enough over the top action to be the season finale!
Better buckle up cause the next 2 weeks are going to be a hell of a ride!
Revolving door of death! OMG!!!!
next episode will deal with the aftermath of the bloodshed from this week's episode

it will pit the Alexandria natives versus Rick's group. sides will be taken. blood will be shed. Darryl will take on a F-14 fighter jet and win.

then at the very end of the season finale, the feuding will stop because . . . Negan and Lucille. fade to black, suck it for 8 months and season 6
INMO its too soon for Negan and Lucille. I think about this time next season they will show up.
Although they might give you a glimpse or 2 of them.
I somehow overlooked about 30 issues between the arrival in Alexandria Safe-Zone and the arrival of Negan.

maybe season 5 will end with the firefight with the scavenger group and the arrival of "the herd"

but damn I hope the TV show doesn't water down Negan the way they watered down The Governor . . .
>>maybe season 5 will end with the firefight with the scavenger group and the arrival of "the herd"
Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.
1) I think Rick said it best a few weeks ago. The biggest threat now isn't from the Walkers - its from other humans. In a way, the darkest part of this show hasn't necessarily been the end of the world premise but rather the fact that our species and civilization really regresses back to a savage state of affairs. Not exactly the Ayn Rand model for human behavior.

2) This show isn't just getting darker and darker, its getting bleaker and bleaker. You think Game of Thrones has a body count, but damn. There's only what - five original cast left over from the first season? Rick, Glen, Carol, Carl and Daryl? Seeing Beth die was bad - but if they kill off Maggie and Daryl...!? I'm not sure if there is going to ever be a happy ending for this show or not. Are they all destined to die? How long does it take all these walkers to decompose?! I've watched a lot of shows where after a while, you wanted the writers to just stop and give the characters a break - it just got too depressing to see all these people go through such terrible trauma. But, seriously - now I'm actually getting nightmares from this show - not from zombies, but rather from the fact that nobody seems to have a chance.

3) I haven't followed the comics, so Walking Dead has been a really new experience for me. I'm trying desperately to avoid staying spoiler free here, even though I know some of my fellow geeks on this forum are waiting for some payback for Game of Thrones.
Re: I'm on issue #136 of the comics, so I dug into the back issues

Originally posted by BBrown:

>>maybe season 5 will end with the firefight with the scavenger group and the arrival of "the herd"
Originally posted by jjsocrates:
Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.
1) I think Rick said it best a few weeks ago. The biggest threat now isn't from the Walkers - its from other humans. In a way, the darkest part of this show hasn't necessarily been the end of the world premise but rather the fact that our species and civilization really regresses back to a savage state of affairs. Not exactly the Ayn Rand model for human behavior.

2) This show isn't just getting darker and darker, its getting bleaker and bleaker. You think Game of Thrones has a body count, but damn. There's only what - five original cast left over from the first season? Rick, Glen, Carol, Carl and Daryl? Seeing Beth die was bad - but if they kill off Maggie and Daryl...!? I'm not sure if there is going to ever be a happy ending for this show or not. Are they all destined to die? How long does it take all these walkers to decompose?! I've watched a lot of shows where after a while, you wanted the writers to just stop and give the characters a break - it just got too depressing to see all these people go through such terrible trauma. But, seriously - now I'm actually getting nightmares from this show - not from zombies, but rather from the fact that nobody seems to have a chance.

3) I haven't followed the comics, so Walking Dead has been a really new experience for me. I'm trying desperately to avoid staying spoiler free here, even though I know some of my fellow geeks on this forum are waiting for some payback for Game of Thrones.
>>1) I think Rick said it best a few weeks ago. The biggest threat now isn't from the Walkers - its from other humans. In a way, the darkest part of this show hasn't necessarily been the end of the world premise but rather the fact that our species and civilization really regresses back to a savage state of affairs. Not exactly the Ayn Rand model for human behavior.
Originally posted by jjsocrates:
Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
You'd think in the Zombie Apocolypse that people would go along with Rodney King's mantra - can't we all just get along, but it appears this sanctuary is doomed as well.
1) I think Rick said it best a few weeks ago. The biggest threat now isn't from the Walkers - its from other humans. In a way, the darkest part of this show hasn't necessarily been the end of the world premise but rather the fact that our species and civilization really regresses back to a savage state of affairs. Not exactly the Ayn Rand model for human behavior.

2) This show isn't just getting darker and darker, its getting bleaker and bleaker. You think Game of Thrones has a body count, but damn. There's only what - five original cast left over from the first season? Rick, Glen, Carol, Carl and Daryl? Seeing Beth die was bad - but if they kill off Maggie and Daryl...!? I'm not sure if there is going to ever be a happy ending for this show or not. Are they all destined to die? How long does it take all these walkers to decompose?! I've watched a lot of shows where after a while, you wanted the writers to just stop and give the characters a break - it just got too depressing to see all these people go through such terrible trauma. But, seriously - now I'm actually getting nightmares from this show - not from zombies, but rather from the fact that nobody seems to have a chance.

3) I haven't followed the comics, so Walking Dead has been a really new experience for me. I'm trying desperately to avoid staying spoiler free here, even though I know some of my fellow geeks on this forum are waiting for some payback for Game of Thrones.
if you think the show is too bleak and depressing, then I would advise against the comics. LOL

if you knew how Laurie really died, or what the Governor actually did to Michonne, not to mention the hell wrought by Negan . . . geez, I wonder how I sleep at night . . .
thanks for the head's up, I love horror fiction

Originally posted by BBrown:

I just finished Vol. 22 which contains issues 127-132 so you are a little ahead of me.

Really though I wondered why more of that wasn't done, I mean thats what Rick and Glen did in like the second episode.

Its good stuff though.

Do you like horror books? If so let me recommend an older one called Summer of Night by Dan Simmons.
Good stuff also anything by Robert McCammon is awesome including his Mathew Corbett series.
Hollywood really needs to check into some of this stuff instead of making tired retreads.
around issue 100 I started to get the comics the week they come out

SPOILER: Kirkman does a great job of keeping Negan around, got a feeling that is a decision Rick will live to regret.

thanks for the book recommendation, will put it on my amazon wishlist. Let the Right One In by John Lindqvist was a great one I read last year. before I got sidetracked by Massie's Russian Tsar books and Dostoevsky, some true to life horror books, LOL.
Originally posted by tboyer:

And can someone explain -- how can something whose bones are the consistency of cheese somehow have the biting abilities of a (non-zombie) lion. Just one bite and they can rip your viscera out! Makes for some great gruesome TV but every time I see it it doesn't make sense. Human skin is layered and elastic and actually fairly bite-resistent.
Thank you for saying that. I get that a fresh corpse would be tougher, but the way these things are currently portrayed makes you scratch your head. I'm not even convinced they should be portrayed as fragile as they are. Bone just doesn't get that mushy.

Which brings me to my new rant, what is up with sleeping arrangements? Did the survivors think people suddenly lost the ability to die in their sleep? Have they learned nothing from the prison where a twit kid died and reaked havoc while they slept? They should be in separate rooms with doorknobs, or at least putting on a bite proof mask/helmet and thick skiing gloves, maybe even some handcuffs.