Are you surprised that PSU seems a rock-solid 17.5 point favorite?

yes especially since we don't have Hudson Clement. Seriously, ILL plays PSU tough with the 8 over time game two years ago and last year's 30-13 game which was closer than the final score suggests.

On the other hand
  • 30 to 13 is a 17 point difference
  • I think PSU offense is a sleeping giant. We've got more offensive talent than any PSU team I can recall since '94. If it gels we could be really good
  • ILL is coming off of a very difficult away game at Neb that was very physical. They may have lost their leading receiver.
  • ILL's other big win, Kansas, has been diluted due to Kansas' losses to UNLV and WVU since then.
  • The closest common opponent is WVU. Kansas played a close game with ILL and lost. In fact, you could argue that Kansas outplayed them but didn't win. Kansas then lost a close game to WVU last weekend. At the same time, PSU blew WVU out with the game being over by the end of the 3rd quarter.
  • With our offense, if we get a team down, we can score 21 pretty quickly. So a close game could result in a lopsided score if the other team loses its will. And, as we know, the media overvalues offense and undervalues defense.
If you add it all up, ILL appears to be in the same boat as WVU. That was a 22 point PSU win. That is my take.
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34-20 Lions. But I would not be at all surprised to see a late score to cover as Franklin always seems to be aware of the spread.
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No. I think it is about right and maybe just a little low based on matchups. The transitive law does not apply to college football in my mind.
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