Hard not to be spoiled, especially for newcomer fans or fans who haven't been regularly exposed to lots of garden variety wrestling. Witnessing every Columbia home dual helps keep things in perspective for me.
I don't know much stock I'd put in Byers statement about parity to the extent he was basing it the small sample size of where the ten champs hailed from. Team scores are a more telling metric and to that end it's still a pretty top-heavy sport. Compare to, say, the NHL, where a salary cap and greater freedom of movement forces parity and guarantees no team ever win the Cup 8 of 9 years.
That said, the sport has improved and much of that, IMO, is due to the fact that kids growing up in the sport today have better access (YouTube, Flo) to today's stars. Consequently, kids are coming to the sport less ignorant than in the past, sharpening the improvement curve overall, and revealing more diamonds in the rough.