I hope they remain batshit crazy. Having David Hogg as the DNC co-chair is certainly a step in the right direction.
Yes, friends, still crazy after all these years…and the encroaching dementia is not benign. Can this party be saved? I have my doubts. The intellectual corrosion is comprehensive; it is only matched by the self-righteous arrogance. But what’s the alternative? I’ve been through Dems in Disarray syndrome multiple times in the past: in 1972, in 1980, in 1988, in 2016…but, gotta say, this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. There is a vast cluelessness abroad in the party. Its prevailing vision of an America based on identity now resides in the outhouse. Even my former employer, The New Yorker, repository of stately, elegant liberal myopia has noticed that something is amiss:
Sorry, but that horse has left the barn. The Democrats have twice now enabled a World-Historic Demagogue to be elected President of the United States. One wonders if Trump’s reelection will stand with Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. The Gaza-like rubble of the Biden Administration is just beginning to come into focus. It probably dates to the days before Biden became President, when he made a deal with the socialist minions of Bernie Sanders to create his new Administration. This was Project 2021, the precursor of Project 2025. It resulted in left-nuttiness below the radar throughout the government. Every so often, the nuttiness would surface—as with the chaos at the Southern border—and Biden would do nothing about it. But usually it was a subdural hematoma, bleeding beneath the surface, like the death-grip the teachers unions held over the Department of Education. And the utter lapse in keeping the Pentagon up to date and funded appropriately. And the espousal, in too many Democratic cities, of releasing shoplifters without bail. (It wasn’t Defund the Police; it was Empower The Thieves.)
Yes, friends, still crazy after all these years…and the encroaching dementia is not benign. Can this party be saved? I have my doubts. The intellectual corrosion is comprehensive; it is only matched by the self-righteous arrogance. But what’s the alternative? I’ve been through Dems in Disarray syndrome multiple times in the past: in 1972, in 1980, in 1988, in 2016…but, gotta say, this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. There is a vast cluelessness abroad in the party. Its prevailing vision of an America based on identity now resides in the outhouse. Even my former employer, The New Yorker, repository of stately, elegant liberal myopia has noticed that something is amiss:
According to [Washington state Democratic Rep. Adam] Smith, the Democrats’ main problem is that they can’t govern. In large progressive cities such as Seattle, part of which lies in Smith’s district, “we’ve got a real problem with crime, homelessness, drug abuse, and affordable housing,” he said. Smith said that he’s tried meeting with various local agencies about these problems but has encountered bureaucratic incompetence and ideological retrenchment…
And yet, and yet:Smith sees ideology as the driver of Democrats’ governing failures. As he wrote to me recently, from his AOL account, “Too many people in power in these places seem to spend too much time pushing an extreme left ideology by policing language on things like pronouns, what given ethnic groups should be called and in general reeducating everyone about the evils of capitalism and all the systemic failures of America over the course of 400 years.”
This is the dilemma for Democrats like Smith: though they may have strong objections to the ideological culture of the left, they’re also uncomfortable with Trump’s program to destroy it from the right.
Sorry, but that horse has left the barn. The Democrats have twice now enabled a World-Historic Demagogue to be elected President of the United States. One wonders if Trump’s reelection will stand with Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. The Gaza-like rubble of the Biden Administration is just beginning to come into focus. It probably dates to the days before Biden became President, when he made a deal with the socialist minions of Bernie Sanders to create his new Administration. This was Project 2021, the precursor of Project 2025. It resulted in left-nuttiness below the radar throughout the government. Every so often, the nuttiness would surface—as with the chaos at the Southern border—and Biden would do nothing about it. But usually it was a subdural hematoma, bleeding beneath the surface, like the death-grip the teachers unions held over the Department of Education. And the utter lapse in keeping the Pentagon up to date and funded appropriately. And the espousal, in too many Democratic cities, of releasing shoplifters without bail. (It wasn’t Defund the Police; it was Empower The Thieves.)