At least he's dead. Instead of self-inflicted gunshot wound, I'm kinda hoping the Gators got him

BW Lion

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020

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I do wish they could have got him alive a few weeks ago. If somehow a gator got him when he got close to water, good he paid for his crime. If he committed suicide…pussy.
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They said the area was until recently underwater so the fish surely had a hand in it. If all that was left was bones, there's no way to tell if it was murder, suicide or accident, unless he has a hole in his cranium.
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Nobody should feel “good” about any of what happened.
Why's is that? Just curious.

.If he hurt that girl, I for one am elated at all of it happening and more.. So if he did it, I hope he and anyone who helped him get away, gave him anything, and those who pretended not too know anything.. Suffer gravely...

If he didn't I take it all back
I am sure Gabbys parents don't mind him being dead but I bet they would want to know why he did what it appears he did - now they will never have all the answers.
I hike the northern end of this area a few times in the dry seasons. Spend 2 nights at different camps . Imo snake tagged him and without immediate medical attention he's a goner. the others including gators feasted. 1 mile in just off a trail someones gonna smell it. whatever, it's over. cops in Utah do their job she spends a night in jail. maybe someone notices her issues and see big problem with him . Neither have to die.
I am sure Gabbys parents don't mind him being dead but I bet they would want to know why he did what it appears he did - now they will never have all the answers.
I was actually involved in a conversation about this. Shannon Watts' family had to hear the details about how Chris Watts killed her and their grand daughters. Painful but they know exactly what happened. However, it might give them haunting visuals.

Gabby Petito's family have an idea that Brian strangled her to death but will never know the exact details of what led to that and how it went down.

The question we asked each other is which would you prefer if Lord forbid your family ever had to endure a loss like this?
I hike the northern end of this area a few times in the dry seasons. Spend 2 nights at different camps . Imo snake tagged him and without immediate medical attention he's a goner. the others including gators feasted. 1 mile in just off a trail someones gonna smell it. whatever, it's over. cops in Utah do their job she spends a night in jail. maybe someone notices her issues and see big problem with him . Neither have to die.
Are there Puma’s or Black Bear in the same area?
I was hoping Gabby’s dad got a chance to go Jack Ruby on him. Swear to god, if someone did that to my daughter, I’d kill him too. That look in his eyes right when he realizes I’m about to put a bullet I’m his skull would help me sleep at night. In em the big house of course. Do they get BTN on their cable?
Are there Puma’s or Black Bear in the same area?
Black Bears. Bobcats are healthy. The Florida panthers are actually imported Texas mt Lions as our Panthers died off decades ago. And they are around. The Hogs you have to watch out for. they can be mean.
Nobody should feel “good” about any of what happened.
Like any thread here, some bonehead comments. First and foremost two young lives have been lost and two families are left shattered forever.
I feel nothing but sadness.
What I know is that 2 young people shared their lives and set off on an adventure with great expectations and affection for one another.
We will never know the issues that led to the death of the young lady.......or what ended up making the relationship turn toxic. Perhaps they were immature and didn't have the perspective to see that they could go their separate ways and start a new life.
It is interesting to see how sensationalized the whole story has become and how people (like in every such instance) react like they know what really happened (because they've read about it.)
No matter how / why it actually happened, the kid took her life and was a fudging coward from that point onward. AND for his parents to cover up for him and treat her parents as disrespectfully as they have after she had lived in their home is just unfudging unbelievable.

This whole story just stinks to high heaven… I’m sure his pathetic body did when they found it.
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Like any thread here, some bonehead comments. First and foremost two young lives have been lost and two families are left shattered forever.
I feel nothing but sadness.
What I know is that 2 young people shared their lives and set off on an adventure with great expectations and affection for one another.
We will never know the issues that led to the death of the young lady.......or what ended up making the relationship turn toxic. Perhaps they were immature and didn't have the perspective to see that they could go their separate ways and start a new life.
It is interesting to see how sensationalized the whole story has become and how people (like in every such instance) react like they know what really happened (because they've read about it.)
I get the attraction and your whole schtick about pretending always to be the only adult in the room, but everyone knows everything they need to know about it because it's obvious he murdered her, then took the coward's way out. You must at a basic level understand this without someone explaining it to you, right?
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I get the attraction and your whole schtick about pretending always to be the only adult in the room, but everyone knows everything they need to know about it because it's obvious he murdered her, then took the coward's way out. You must at a basic level understand this without someone explaining it to you, right?
Not everyone that dies deserves to be mourned….that’s something you earn by what you do in life.
I was hoping Gabby’s dad got a chance to go Jack Ruby on him. Swear to god, if someone did that to my daughter, I’d kill him too. That look in his eyes right when he realizes I’m about to put a bullet I’m his skull would help me sleep at night. In em the big house of course. Do they get BTN on their cable?
I am a peace loving man. I have never touched a gun in my life, I have never had a fight (outside of sports) in my life, I never sparked my children, I hate the idea of violence. But if somebody ever harmed one of my daughters I would choke the life out of them until their eyes popped out of their sockets.
Personally, I wouldn’t need to hear the details of how she was killed. The reason this guy killed her is not what happened in that moment, it’s stuff that goes much deeper than the moment he killed her. His history is the key to learning why he did it.
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I am a peace loving man. I have never touched a gun in my life, I have never had a fight (outside of sports) in my life, I never sparked my children, I hate the idea of violence. But if somebody ever harmed one of my daughters I would choke the life out of them until their eyes popped out of their sockets.
Personally, I wouldn’t need to hear the details of how she was killed. The reason this guy killed her is not what happened in that moment, it’s stuff that goes much deeper than the moment he killed her. His history is the key to learning why he did it.
I never could understand why Fred Goldman didn’t shoot OJ. Had it been my son, I would have gone to prison just to take him out.
I never could understand why Fred Goldman didn’t shoot OJ. Had it been my son, I would have gone to prison just to take him out.

Theoretically IF I had ever been diagnosed with some fatal disease and given months to live, I’d have gone after Emmert first then OJ.
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I never could understand why Fred Goldman didn’t shoot OJ. Had it been my son, I would have gone to prison just to take him out.
I can’t imagine sitting in a courtroom feet away from the person that killed your kid and not going after them.
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I get the attraction and your whole schtick about pretending always to be the only adult in the room, but everyone knows everything they need to know about it because it's obvious he murdered her, then took the coward's way out. You must at a basic level understand this without someone explaining it to you, right?
I understand that you think you know everything YOU need to know about everything. Ignorance is bliss.
I can’t imagine sitting in a courtroom feet away from the person that killed your kid and not going after them.
While that sounds good in theory, and as much as we’d all dream of doing something like that god forbid any of us were ever in that situation, what would it really accomplish other than you possibly going to jail?
While that sounds good in theory, and as much as we’d all dream of doing something like that god forbid any of us were ever in that situation, what would it really accomplish other than you possibly going to jail?
Amen. God forbid. I suppose others and eventually you, come to a point of putting faith in the justice system. Unfortunately, the system is far from perfect. The Goldman's as a result must mourn the loss and in addition have salt rubbed in the wound until they leave this earth.
While that sounds good in theory, and as much as we’d all dream of doing something like that god forbid any of us were ever in that situation, what would it really accomplish other than you possibly going to jail?
The bad guy would be dead instead of out playing golf….seems like a great accomplishment.
I am a peace loving man. I have never touched a gun in my life, I have never had a fight (outside of sports) in my life, I never sparked my children, I hate the idea of violence. But if somebody ever harmed one of my daughters I would choke the life out of them until their eyes popped out of their sockets.
Personally, I wouldn’t need to hear the details of how she was killed. The reason this guy killed her is not what happened in that moment, it’s stuff that goes much deeper than the moment he killed her. His history is the key to learning why he did it.
I’m about as mellow as one can be, but I become Mr. Hyde when driving and have said some version of, “if that blankety blank hits me I’m going to get out and beat the sh!t out of him” maybe close to a hundred times.
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While that sounds good in theory, and as much as we’d all dream of doing something like that god forbid any of us were ever in that situation, what would it really accomplish other than you possibly going to jail?
Extracting a pound of flesh?
I’m not being the internet vigilante tough guy. I’m just saying I can’t imagine being in that situation.
I’m about as mellow as one can be, but I become Mr. Hyde when driving and have said some version of, “if that blankety blank hits me I’m going to get out and beat the sh!t out of him” maybe close to a hundred times.
My daughter was the victim of a hit and run (she’s fine) in my car this past Wednesday. They haven’t found the person that did it but I’m in the lookout in the area it happened.
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My daughter was the victim of a hit and run (she’s fine) in my car this past Wednesday. They haven’t found the person that did it but I’m in the lookout in the area it happened.
My daughter was the victim of a hit and run a few years ago. She wrote down the license plate number as did one of the witnesses, found out where the guy lived and where he worked….and the police wouldn’t do anything. Said they were too short handed. She was still on my insurance at that time so it cost me $500 and the dude didn’t have insurance, so he got off with nothing. He had a small scratch on his piece of crap car and my daughter had $3500 damage to her brand new car. One of the reasons insurance premiums go up even for good drivers.
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I understand that you think you know everything YOU need to know about everything. Ignorance is bliss.
Take it from an actual investigator. This one is as simple as it gets. She didn't strangle herself and then he accidentally got himself eaten by alligators. The next clue you find will obviously be the first, but add up the pieces here, if able.

Or, we can wager. I'll give you "the field." If literally anything else happened here that can be proven, aside from he strangled her, then killed himself, I'll quit this and the next board. What do you wager?

Sometimes hedging in a feeble to attempt to appear wise has the opposite effect.
Take it from an actual investigator. This one is as simple as it gets. She didn't strangle herself and then he accidentally got himself eaten by alligators. The next clue you find will obviously be the first, but add up the pieces here, if able.

Or, we can wager. I'll give you "the field." If literally anything else happened here that can be proven, aside from he strangled her, then killed himself, I'll quit this and the next board. What do you wager?

Sometimes hedging in a feeble to attempt to appear wise has the opposite effect.
I didn't speculate on the precise circumstances surrounding either death. I simply stated that the whole affair saddened me. As a parent of adult children, I don't wish to put myself in the position of either family. No matter who is responsible and if we know only what is information given to us.....then certainly the boyfriend is more likely than not to have murdered the girl.
But since you identified yourself as an investigator, i can see why you have arrived at solving the case, predetermining the outcome, without having all the facts.....perhaps you are a poster boy for why law enforcement is under scrutiny all over the nation.
I didn't speculate on the precise circumstances surrounding either death. I simply stated that the whole affair saddened me. As a parent of adult children, I don't wish to put myself in the position of either family. No matter who is responsible and if we know only what is information given to us.....then certainly the boyfriend is more likely than not to have murdered the girl.
But since you identified yourself as an investigator, i can see why you have arrived at solving the case, predetermining the outcome, without having all the facts.....perhaps you are a poster boy for why law enforcement is under scrutiny all over the nation.
Some people have more knowledge, experience, and information about these matters than an old retired gym teacher, so the irony of accusing me of presupposing things is rich.

And police are under scrutiny quite fairly. This is a perfectly healthy development. American law enforcement remains historically the best the world has seen and can still improve immeasurably.

I find it hilarious how no one is allowed to criticize coaches, but you to criticize law enforcement?

Let me try. I, along with a growing number of families all over the nation, home school my kids because we think schools suck. So you must have really sucked at teaching kickball and tag. There, that was easy.
My daughter was the victim of a hit and run a few years ago. She wrote down the license plate number as did one of the witnesses, found out where the guy lived and where he worked….and the police wouldn’t do anything. Said they were too short handed. She was still on my insurance at that time so it cost me $500 and the dude didn’t have insurance, so he got off with nothing. He had a small scratch on his piece of crap car and my daughter had $3500 damage to her brand new car. One of the reasons insurance premiums go up even for good drivers.