If Boulder can be cured of progressive brain rot, any place can.
I am hopeful.
Boulder Progressives Disillusioned By Big Government
March 24, 2017
I have been working with Boulder neighborhood groups to stop the University of Colorado and the City of Boulder from destroying the open space which separates Boulder from Denver, and keeps Boulder a unique and nice place to live. All of these people are incredibly disllusioned by how they have been repeatedly lied to and stomped on by big government.
The city’s excuse for wrecking Boulder is social justice. The city council says Boulder needs lots of high density housing and high rise apartments to house a diverse population. They don’t build parking lots because they say they want to promote mass transit. The real reason is of course money. The city council is packed with developers, and the more people they can pack into a small space, the more money they can make. Cars can get parked in adjoining neighborhoods.
At the meetings, people constantly bash on President Trump and praise crooked Obama. They vaguely understand that they are being guilted into wrecking their community by all of this fake social justice talk – yet are powerless to fight against it. I’m working with them one at a time to free them from their brainwashing, which renders them impotent.
I was at the pub till late last night with one of them, who seemed to have a breakthrough. He said “Republicans believe in giving control of people’s destiny to the community.”
If Boulder can be cured of progressive brain rot, any place can. I am hopeful.