Chronological Events concerning Coronavirus Virus.


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Nov 26, 2010
Late December — First indication of a few people dying in China, but nothing of concern.

Jan 14 - World Heath organization support news coming out of China that the virus cannot be transmitted person to person, China has everything under control. Nothing to worry about.

Mid to Late Jan. — CDC and World Health Organization start to express some concern of “fake news” coming from China as information coming out of China is very limited and confusing. China appears to be hiding the true nature, characteristics, and danger of the virus.

Mid to Late Jan — Democrats focused on the impeachment of Trump based on a hoax impeachment trial.

Jan. 22 - WHO has press briefing that China finally admitted that the virus could be transmitted person to person. But there are still many things that remain unclear as China hasn’t been totally transparent with details concerning the way the virus is transmitted, etc. Must confusion still about the true nature and characteristics of the virus.

Jan 22 - Republican Senator Tom Cotton, frustrated with the misinformation being put out by China and the WHO, teeets that a deadly virus is emanating from China and hundreds have fallen ill in Asia . It is imperative that China share information so we can stop the disease from spreading. Meanwhile, the Democrats were busy focusing on the impeachment hoax.

Jan. 25 — Trump announces a travel ban from China effective January 31’ 2020

Jan. 26 — Joe Biden and Democrats criticizes Trump on imposing travel ban and being racist.

Jan. 29 — Trumps forms a Coronavirus task force of experts, to manage crisis , take action on ways to mitigate the virus, to work with Governors and Mayors, and holding press briefings daily to update the public on situation

End of Jan to Mid Feb. — Trump task force totally revamps nations slow and outdated test system, streamline testing methods, and developing quick testing results needed to respond to a pandemic like Coronavirus.

End of Jan to Mid Now — Democrats complain about slow response of Trump to testing and call Trump racist,

Jan 30 — Joe Biden and Democrats criticize Trump and of being a racist.

Jan 30 - World Heath Organization declares a public health emergency

Jan 31 — Trump travel ban goes on China into effect

Jan 31 - Democrats complain about travel ban and call Trump a racist.

Feb. 5 - Democrats lose on impeachment hoax.

Feb 5 — Democrats in HOR hold hearings criticizing travel ban.

Feb. 25-26 - President Trump goes on a historic planned quick 2 day trip to India to talk business, strengthen our relationship with India, and speak with them about the outbreak of the Coronavirus. He’s met with an overwhelming positive response from the Indian people. He continues to closely monitor the propagation of the Coronavirus crisis while in India and as he returns to the US.

Feb 25 — Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards allows the Mardi Gras to take place despite the Coronavirus situation.

Feb 25 - Joe Biden and other Democrats falsely claim that Trump cut the CDC budget, when in fact he actually increased the budget.

Feb 26 - NYC commissioner of health, Democrat Dr. Oxiris Barbot tells NYC resident that there is no reason for alarm and people should go out and enjoy themselves.

Late Feb to Mid March - Democrats and their MSM accomplices keep pushing the “fake news” about Trump cutting the CNC budget.

March 1 - Governor Cuomo issues statement regarding the Coronavirus in NY, indicating that the first case was reported in NY from a woman traveling in Iran but the case was not serious and that the person has been in a “controlled situation” since arriving in New York. He called for the NY Legislature to pass a $40 million management authorization to “confront this evolving situation”. He ended by saying “ There is no reason for undue anxiety — The risk remains low in New York. We are diligently managing the situation”.

March 2 - Italy, Iran, and South Korea begins to see Coronavirus cases and Trump Administration issues travel advisory to those countries.

March 2 - Democrats complain about the issuance of travel advisories and about being a racist.

March 2 - NY Mayor Democrat Bill Democrat Blasio encourages New Yorkers to go on with their lives and get out of town despite the Coronavirus situation. He even offered suggestions including the film “The Traitor” a true story set in Italy.

March 3 - Democrat complain about Trump not acting fast enough an call him a racist.

March 5 — Coronavirus starts spreading to Europe and several cases are reported. Trump plans on issuing travel ban from Europe.

March 5 - Democrats sponsor bill to prevent the Trump administration from issuing travel ban from Europe. Democrats were so opposed to Trump travel ban with China and Iran, that they tried to get an act of Congress passed to prevent him from carrying the travel bans out. Democrat Judy Chu introduced the “No Ban Act”.

March 5 — Trump signs $8.3 million bill to combat Coronavirus.

March 9 — Becoming clear that the cases of Coronavirus in Europe is a concern.

March 11 - Trump imposes travel ban on Europe

March 12 - Democrats complain about Trump not acting faster and call him a racist.

March 13 - Trump declares national emergency

March 13- Trump announces private - public partnership in response to Coronavirus.

March 17 — Trump close border to Canada to non-essential travel

March 17 - Democrats say closing border unnecessary and call Trump a racist.

March 18 — Trump calls Coronavirus “Chinese Virus”.

March 18 - Trump declares Defense Production Act. Trump suspends evictions from homes.

March 18 — Trump and FDA at press conference announce that the use of potential drugs may help and are being used by doctors in hospitals. They also announced that controlled tests to determine the effectiveness of the drugs would begin.

March 18 — Democrats and their MSM accomplices call Trump racist for calling the virus the “Chinese Virus”.

March 19 - Democrats complain about Trump spreading false hope in the country and call Trump a racist.

March 19 — Trumps sends a massive US Navy Hospital Ships, one to NY City and the other to California to help mitigate the problems with hospital beds.

March 20 — Trump closes border with Mexico to non-essential travel

March 20 — Democrats call Trump a racist for closing the Mexican border.

March 20 — The state of NY is testing at a higher rate than that of the country of South Korea, yet the MSM and Democrats are screaming that there are no tests available. The Trump Administration put 10 Million lab tests into the commercial market and by March 28 that number will be 28 million tests.

March 20 - MSM reporter tries to sensationalize the crisis by asking Tump a “gotcha” question despite being already told about the facts of the situation and Trump reams him a second ass hole.

March 20 - Democrats complain about Trump spreading false hope and lying.

March 20 - The Trump Administration, along with a bipartisan mix of Senate Republicans and Democrats work on a multi-trillion dollar bill to help Americans in distress.

March 21 - Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Democrat that previously worked closely with Republicans suddenly block a bipartisan bill that would help people that lost their job, small businesses from going under and closing their doors, and others they were hurt mightily by the shut down of the economy and are hemorrhaging.

March 21 - Abbott’s lab develops and received FDA approval of new 45 minute Coronavirus test and begins distribution. The new test was developed and distributed in record time in conjunction with President Trumps private - public partnership and by working closely and cutting thru “red tape” with Trumps Coronavirus task force.

March 22 - Democrats stuff the bill with self serving and unrelated far left “pet projects while the country burns, holding the country hostage in a crisis situation.

March 23 - Democrats continue to block the bill and stuff it with self serving and unrelated far left “pet projects” while the country continues to burn.

March 24 - President Trump has video conference with G7 Nations to help develop a “world strategy “ to combat the Coronavirus.

March 24 - Trump Administration sends 4000 Ventilators, millions of masks, and other medical supplies that are in need to New York, Washington State, and other places around the country in need.

March 24-Despite getting a majority of the assistance, Governor Cuomo publicly complains about not getting enough Ventilators. This complaining by Cuomo is despite not ordering a recommended stockpile of 15,000 more Ventilators for New York in 2009.

March 24 - Democrats continue to block the bill and stuff it with self serving and unrelated far left “pet projects” while the country continues to burn.

March 25 - Democrats continue to blame Trump and call him a racist.

March 27 - President Trump finally signs a $2 trillion dollar stimulus bill that that delayed by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Democrats for about another week as American citizens continue to suffer. Fortunately, the Democrats didn’t get to insert a ton of unrelated and highly partisan pork in the bill other than some things like $25 million for the Kennedy Arts center in NY, and some other ridiculous pork. Items such as $50 million for Institute of Museum and Library Services, $150 million for National Endowment of Arts and Humanities, $1 billion for Amtrak, and several other non related funding still made the cut.

March 27 - Hospital ship “Mercy” arrives in Port of Los Angles, California and Governor Newsom thanks President Trump for acting fast.

March 27 - Sleepy “quid pro quo” Joe Biden holds a podcast from his home, rambles incoherently, coughs without covering his mouth properly, and is reminded by the TV interviewer that he could be spreading the virus.

March 27 - Governor Cuomo does a photo opportunity in NY and tries to defend having 4,000 ventilators supplied by the federal government in NY stock without distributing them to hospitals. This after making statements during his press conferences that he needed ventilators immediately or people in NY would die.

March 27 — President Trump walks a tight rope by speaking constructively with China President Xi Jinping in trying to get more information and a better understanding from China about the nature, characteristics, and lessons learned by the Chinese that may be able to help our country and the world without isolating communications and playing “blame games” with the Chinese as we are still very dependent on them and can’t afford to isolate them at this critical time.

March 28 - At President Trumps earlier order, the Army Corps of Engineers complete the conversion of a 3000 bed temporary hospital facility at the Jacob Javits center in NY City in 3 days. Additionally, the Corps of Engineers are busy working with the nations governors and actively building temporary hospital facilities all around the country.

March 29 — Based on the data accumulated so far, President Trump decides to extend the social guidelines and distancing until the end of April.

March 29 - Democrat Nancy Pelosi complains about Trump for something totally irrational and incomprehensible and calls for another $2 trillion dollar spending bill so she can stuff with highly partisan and unrelated radical Democrat pork into the bill. She shameless complains about Trump “fiddling” while people are dying, but offers nothing constructive.

March 30 - In response to President Trump excellent public -private partnership, Ford expects to produce 1,500 by the end of April, 12,000 by the end of May and 50,000 by July 4 — helping the U.S. government meet its goal of producing 100,000 ventilators in 100 days.

March 30 - Hospital ship “Comfort” arrives in NY harbor 2-3 weeks before schedule. Mayor Bill DiBlasio has “grandstanding” photo op in front of hospital ship taking credit and not acknowledging the good job by the US Navy in getting it there in record time. NY Democrats gather to see the arrival of the ship and listen to DiBlasio totally disregarding social distancing guidelines.

March 31 - President Trump and Coronavirus task force reveal models that predict between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths may be expected in the next 2 weeks due to the virus. The death toll in NY and NJ is said to be extremely high because the Democrat politicians in those states didn’t act fast enough to address the crisis.

March 31- Pursuant to President Trumps 24 March video conference with wold leaders, President Trump is in the process of ramping efforts to up help to other countries that are inflicted with the virus so as to try to mitigate the spread worldwide and try to stabilize the heath and economic impact around the world.

March 31 — Democrats like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and so many others Democrats continue to trash President Trump and the response to the crisis and continue to politicize the situation and spook the stock market without offering any constructive solutions.
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