So I'm driving last night after reading Anthony may get 2 years instead of 1 and his decision making process. I'm reading and thinking and pondering our lineup with Beau B news and Ferrari. I flip over to Hawkeye Report to see their reaction to the Beau news and someone made a comment about how we have Top 10 PfP guys as our backups. This makes me ponder the future lineup even more. I'm thinking about Cassar rolls through with the Olympics and how this has been Gwiz weight for the US for quite some time.I continue to think about the US Olympic Heavyweight situation and consider the other competition like the Tony Nelson's and the Gable S of the world, but Anthony has been on this crazy ascension. I pulled into where I was headed and came to the conclusion he's going to be on the 2020 Olympic Team. That's my bold prediction.
It's the off-season. Can't you tell.
Also, please note you should not read wrestling message boards and drive and I also predicted Tom Brands would be fired by now. So take this for all it's worth.
It's the off-season. Can't you tell.
Also, please note you should not read wrestling message boards and drive and I also predicted Tom Brands would be fired by now. So take this for all it's worth.