Articles for Wednesday

In the CDT article, regarding Wittlake, it states that Beard has not signed his letter of intent. I thought it was reported here that he had. Can anyone resolve the disconnect?
Nate Cobler said:
Next thing you know, we are going to see technical-fall chains or riding-time chains.
Agreed those are dumb. But I'd be fine with a riding time lasso.
Flo's signing day central does not have him listed, but I am not sure if they kept updating after the first day of the early signing period.
Maybe this adds credence to the earlier comment that it would be nice if Cael would post a message about those who signed NLI. Would be easier than having to comb thru the Philly Inquirer or having to investigate which article was correct.
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Yup, I remember reading that; I guess my real question is did the Inquirer get it right?
Just a hunch here, but I suspect the Inky compiled that list from the various high schools. It was a massive list, and I can't imagine them trying to track it by each individual athlete.