
Here is how Pitt recruiting works.

Signing day - May. Miss on all main targets, offer new targets...rinse...repeat for a few cycles.

May - July. Land 1 Pittsburgh oline men with mediocre offers. Begin to find "diamonds in rough" that camp at Pitt. Land about 8/9 kids during this period. They talk those 2 stars or low 3 stars into steals and real finds

July - entire regular season. Hide recruits from Pitt games at all costs unless Notre Dame or Penn State play at Heinz field

December - January. Pitt begins to sniff around Florida Atlantic, Central Florida, and South Florida recruits hoping to get some "Florida 2/3 stars that would be 4 stars if they played elsewhere". Pitt also lands 2 kids who at one time had a great offer list but found out over their recruitment that their tape wasn't as good as originally thought, teams sour on them, they can't commit to those schools and settle for Pitt.

Pitt celebrates what a closer the Duzz is and how he landed all under the radar Florida recruits and how their class should be rated higher.

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The Captain and Steel Curtain meet in the Oakland McDonalds every morning and discuss Pitt and Coach Pat's amazing success the last two years!They talk about Pitts return to greatness under Coach Pat and how Pitts the fastest team in history of football!They finish their breakfast biscuits and go home to their mothers basement apartment to research more info on why Pitt is it!H2P
Mike you hit the nail on the head about Pitts recruiting!There's a reason they get recruits in January and Pittsburgh's weather isn't it!I just wish the Great Captain would come on here and critique in blue print your post!bwdik
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Mike you hit the nail on the head about Pitts recruiting!There's a reason they get recruits in January and Pittsburgh's weather isn't it!I just wish the Great Captain would come on here and critique in blue print your post!bwdik

They are not intelligent enough to figure it out.
The guy is the definition of delusional. Claims the Pitt game will be more of a challenge for psu this year than osu. HAHAHA.
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The Captain calls this year's game a toss up win for Pitt because of Pitt's superior coaching! I'm not kidding go to the Lair and read what he has to say!Steel Curtain just says that Pitt's elite speed will put up 60 on the Lions! We're to short and too slow to compete with Pitt's elite speed .When everyone's 6'4" 220 plus lbs and run 4.3 40s you can't be stopped by slow smurfs!!!!!H2P
Add Chris Jokish Dokish to the delusional as well.

He wrote, "In the second group we have very good programs that could flirt with top 10 status with the right coach. That group includes Louisville, Virginia Tech, Miami, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa, Stanford, Washington, Oregon, UCLA, Arizona State, Utah and Texas A&M. None of these programs are always excellent, but they’ve proven that they are good enough programs that with an excellent coach they can be among the elite.”

Do you recall Pitt finishing in the top 10 in the last 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? That sound among the elite to you?
Add Chris Jokish Dokish to the delusional as well.

He wrote, "In the second group we have very good programs that could flirt with top 10 status with the right coach. That group includes Louisville, Virginia Tech, Miami, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa, Stanford, Washington, Oregon, UCLA, Arizona State, Utah and Texas A&M. None of these programs are always excellent, but they’ve proven that they are good enough programs that with an excellent coach they can be among the elite.”

Do you recall Pitt finishing in the top 10 in the last 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? That sound among the elite to you?
Wow! Powerful stuff.
It's not a laughing matter. Your mother is a pig and you spend all your time posting on another teams message board? Priorities, man. Straighten your pig mother out and just remember..... It's not your fault. Its not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

Come on man, there is no need for that. We all dislike Pitt, but lets just leave it at that and not involve any parents here. I like Chescat, atleast he is polite and doesn't flame like the others. And he debates properly.

On the other hand.. Capt Sid.. man oh man! I don't even know where to begin. I guess he is a little to passionate towards Pitt (which is fine) but like someone else mentioned earlier, he def'ly throws in daggers towards PSU in between his compliments. Its like as if he is being passive aggressive. And that Steel character... man he needs to get off his drugs.
OK. let's not get crazy here because your OC came from Fordham. We're no worse
at this point than we were last year in recruiting. PSU will almost always out recruit us and we will finish strong as we did this year. We like our recruiting under Narduzzi and this year's class proves it. Was it as strong as PSU's?...of course not. But then again,
I'll take the field results and give you the recruiting results.

2016 is in the past, there are no games being played on the field now. The only thing either team can win at the moment is recruiting. It's the lifeblood of CFB, and an indicator of how the teams will do in the future. The future for PSU is MUCH brighter than it is for Pitt. If you could stop living in the past, you would probably see that.

But since you do live in the past, let's talk about the 2016 field results:

PSU 11-3, Won the best conference in CFB, Rose Bowl, two narrow losses (Pitt, USC)that should have been wins, and likely would have been if it wasn't for missing players. Coach carried himself with respect and dignity.

Pitt 8-5, despite playing in the easiest division in CFB they did not win it. Played in some crappy bowl and lost to one of the worst B10 teams. Two lucky wins that should have been loses (PSU, Clem). Coach was a raving lunatic that no one respects and will likely leaves ASAP.

There is not one sane CFB fan outside of Pittsburgh that would trade what PSU accomplished for what Pitt accomplished.
Pitt would trade recruiting classes with us in a heartbeat. Pitt would trade on-campus for off-campus stadium in a heartbeat. Pitt begged and groveled for admission into the Big Ten, to no avail, and would trade the ACC for the Big Ten in a heartbeat, no matter what they say publicly. Pitt would trade just about everything about them, for what we have, in a heartbeat. There simply is no comparison.

This year, we will likely turn down more 4-star commitments, than Pitt will have 4-star visits.

They are in a hole from which they will never climb out. It is just too deep.
Update, so the good old Cap' can read this.

PSU verbals with Pitt offers

*According to the Rivals Database*

2014 Class

1 Saeed Blacknall
2 Antoine White
3 Noah Beh
4 Marcus Allen
5 Daquan Worley
6 Troy Apke
7 Troy Reeder

2015 Class
8 Kevin Givens
9 John Petrishen
10 Nick Bowers
11 Shareef Miller
12 Daquan Kelly
13 John Reid
14 Irvin Charles
15 Jonathan Holland
16 Brandon Polk
17 Juwan Johnson
18 Andre Robinson
19 Jake Cooper
20 Ryan Buchholz
21 Saquon Barkley
22 Kamonte Carter
23 Ryan Bates

2016 Class
24 Shaka Toney
25 Cameron Brown
26 Ellison Jordan
27 Will Fries
28 Michal Menet
29 Alex Gellerstadt
30 Danny Dalton
31 Zechariah McPhearson
32 Connor McGovern
33 Miles Sanders

2017 Class
34 Desmond Holmes
35 Jonathan Sutherland
36 Michael Miranda
37 Robert Martin
38 CJ Thorpe
39 Yetur Matos
40 Damion Barber
41 Sean Clifford
42 Fred Hansard
43 KJ Hamler
44 Donovan Johnson
45 Lamont Wade
46 Ellis Brooks
47 Tariq Castro-Fields

2018 Class
48 Justin Shorter
49 Zack Kuntz
50 Chris Bleich
51 Charlie Katshir
52 Jesse Luketa
53 Ricky Slade

Pitt verbals with Penn State Offers

2014 Class
1 Alex Bookser

2015 Class
2 Jordan Whitehead

2016 Class
3 Rashad Weaver
4 Damar Hamlin
5 Aaron Mathews
6 Amir Watts

2017 Class
7 Paris Ford
8 Charles Reeves
9 Carter Warren

Final Tally
James Franklin vs. Pitt since hired as PSU coach

53 of 62 commonly offered recruits between PSU and Pitt verbaled to PSU

James Franklin vs. Pat Narduzzi since they have been at PSU and Pitt respectively

46 of 54 commonly offered recruits between PSU and Pitt verbaled to PSU

The mystery for me is how 8 of 54 kids with PSU/JamesFranklin offers could have chosen pitt. What is wrong with them? Do they want to play before an empty stadium? Do they want to go to minor bowls played on a workday afternoon? Do they want to live in a crime-infested slum? It would be interesting to hear what the delusional 8 have to say.
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The mystery for me is how 8 of 54 kids with PSU/JamesFranklin offers could have chosen pitt. What is wrong with them? Do they want to play before an empty stadium? Do they want to go to minor bowls played on a workday afternoon? Do they want to live in a crime-infested slum? It would be interesting to hear what the delusional 8 have to say.

They simply are afraid to move away from home. It's a trait I've seen in nearly every Pitt grad I've ever met. While PSU is generally the most applied to school in the nation. No one outside of Pittsburgh ever dreams of going to Pitt, Pitt is a local safety school. People go there because they don't want to go leave home, and didn't get in to CMU. When they graduate, they find a local job and never leave the area.
The only real recruiting victories Pitt has are bookser, Whitehead, Hamlin, and Ford. They had commitable offers throughout the process. All Pittsburgh kids who did not want to leave home. Mathews was told he could play wr at Pitt. Reeves and Warren never had the opportunity to commit. Possibly Watts is a win. Chris Peak will count all the late contact flips psu tried last year in desperation time. Head to head it's not close

Bookser is turning into a good player, but his last year in high school was unimpressive. We didn't pursue Ford much for some reason, but we'll see how he turns out, with all of his baggage weighing him down. Whitehead and Hamlin I'll concede were wins for them. So that makes 2. If they can quadruple that number, minimum, every year for the next decade, then maybe they will have some scant progress to brag about. But they won't. They've essentially given up on Pennsylvania except for the WPIAL, where on their site they are hoping for commitments from some local 2-star guys.

The only thing that has kept them from sinking entirely is the odd 4-star who wants to stay home. Now that we are making inroads with those types of players, Pitt is dead.
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They simply are afraid to move away from home. It's a trait I've seen in nearly every Pitt grad I've ever met. While PSU is generally the most applied to school in the nation. No one outside of Pittsburgh ever dreams of going to Pitt, Pitt is a local safety school. People go there because they don't want to go leave home, and didn't get in to CMU. When they graduate, they find a local job and never leave the area.
Very true. Every pitt grad I know is a Western Pa. native. They are used to the filth and crime in Oakland. They don't mind having a college experience without a college campus. They don't know anything about the world except Western Pennsylvania and want to keep it that way.
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OK. let's not get crazy here because your OC came from Fordham. We're no worse
at this point than we were last year in recruiting. PSU will almost always out recruit us and we will finish strong as we did this year. We like our recruiting under Narduzzi and this year's class proves it. Was it as strong as PSU's?...of course not. But then again,
I'll take the field results and give you the recruiting results.
Simple question, would you rather have what Narduzzi has done or what Franklin has done?
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The mystery for me is how 8 of 54 kids with PSU/JamesFranklin offers could have chosen pitt. What is wrong with them? Do they want to play before an empty stadium? Do they want to go to minor bowls played on a workday afternoon? Do they want to live in a crime-infested slum? It would be interesting to hear what the delusional 8 have to say.
When my son was a senior in 2000, he decided to go into pharmacy. He had the grades to go anywhere he wanted to and would have really liked to go to PSU. Problem was PSU did not have a pharmacy program (and to my knowledge they still don't). He looked around for schools with that program and his choices were Wilkes, University of the Sciences and Temple in Philadelphia, and Pitt. He wasn't crazy about going there, but realizing what he wanted to do with his life, he had to consider it since they offered what he wanted. He eventually narrowed his choices to USP and Wilkes and with his mother being a flea in his ear, he stayed home and chose Wilkes. He spent several years in retail and is now an instructor in pharmacy education at Maryland Eastern Shore.
Simple question, would you rather have what Narduzzi has done or what Franklin has done?

Franklin has already accomplished more, and has PSU better positioned for future success due to his recruiting. The answer is obvious.
I am ban from the Lair bc Chris Peak is soooo sensitive, so I don't visit their website anymore, but I don't think CaptainSidney is that bad. He loves pitt, but there is some rationale behind his post. My opinion.
He tries to be the smartest guy in the room. Sometimes he makes sense. Other times he doesn't. He's complimentary towards PSU sometimes, but then he'll say something really smarmy. In the end, his true colors come out. He's not some objective guy like he likes to portray. He's a PSU hater and that's the sum of it.

As for Chris Peak. I have no use for the guy. Bans people even if they've said nothing outrageous or offensive. He's the perfect Pitt board moderator. Can't stand being little brother to Penn State. I take that back. They're not our little brother. More like no relation.
You're right about recruiting results. Now as far as the only results that
REALLY matter, namely those on the scoreboard..... Oh, that's right those
results don't matter because recruiting trumps all. I'll listen more
attentively if and when PSU wins in the fall. In the meantime enjoy the
recruiting wins...I'll enjoy Franklin's 0 -1 on field record while you
enjoy the overwhelming recruiting record.
Wow Chescat, that kind of comment gets you banned in the Lair by your idiot moderator Chris Peak. But I hope our moderators leave you alone so that we can toy with you for sport.
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You certainly do have "normal depth and good roster distribution" and you'll undoubtedly be favored this fall...but then again Clemson had all that and MUCH, MUCH more (National Champs this year as I recall). Now, not sayin" we'll do the same against
psu, but do you REALLY believe that Narduzzi is quaking in his boots and that he'll bring
a team to Happy Valley that's deathly afraid. You're fortunate that Franklin will be FAR
more cautious than you.
Be ready to lose by 30. At least. Unless Franklin calls off the dogs in the 3rd quarter.
Don't be fooled! He will bury you with kindness but in the last line, the steak knife still goes in your back. Read between his lines he will act like he is killing you with kindness but in the end, he's just killing you..
You are exactly right about the Captain.
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SPitters believe Duzzi will simply poach all of Ohio State and Alabama's players at the last minute before the 2018 LOI signing day. That's his strategy. No worries.

If you look at Barkley's amazing run, at the 40 yard line, he is literally surrounded and boxed in by four USC defenders like the middle dot on a dice showing five and yet not one of them lays a finger on him.
Go look at some runs by Gayle Sayers and OJ Simpson. Barkley's run in the Rose Bowl doesn't take a back seat to some of their best runs.
Add Chris Jokish Dokish to the delusional as well.

He wrote, "In the second group we have very good programs that could flirt with top 10 status with the right coach. That group includes Louisville, Virginia Tech, Miami, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa, Stanford, Washington, Oregon, UCLA, Arizona State, Utah and Texas A&M. None of these programs are always excellent, but they’ve proven that they are good enough programs that with an excellent coach they can be among the elite.”

Do you recall Pitt finishing in the top 10 in the last 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? That sound among the elite to you?

The last time Pitt was in the top 10 was 1982 (ranked #10 by AP with 9-3 record). That's 35 years ago......and counting. Not exactly a team I'd put in any "second group" that flirts with top 10 status.
Now he's talking about teams in college football that deserve the death penalty. The only way Pitt will ever win another national championship is if every other single team gets the death penalty.

Even then, it might be close.
Go look at some runs by Gayle Sayers and OJ Simpson. Barkley's run in the Rose Bowl doesn't take a back seat to some of their best runs.
I can't remember a run like that where the ball carrier runs parallel to the LOS and then can square his shoulders and go. Usually when you get a runner "strung out" it's advantage defense. Don't think I ever saw OJ or anyone else accomplish a run like that.
Simple question, would you rather have what Narduzzi has done or what Franklin has done?

Of course they would rather have what nardoozie has. Beating Penn State is all that matters to them. Had they lost to Penn State, yet still had a highly successful season in which they won their conference championship, finished 11-3, and made a major bowl game, they could not have gotten free T-shirts and their coaches could have not gotten keychain charms.

For pitt athletic supporters, it's all about beating Penn State. Other than that:

Of course they would rather have what nardoozie has. Beating Penn State is all that matters to them. Had they lost to Penn State, yet still had a highly successful season in which they won their conference championship, finished 11-3, and made a major bowl game, they could not have gotten free T-shirts and their coaches could have not gotten keychain charms.

For pitt athletic supporters, it's all about beating Penn State. Other than that:

Boy, next year is really going to suck for them. They won't beat us and they might win seven games. Ouch.

Barkley is an above average back. If he were eligible to come out this year, Fournette, Cook, maybe McCaffery go before him.

I've never hoped an athlete gets injured before in my life, Trace McSorley changed all that. I hope someone takes out his knees and ends that d-bags career. I can't believe I wish that on someone, but I do.

Barkley is an above average back. If he were eligible to come out this year, Fournette, Cook, maybe McCaffery go before him.

I've never hoped an athlete gets injured before in my life, Trace McSorley changed all that. I hope someone takes out his knees and ends that d-bags career. I can't believe I wish that on someone, but I do.
I got a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
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Barkley is an above average back. If he were eligible to come out this year, Fournette, Cook, maybe McCaffery go before him.

I've never hoped an athlete gets injured before in my life, Trace McSorley changed all that. I hope someone takes out his knees and ends that d-bags career. I can't believe I wish that on someone, but I do.

"d-bag" Lol. I guess PatherFatAssDave knows him on a personal level. I would almost guarantee this is the same guy I saw at Heinz field with the Pitt tattoo on his calf.

Some people on this board probably won't like me commenting on people's weight, however, I don't really care. What I find funny is, Pitt fans always referencing the number of cows at "Cow U". When I was at the game this past fall, I saw more cow-like fans wearing blue and gold then I have ever seen from any fan base at any level.
If truth be known Panther Dave,Steel Curtain and the Great Captain never step foot on a playing field or court as competitors! Dave's mother should slap him when she wakes him up this morning for wishing a college kid to get injured.Steels mother should slap him for being stupid when she wakes him this moring!The Great Captain's grandmother(his mother doesn't like him)should slap him when she wakes him for being delusional.One minute praising Paterno the next minute saying he's the worst human to every walk the earth!Mo,Curly and Larry have nothing on these three!
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If truth be known Panther Dave,Steel Curtain and the Great Captain never step foot on a playing field or court as competitors! Dave's mother should slap him when she wakes him up this morning for wishing a college kid to get injured.Steels mother should slap him for being stupid when she wakes him this moring!The Great Captain's grandmother(his mother doesn't like him)should slap him when she wakes him for being delusional.One minute praising Paterno the next minute saying he's the worst human to every walk the earth!Mo,Curly and Larry have nothing on these three!

Somebody needs to slap their parents for bringing them into the world
If they had decent mothers, they wouldn't be the losers that they are. They were probably abandoned at birth, found as infants in a dumpster somewhere, and then raised in the back room of a Taco Bell somewhere in Fayette County.
Several Pitt fans on that board reported that Pitt is only getting 1,000 tickets from Penn State for the game in September. Those things are worked out contractually of course when the agreement is reached and the other school has to pay for the tickets or return them if they can't sell them. 1,000 tickets! For a school that is 2.5 hours away. Also funny is how many Pitt fans I've read aren't going to travel to the game in September. They can dish it out, but they don't want to take it.