Bo Ryan put it on the offiiclals


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2005
and the 2 announcers tried to say they were bad both ways. No not really. His players are struggling with it. Don't b;ame them.
I like Bo. Surprised he handled himself so poorly in both post game interviews. The first one he blames he officials. The official post game conference he takes jabs at one year players. Nothing but sour grapes there.

You're better than that, Bo
yeah , I heard that too. " they allowed. way more contact"

....... than any other game and "our guys are struggling with that right now". Bo Ryan

Feel bad for Badgers, they played tough.

Wow, on those Duke Freshmen, they scored all their 2nd half points I think I heard. Crazy.
Have some Wisconsin cheese with your whine, Bo

Great coach and a great year for his team, but this was not Bo's finest moment
It's too bad. I really like the guy, but that was a bad moment. That

said, anyone can have a bad showing w/ juices flowing like that. My guess is he'll realize it & apologize.

Of course, it was woeful officiating for a championship game, & I didn't see this as a case that it cut both ways

This post was edited on 4/7 12:38 AM by cavic
It does seem odd that Ryan would come out so vehemently against one-and-done "rental" players, considering the other revenue sport at Wisconsin's success with Russell Wilson.
One-and-done refers to freshman, not senior transfers. *

yup, sucks when they tell the truth

we all saw it.. it was a joke.

Bo called it as it was.

and yeah, he's a bad guy for doing it cuz coaches are supposed to "set an example." they aren't supposed to tell the truth. the example they are expected to set is to follow the script and lie. don't dare set an example by being honest.

me? well 've always loved the "hey, life ain't fair, suck it up, sorry you got hosed" example. this one hit the mark square on.

and that isn't to take anything away from the duke players who BELONGED on the floor. they were stellar and clutch and deserved the win. But there was a certain player who did NOT belong on the floor and his presence made a huge difference in the outcome... would have been a much more complete game if the right calls had been made and the two teams had battled it out on even terms. it would have been close and the outcome would have been the right one.. whichever way it went.

and in yet another surprise in life.. that did not happen. imagine my shock.
Yeah, but, but, but, but, but....Great point

I guess they're not giving that Tiny Ten Football Title and Rose Bowl win back, eh?
I am glad he has the courage to bring it up. Every coach who is

doing things the right way....bringing in kids who are college student athletes.... should be rubbing the NCAA's face in their own turd of rules.
Good teams overcome bad calls, right?

Or at least that's what we've been told. Boo hoo.
Very lame - a B1G team complaining about too much contact

Pretty ironic.
Yes, the officials caused Decker to go 0-6 from 3 point land....miss free throws. Officiating is bad in college sports. The review call was the worst, but Bo Ryan was classless. I have seen him coach live, this guy complains nonstop.

Okafor sat a good chunk of the game due to fouls. Winslow sat for times as well due to foul trouble. Face it, Wisky had a chance to take control of the game with two of Duke's big guys in foul trouble the entire game and didn't capitalize on it. The two freshman Duke guards out played Wisky in the 2nd half.

Wiscky went scoreless on 10 straight possessions....sorry, they had the chance and didnt capitalize.
Please. wisconsin got every call in the first half

Got both Okafor and winslow on the bench and still only could manage a tie at half.

Officiating sucked because it was very inconsistent but Duke adjusted to it better and poor little Bo shit the bed
Something tells me if Bo was at a program that attracted the sort of "rental players" he was quipping about, he'd be more than happy to adjust the way Wisky does business.
No one is mentioning how Frank Kaminsky bear hugged Okafor late and wasn't called for an intentional foul.
Bo Ryan and his excuse -- the offiiclals

Bo did not and is not telling the truth.....the game would have been out of reach if Duke had made all the missed layups. How many ?......I counted more than 5 that would have been added to the final score.

Bo cried and tried to deflect blame from losing.
Why did he foul with 35 seconds left. Down three??

Hayes dunked with 50 sec. left. There were already 15 seconds off the 35 sec shot clock. He fouled their best foul shooter instead of playing defense. Why not play D and make Duke shoot with 20 seconds or so on game clock? I like the foul and score strategy if you have an athletic team that can get up and down the court. But, that's not Wisconsin's game. Very poor strategy by Ryan IMO. Did the refs make him do it?

Until that intentional foul Duke had been to the line 16 times and Wisky 10. The team that takes the ball to the basket usually gets to the line more.

A couple of key calls against Wisky. Foot on line and ball OOB off fingertips. Sure. Did that decide the game? How bout Dekker 0/6 from 3? Block/charge calls are impossible to call. How bout the clear walk by Dekker at 36-33 that put Wisky up 5 and forced Duke to call a timeout? Was that a good call.

I rooted for Wisconsin. But, don't hate Duke. Not happy with Bo Ryan's biatching.

This post was edited on 4/7 9:50 AM by Mister Magoo
Disagree. The NCAA could do something about it. If the NBA

will take a kid after one year, the NCAA could make that scholarship count for more than one year so if a kid leaves early, the school would get penalized. If it were me, I would hold that ship over the school for 4 years. They would be thinking twice about who they recruited.
I only watched a little of the game, it wasn't excess contact, it was a mugging.

The absolute lack of consistency in officiating is a joke. I have seen football games with less contact than last night's game. The NCAA should be ashamed of their organization and the so-called leadership..
More fire to the argument now. Just heard on the Tim Brando show that the head official at the game last night, John Adams, said that the last 5 to 6 minutes was not very good officiating and that on the replay where Duke touched the ball last the officials on the floor did not see that replay like everyone at home did. He said they'd already broken off and gone back to the court when that replay was then shown on the officials TV screen. He contemplated running down to the buzzer and buzzing the officials back over to look at it and overturn the call but decided not to because he didn't want to be a point of focus in the game.
If he is saying that then I betcha Delaney has been complaining to them about it. He is probably fit to be tied. That is just too bad.
Major qualitative difference in my mind. If someone has already

graduated & proved they belong on a college campus, taking one year as a "rent-a-player" to highlight one's skills for the next level is understandable. Hell, to me, that policy is the rare case where the NCAA is being reasonable and fair to players

The one-&-dones largely have no interest in college period. That practice is far more problematic.