Article I read says Paris has 3 years to play 2.....


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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
I've read here that Paris is an extra year of of H.S.

But if that year was spent at a prep school, and not redshirting at the Junior college he attended, then he would have 3 years left to play 2.

Interesting CFJ talking about Palmer after practice today said that he is about 288?? and that right now is built like a power forward. But believes he can come to fall camp at about 310.

One thing, CFJ will play the best players.....
I believe he has 3 to play 2......but in the end I doubt it will matter. Assuming he doesn't suffer a serious injury, it is hard to see him NOT playing this fall - and then certainly playing in 2016.
i remember the photo of Palmer next to Jenkins when they enrolled in Jan.

And Jenkins was much more stout looking than Palmer.
And Jenkins looks to have the body type to put on good weight.

Did you listen to CJF's comments today regarding Jenkins. Said he is huge and they had to order his helmet from Russia.... Just kiddingly, but he made his point. I still look for Jenkins to redshirt, but I believe he will be at least a 2 year starter and all B10 performer. CJF loves his work ethic, which is great news.
Re: And Jenkins looks to have the body type to put on good weight.

Just judging by looks alone Jenkins looks like he could be the starting left tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles. In fact his build reminds me of Tra Thomas. I know he's raw but I predict when he's done at PSU Jenkins will be starting on Sunday's.
If Paris redshirted as a freshman as I believe that I have read, then he has 2 years.
Let me ask a question...and don't shoot me if y'all thinks its dumb, how hard is it for a 288 lb guy to put on 25 lbs in 5 months and still be in great condition? I mean, I could put 10 on in a week but I would probably be in a cardiac unit after i did it?
Not the easiest thing in the world to do, but with the weight training they have and nutritional programs that are offered its much easier for them to do. And 5 lbs. a month for 5 months isn't horrible to get. You will hear of players putting on a lot of muscle in the off season. 25 is on the higher end but I think very doable for most people that have the privileges that college football players get.