BoT Wants To Give $ Away. Again.

If you can prove Sandusky showered with your kid, it would appear that a payday is automatic. I'm curious about how high the burden of proof bar has been set, but I guess we'll never know.
Even more so than the "Freeh Report", the actions the PSU BOT have undertaken to pay out settlements to the likes of Matt Sandusky, have branded PSU (in the public eye) as an evil cesspool of pedophile enablers. NOTHING...not even "Freeh", has so indelibly tagged the entire PSU community as "guilty" as the actions to pay off these plaintiffs in return for their silence.

"EVERYONE KNOWS", there is no way that the good leaders at PSU would be paying out $100 million of hush money... unless the entire University community was guilty of being a bunch of good 'ol child-rapin' perverts.

This video, from the 0:30 - 1:30 mark:
We do know this.....

you DON'T even have to prove that Sandusky ever showered with/touched/breathed on you as a child.

I don't know how low the bar is set.....but it is certainly is a lot LOWER than the bar at a midget high jumping contest.


"Where's my Mother Humpin' Cash??"

"Sandusky licked my Lollipop!!"
Every payday just casts more needless doubt on all of Penn State. Enough already.
If Penn State's liability is based on what administrators knew...

and these administrators are all claiming innocence and have yet to go to trial, why is Penn State settling these cases based on allegations? It's mind boggling. I'm referring to this piece of the article.

The victims say they all encountered Sandusky through the Second Mile. The claim of liability for Penn State stems from allegations that key administrators had knowledge of Sandusky's tendencies and did not act on that information
The question in a civil case is different, because the standard is

different. The civil standard is, " Is it more likely than not that the administrators looked the other way?" Spanier's email saying that they could be "vulnerable" down the road for not reporting it can be viewed as making a pretty good case that PSU knew.

Regardless of what PSU suffers as a result of settling, be careful what you wish for. A jury could really light the candle on this case and then you get MONTHS of publicity and any other cases settle for 10 times what you're paying now.

This entire situation is a sucker bet by the Old Guard BoT to make otherwise reasonable PSU fans go out of their minds and start attacking the victims. The quicker they can make PSU fans act like Ziegler, the quicker they can discredit us.
Re: If Penn State's liability is based on what administrators knew...

Originally posted by Dr. Feelgood:
and these administrators are all claiming innocence and have yet to go to trial, why is Penn State settling these cases based on allegations? It's mind boggling. I'm referring to this piece of the article.

The victims say they all encountered Sandusky through the Second Mile. The claim of liability for Penn State stems from allegations that key administrators had knowledge of Sandusky's tendencies and did not act on that information

I've been asking that same question for years now. Since when in HISTORY has ANY company/business assumed the guilt of their accused employees and agreed to pay out MILLIONS in settlements, fines, etc. all BEFORE the accused have even been proven guilty yet?? guess is that has NEVER happened b/c it makes no fiduciary sense, what if CSS are acquitted? Is the BOT cabal gonna say, "our bad, can we please have our millions back"??

No one has EVER proven that PSU is liable to these victims vs. the actual victim farm, TSM. It's mind boggling, as you said, that not even one media outlet has asked these same questions or thought it was odd that PSU has taken all of the blame/liability for JS before the admins guilt has even been established.
You do not need to establish the admins guilt in criminal court

for the jury to light them up. The standard is different. Just ask OJ Simpson--even if the admins are found NOT GUILTY there can still be civil liability.
Originally posted by pnnylion:
This is sickening already. No.

Take them to Court. End this BS already.
How is taking to court going to end it? They very well could end up paying 10x as much. The jury is not going to be made up of people on this board. They very well could win and a jury may award far more then the settlement.
"The victims say they all encountered Sandusky through the Second Mile. The claim of liability for Penn State stems from allegations that key administrators had knowledge of Sandusky's tendencies and did not act on that information."

And that's it - that's the KEY piece that establishes PENN STATE as the liable culprit here and NOT The Second Mile.

Now, why in the world would Penn State go through so much trouble to establish Penn State's guilt here and to leave the bullseye off of The Second Mile?

If Penn State had said that those allegations were nonsense, and have yet to be proved (outside of the Freeh Report) then the liability for Penn State isn't there. But, BOY did the BoT spend a lot of money and PR nonsense on trying to establish that the guilt did indeed lie with Penn State administrators.
Silence doesn't come cheap.

The BOT doesn't want information to become public.
Taking them to court is not a good idea. As a few people have posted, civil liability is a different standard. Penn State's civil liability sailed when they let Sandusky on campus with children...period. That was a horrendously bad decision, as Joe Paterno clearly pointed out to them when discussing Sandusky's retirement package.

What I find interesting is the timing of the settlement, especially if it's V9. They recently gained access to all of Freeh's files. It's interesting they are suddenly ready to settle after looking at the files.
Not sure you'd want to go to civil court where the bar for the plaintiff's success is lower. Some of the statements cherry picked by Freeh would again surface and could very well be enough to get a judgement for the plaintiff. What about a couple of weeks of press coverage? Also, if you go to a jury for award, "Katie bar the door." The average jury is quite sympathetic to the plaintiff in cases like this.
If V9 has these files, does anybody else have them?

I assume the Paterno's have them. If they are that damning, you would think that the university would be interested in making amends with the Paterno family in an attempt to mitigate the inevitable damage when this information gets released.

If the files are out there, one way or another, they will make it out to the public. I cannot imagine that they will remain buried forever.
Did Penn State let sandusky on campus or sandusky on campus with children? Penn State may not have thought to specifically forbid children, but that doesn't mean they explicitly allowed it either.
Re: If Penn State's liability is based on what administrators knew...

Originally posted by Dr. Feelgood:
If Penn State's liability is based on what administrators knew and these administrators are all claiming innocence and have yet to go to trial, why is Penn State settling these cases based on allegations? It's mind boggling. I'm referring to this piece of the article.

The victims say they all encountered Sandusky through the Second Mile. The claim of liability for Penn State stems from allegations that key administrators had knowledge of Sandusky's tendencies and did not act on that information

That is not the sole source of Penn State liability. That just one piece. The fact that they allowed him to bring children into facilities after hours or allowed him to take children on bowl trips opens Penn State to liability. Let say a local YMCA let a person have after hours access and that person was bringing kids after hours where they were getting molested. You don't think the a attorney could convince a jury that the YMCA was liable? Penn State trusted Sandusky and now are paying the price.
You have struck the nerve of all of us low level Second Mile volunteers....

The Second Mile hierarchy had to know of these allegations. There are plenty of statements by Aaron Fisher and his mother to that effect and the psychologist swap in the Gicar investigation where by the Second Mile non qualified psych replaced the qualified psych... illustrate the the Seccond Mile Hierarchy not only knew of this, they were Jerry's employer, they walked and they had and have strong ties to our past and many current BOT members. Furthermore they were the guardians of the children involved.

There is more betrayal here that what occurred on PSU campus.... Were PSU sports administrators and coaches somehow o be the watch dogs of this madman or was it the responsibility of the Second Mile and their BOT connections to ban the prick from contact with children and inform the public which includes the sports administrators at PSU so they could do so as well?

Here's a question....does anyone think that Jerry just did this shit on PSUs campus only. We know the answer to that question already. It is NO! Where are Jerry's victims from off campus incidents getting their restitution for damaging their lives?

This BOT has core members that are and continuing their tradition of obstruction of justice as did our previous governor.

Many key members of this BOT are disgraceful (should come clean and resign) .... as disgraceful as the top dogs in the Second Mile.
The BOT have to pay now because they took actions based on the 'fact' there was a coverup. They fired JVP and Spanier for covering-up. They can't now claim there was no coverup or they would be admitting those 'firings' had no basis.
It's really quite simple. The BOT is just doing a basic CYA.
What if there is no civil liability established?

Lots of open questions...why not just wait until the facts play out in court?
Re: What if there is no civil liability established?

Originally posted by Dr. Feelgood:
What if there is no civil liability established? Lots of open questions...why not just wait until the facts play out in court?
It a huge gamble to let it play out in court because you have legal fees and juries can be very sympathetic to abuse victims.
Unless there is clear culpability of Penn State, no more "victims" should be paid.
the only way you're going to find out, is in court. The lawyers here on

the board dont like that option, too much downside vs what would be the upside at this point?? To prove they shouldnt have settle any of them after handing out $60mm plus?? What I would like to know, who wants to settle?? The Vic? or PSU? Who called this meeting? The Vic saying they are willing to let it go for $x because they know they have no case?? Or PSU? why doesnt PSU string this out longer?? and try to wear the Vic out or get them to go cheaper??
Alice Pope said she was asked not to reveal what the BoT meeting is about,

then we read "from sources," that it is about a settlement with a supposed victim. Is Alice going to scream about this at the meeting? Doubtful, but if I am wrong, I will mea culpa here.
There is a risk involved with civil trials. But not where there is not clear culpability. The rush to spend the fisrt 60 million was to cover what the BoT is hiding, nothing else. It has been pointed out time and again, in many cases, there was no clear culpability. Time for the GD charade and false narrative to end. This isn't about being "fair to victims". It's about covering ass, and hiding information they don't want put forth publicly.
Re: the only way you're going to find out, is in court. The lawyers here on

Ah yes, the old corporate lawyers' model for dealing with everything. Just make it go away. The same type of behavior that has us in the fix we're currently in. It also encourages and emboldens similar behavior from others. This is the country in which we now reside. No principles and much fear mongering. After all it's not their money or personal reputation,so who cares?

This post was edited on 4/7 2:13 PM by nits74
Re: The question in a civil case is different, because the standard is

Seeing as how they have already paid off a zillion "victims" they need to settle with those that are left
and damn it..."move on". No sense in dragging out the 3 left seeing as how they already settled with
I think 26. Like you said...why allow a wacko jury the ability to light another candle under a media bomb?
Don't get me wrong...I am all for exposing the truth and ALL of the failings of our BOT. I am hoping the
Paterno suit will eventually do that. In the mean time it is time to clean up the mess on isle 4.
Originally posted by 2lion70:
The BOT have to pay now because they took actions based on the 'fact' there was a coverup. They fired JVP and Spanier for covering-up. They can't now claim there was no coverup or they would be admitting those 'firings' had no basis.
It's really quite simple. The BOT is just doing a basic CYA.
INMO you pretty much just nailed it.
yep. As someone else pointed out in this thread, kind of hard for the BoT

to explain why they fired Spanier, Joe and the others. Read the BoT's NYT story where they lamented that Sopanier did not keep them informed. They cant do this. They are stuck and have been for some time.
Re: Alice Pope said she was asked not to reveal what the BoT meeting is about,

Originally posted by EPC FAN:
then we read "from sources," that it is about a settlement with a supposed victim. Is Alice going to scream about this at the meeting? Doubtful, but if I am wrong, I will mea culpa here.
well the idiot running SNAP has been posting to twitter about the meeting, so it seems fairly obvious some scum sucking troglodyte like Eckel or Masser tipped someone off already.
Is PSU going to recover anything from liability insurance or TSM?

Haven't heard anything about this
Re: Is PSU going to recover anything from liability insurance or TSM?

Originally posted by bdgan:
Haven't heard anything about this
The insurance company is fighting Penn State in Court. TSM doesn't have a pot to piss in. Maybe 4-6 million dollars.
Re: You do not need to establish the admins guilt in criminal court

Originally posted by demlion:
for the jury to light them up. The standard is different. Just ask OJ Simpson--even if the admins are found NOT GUILTY there can still be civil liability.
(FYI...This isn't directed at you dem but more the message board in general and me venting..)

I get that, but PSU's CIVIL liability has still yet to be determined. Why is PSU liable to pay these civil settlements instead of the state of PA, Centre County, and TSM (especially when there were settlements from PSU paid out to victims from before 2001 and also to victims who never alleged abuse on campus)???

Spanier's email PROVES nothing. If anything it shows they were concerned about JS's showering behavior, and told him it was wrong and needed to stop (which is more that TSM did from their end) and that the admins decided to tell JS about their new directives directly vs. going behind his back and telling everyone but him. Freeh took the emails completely out of context and assigned his own worst possible interpretations to them, something I doubt would stand up in court.

Also, just b/c PSU had an agreement to let JS bring kids onto campus to work out does NOT mean they gave him permission to use their showers for his grooming activities, etc. or that PSU KNEW for a fact that JS was doing that.

Don't forget, the PSU admins were told by the freaking state experts that JS's 1998 naked bear hug from behind showering behavior wasn't criminal and was just normal coach behavior for crying out loud!!

If anyone should be civilly liable for JS continuing to shower with/abuse kids after 1998/2001 it's the state of PA and TSM NOT PSU!!

It's quite clear the BOT cabal has painted themselves into a corner and now can't really fight ANY of these civil claims b/c in order to do so they would have to refute the freeh report and go against the current narrative that they themselves helped to create and perpetuate.

How ironic that Kenny Frazier brought each VIOXX claim to court and fought them, thus saving MERCK MILLIONS, but he didn't feel the need to do the same for PSU with all these civil claims they are facing now....smh...instead he immediately assumed PSU was liable for all these civil claims...
a LOT of the things you say are not proved have been essentially admitted

by the BoT. From this place (and I certainly agree we should not be here) you cannot go forward with a trial of these matters.
At some point.....

one would think you may want to start doing the right thing.

Regardless of how much "FUBAR" has passed over the dam.

Unless the "plan" is to just keep f&cking the pooch ad infinitum, the best time to start moving in the right direction is immediately.

I don't discount DEM's point, and it could be debated which course of action - AT THIS POINT - leads to the higher financial cost (I would contend that the long term costs - even just the purely financial costs - are higher if we (PSU) doesn't turn this ship around) ......but that doesn't account for the terminal costs of continuing to operate as a soulless, unethical, immoral, rudderless ship - as opposed to FINALLY taking one mother-humpin' stand and doing what's right.
We both know these f@cks will never do the right thing.

The truth now would likely cost more than to continue the lie.
Re: We both know these f@cks will never do the right thing.

So be it at this point.
Re: We both know these f@cks will never do the right thing.

Only the Court or Legislature will force these clowns to do the right thing.
Re: Alice Pope said she was asked not to reveal what the BoT meeting is about,

Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by EPC FAN:
then we read "from sources," that it is about a settlement with a supposed victim. Is Alice going to scream about this at the meeting? Doubtful, but if I am wrong, I will mea culpa here.
well the idiot running SNAP has been posting to twitter about the meeting, so it seems fairly obvious some scum sucking troglodyte like Eckel or Masser tipped someone off already.
Did PSU have special bot meetings when they settled with other alleged victims?