Cary Kolat Idea - Brilliant!

Wonder if Pitt is considering him. He seems committed to what he's building in Campbell. He's great for the sport of wrestling.
I get the tweet, but this is much, much bigger than wrestling. We're not driving the bus on this one.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">End Redshirting <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cary Kolat (@kolat) <a href=" ">March 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
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I disagree and so would Cael...The majority of kids NEED that red shirt year...Now there are exceptions but as a whole the red shirt gets you acclimated to college academics and wrestling !!!!
...back " in the day " it was much simpler...
...there was no "redshirt year" available...
...Freshmen were not eligible to compete... only had 3 years of eligibility!...
...and that is precisely why you had no
four-time Big 10 or NCAA Champions back then...!
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I disagree and so would Cael...The majority of kids NEED that red shirt year...Now there are exceptions but as a whole the red shirt gets you acclimated to college academics and wrestling !!!!

Its still redshirting....just that a true freshman can compete attached vs unattached. As it is now, true freshman still compete in tournaments attached to acclimate, so there is no difference. The decision to redshirt or not would just be pushed back to the tournament. For example, Suriano could have competed the entire year, but not lost a year of postseason eligibility due to injury because he didn't wrestle at NCAA. Or the staff could have used Hall earlier in the season to use in their decision with having to burn his redshirt ( even though that is now moot).
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Its still redshirting....just that a true freshman can compete attached vs unattached. As it is now, true freshman still compete in tournaments attached to acclimate, so there is no difference. The decision to redshirt or not would just be pushed back to the tournament. For example, Suriano could have competed the entire year, but not lost a year of postseason eligibility due to injury because he didn't wrestle at NCAA. Or the staff could have used Hall earlier in the season to use in their decision with having to burn his redshirt ( even though that is now moot).

precisely - ultimate flexibility
What about adding the caveat that true freshmen couldn't travel to away duels? This would help the freshmen keep up with school, and ensure that the best wrestlers competed at away matches. Schools could allow true freshmen to wrestle in the friendly confines of their home mat.