Ayn Rand REJECTED the Jew God.
She, too, rejected "Brother-Cannibal_Love". That is, each man is responsible for himself and should never be helped. That is, "each man's fate is essentially his own."
She goes on to say, "Do you ask it it's ever proper to help another man? No—if he claims it as his right or as a moral duty that you owe him. Yes—if such is your own desire based on your own selfish pleasure in the value of his person and his struggle."
Her ideology (followed - ahem - religiously by Rush Limbaugh, Mark Rubin and Alan Greenspan) forgets one important variable: HUMANS.
Humans, as Stanley Milgram convincingly showed, "Human Nature CANNOT be counted on to insulate men from brutality and inhumane treatment at the direction of malevolent authority."
Time-and-time again, Baby Boomer Capitalism fvcked mankind: S&L Scandal; Enron; LTCM Hedge Fund; DOT COM; and, 2007 Great Recession. Each debacle was worse than the one before.
Under Baby Boomer authority, America has been undermined. As the great Humanist Hannah Arendt witnessed in 1920's Germany, you have the tools of Democracy being used to undermine Democracy: SUPER PACS, GERRYMANDERING, DARK MONEY, FILIBUSTERS, CORPORATION FREE SPEECH FIRST AMMENDMENT PROTECTION.
VERDICT: America is now an oligarchy. Class mobility has deliberately been murdered by the Baby Boomer. Sadly, the Baby Boomer VOTED for this reality.
She, too, rejected "Brother-Cannibal_Love". That is, each man is responsible for himself and should never be helped. That is, "each man's fate is essentially his own."
She goes on to say, "Do you ask it it's ever proper to help another man? No—if he claims it as his right or as a moral duty that you owe him. Yes—if such is your own desire based on your own selfish pleasure in the value of his person and his struggle."
Her ideology (followed - ahem - religiously by Rush Limbaugh, Mark Rubin and Alan Greenspan) forgets one important variable: HUMANS.
Humans, as Stanley Milgram convincingly showed, "Human Nature CANNOT be counted on to insulate men from brutality and inhumane treatment at the direction of malevolent authority."
Time-and-time again, Baby Boomer Capitalism fvcked mankind: S&L Scandal; Enron; LTCM Hedge Fund; DOT COM; and, 2007 Great Recession. Each debacle was worse than the one before.
Under Baby Boomer authority, America has been undermined. As the great Humanist Hannah Arendt witnessed in 1920's Germany, you have the tools of Democracy being used to undermine Democracy: SUPER PACS, GERRYMANDERING, DARK MONEY, FILIBUSTERS, CORPORATION FREE SPEECH FIRST AMMENDMENT PROTECTION.
VERDICT: America is now an oligarchy. Class mobility has deliberately been murdered by the Baby Boomer. Sadly, the Baby Boomer VOTED for this reality.