CDT Advertisement


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2014
The following is a draft of an advertisement to be placed in the CDT's Blue White Game special edition (Saturday 4/18). The advertisement is designed to raise awareness of the need for Senator Corman to support reformation of the PSU Board of Trustees.

I am soliciting support (yes, that means $$$) to cover the costs of a 1/2 page ad in the CDT. If you would be interested in supporting, you can contact me at, or through my FACEBOOK page.

What follows is a rough draft (the hour is late, and I am sure the content still needs a good bit of polishing.....edits/suggestions/comments are welcome). I will include the names of the sponsors (if you want your name attached, if not it will not be included), and will also be happy to include the names of anyone who supports the content (even if they are not able to contribute).


Senator Corman - It is Time for Action

PA State Senator John Yudichak, 14th district, has proposed legislation to reform the Board of Trustees at Penn State. Senator Yudichak’s proposal provides for enhancements that create a more engaged, inclusive, and accountable board at Penn State

For years, we have seen – first hand - the affects that an unaccountable, disengaged, factional board of governance has had on Penn State.

We now have the opportunity, in fact, the obligation, to put an end to the tyrannical control of Penn State by a group of unauthorized pirates. Senator Yudichak’s proposal – while not perfect – is a significant step towards freeing Penn State from the grips of the cabal that has prostituted the University to whom we all owe so much.

Last year, attempts to reform the PSU BOT failed…in large part because Dominic Pileggi – as the Senate Majority Leader - refused to allow legislation to be brought onto the senate floor for a vote.

Now, the position of Senate Majority Leader is held by Senator Jake Corman of the 34th district, a district serving State College as well as Juniata, Mifflin, and Huntingdon counties. As the Senator from the Centre Region, it is imperative that Jake Corman provides his public and enthusiastic support to this legislation – or that he propose an even better plan.

To date, Senator Corman HAS NOT come out in support of the reform proposal.

The last time Senator Corman declared a victory for Penn State, it resulted in:

· The State gaining control of $48 million dollars

· The NCAA and the PSU Board of Trustees receiving a “Get out of Jail Free” card

· Penn State authorizing a $60 million extortion payment (and also picking up the tab for the State’s legal expenses)

· Penn State agreeing that the NCAA acted with a “good faith interest”

· And every other party of interest - including Louis Freeh, the PSU BOT, the Commonwealth of PA, every state agency responsible for child welfare, and every individual associated with the 2nd Mile - being provided with another veil of secrecy and distortion to prevent illumination of just what exactly has been going on for the last several years.

If that is the definition of a Victory, we can’t stand to win any more battles.

Senator Corman once said of the NCAA “They knew where the evidence was going”, and yes, we know where the evidence has been going. It is time for Senator Corman to provide evidence – not lip service – of his commitment to protecting the interests of Penn State, not to those who would like to see the status quo maintained and the truth hidden.

It is time to stand for real, accountable, reform of the PSU Board of Trustees.

Senator Corman, stand up and support meaningful reform of the dysfunctional, corrupt, unaccountable PSU Board of Trustees.[/B]

If we don't change the way the PSU BOT is composed.....we have all failed. And PSU will fail again and again. [/B]


Senator Corman can be reached at:

Senator Jake Corman

236 Match Factory Place

Bellefonte, PA 16823

(814) 355-0477

Or his Harrisburg phone number, (717) 787-1377

Senator Yudichak can be reached at:

Senator John Yudichak

Senate Box 203014

Harrisburg, PA 17120-3014

Room: 458 Main Capitol

(717) 787-7105
This post was edited on 4/9 2:06 AM by bjf1984
Around $1,000

Fortunately, it will run (with or without any outside support) because it is just too important to let this opportunity die on the vine without exhausting all efforts.

Today's actions (as if we really needed any more proof) should make it clear to everyone that there is no hope for this University without outside intervention to break up this cabal of soul-less scumbags. It would be nice if more people - who claim to hold PSU near and dear to their hearts - cared.....but so be it. PSU deserves better, and reform mandated by the legislature is the only reasonable avenue.
A little help is on the way. Just put my check in the mailbox.
Thank You......and most importantly, Thank You for standing up for Penn State.

Please let me know if you would like your name to be listed in the ad copy as a "sponsor" (you can send your info to me a
Thank you Chiro.

When you do, please also let me know if you would like to be listed in the ad as a "sponsor" can send information to

I have also - thanks to a lot of folks helping with edits/corrections/suggestions - posted a 2nd draft (same gist, but I believe now more readable and impactful) on FACEBOOK