It comes from Temple people. Rhule is a PennState grad and talks to the rest of Joe's former players. IMO Joe's former players think James is nothing but flash and talk without any substance, or the complete opposite of Joe and also OB. No matter how pollyanic some might be we have issues. The question is can Franklin show improvement this year? I don't know, actually no one does. What Rhule did at Temple and the fact he stayed there even though they lose a lot is very telling. IMO this is feeling like a whispering campaign with the end result of Matt Rhule as the next Penn State head coach. Going back to July 2012 knowledgeable people realized that 2014 and 2015 were going to be the most difficult years. With that said this program is not as far a long as it should be. If Franklin has a 3rd subpar year and Rhule has another good one, there will be a major push from former players and $ people to replace JF with Rhule. Franklin's personality may win over 17 year olds and the parents, but football people and especially Joe's loyal former players don't buy it. Today Franklin is our coach and I support him. But this is making out to be a make or break year.