Ciarrocca new OC at PSU

You have no idea if PA had nothing to do with it...only the coach and his family knows that.
If two opportunities were equal (ie PSU vs Georgia) then PA would matter as a tiebreaker. Otherwise, coming “home” is inconsequential to a guy like that. He is here for a few years to get a hc opportunity because he will have the visibility and resources at PSU to maximize his value. And I am totally cool with that because I think he gets us in the playoffs next season. This is the way of the world now.
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You have no idea if PA had nothing to do with it...only the coach and his family knows that.
I don't find it surprising that getting back to PA carried some weight for Kirk and his family -- from PA, grew up as a PSU fan, may not have been crazy about winters in Minnesota, etc.

Yeah, professional considerations of money, exposure, and the path toward a head coaching job had to be important, but he can benefit in all those areas, too.

Sounds like a good hire for Ciarrocca and for PSU. And, to hear Franklin talk about him, and see him show up in Dallas so soon, the guy is very pleased and excited about the whole situation.
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If two opportunities were equal (ie PSU vs Georgia) then PA would matter as a tiebreaker. Otherwise, coming “home” is inconsequential to a guy like that. He is here for a few years to get a hc opportunity because he will have the visibility and resources at PSU to maximize his value. And I am totally cool with that because I think he gets us in the playoffs next season. This is the way of the world now.
Again, you have no way of knowing that. That’s just your opinion.
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Before this morning, honestly, I wouldn't have remembered or recognized the new guy's name.

But Norm and many others here have made a strong case that it's a great hire, so count me in. Can't wait to have him aboard.

Still, I don't think it's necessary to combine a thumbs-up on him with a thumbs-down on the one leaving.

Agree. But just to be clear, sinply posting one's belief that KC brings an upgrade to the OC role isn't a "thumbs-down" on the one leaving.
At that level the only deciding factors are money + opportunity. PA has nothing to do with it. THat is just Franklin's marketing sense to appeal to the masses in PA. Of course, schools like PSU are more than just state schools and span nationally or even international.
On the other hand, he has hired three offensive coordinators that he didn’t bring in with him at Penn State and two of them have been from PA.
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Really solid hire. I think at the very least he will be a slight upgrade because of all his experience. But the most important question is, has he ever been to Champs?
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No....its not

"Positive Play" is not = any play that gains a yard :rolleyes:

There were 4 positive plays for PSU's offense over the entire final 37 minutes of the game.
A one yard run on first-and-10 is not a Positive Play for the offense :oops:

I guess you have your own definition of positive play then that you don’t want to share. And that wasn’t a 1 yard run on first down — it was a one yard run on third and one that got a first down. But I guess by your definition that’s also not a positive play. Why don’t explain your definition then instead of just mouthing off when someone questions your analysis.

By your definition the 5 yard run by Cain on first down also wasn’t a positive play? Care to explain?
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At that level the only deciding factors are money + opportunity. PA has nothing to do with it. THat is just Franklin's marketing sense to appeal to the masses in PA. Of course, schools like PSU are more than just state schools and span nationally or even international.
Believe it or not, a lot of people are drawn to home and can argue what is a “deciding factor’
First of all.... that 1 yard run in question - by Journey Brown to start the 4th quarter - WAS a 1 yard run on a first-and-ten (leading to a second-and-nine :rolleyes:) ...… so, WTF????? Before you tell someone "they are wrong", especially about something so simple - and especially when it wasn't something they were making some "claim" to anyway, don't be - you know - completely ****ing wrong :)

Second of all :) It's not some "analysis", it was just a summary of what happened in that game.

Third of all :) Don't be such a dick.

Fourth of all :) You had four "sentences" in your post. The proper response to each of them is:
"No", "No", "No", and "No" :) So you're batting 1.000 (or, is it 4.000?)

(But, somehow, in situations like this, I am supposed to be the "mean guy"? How retarded is that?)

Im looking at this:

That says it was 3rd and 1. I double checked ESPN and that shows it was 1st and 10. Since the play before was defensive holding, I’ll concede you are correct. But you still haven’t explained why a five yard run on first and ten isn’t a positive play in your brain.
Good Lord..... don't EVER do that. EVER!!

Don't ever "concede". Not when you are as wrong as a person can possibly be.
Not when you are demonstrably and factually 100% wrong with absolutely zero margin for error or debate or equivocation.

You just stick to your guns - and make sure to label the "other guy" as the asshole for allowing himself to be correct, when you are wrong.

That's the way it's done now days.... haven't you heard?
(And then you "demand" that they do some service for you. That's a real nice topper :) )


I can admit when I’m wrong. At least I showed where I got my wrong info — and it wasn’t me just making stuff up. Now, about that 5 yard run?
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We hired an old VW?? I hope he pulls up to his first PSU press conference in this!

Ciarocca (shuh-ROCK-uh) in a Scirocco (shi-ROCK-oh)

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wonder what his wife’s background is, if she has family in PA, don’t underestimate her pull.

Franklin said in his press conference that Kirk’s wife is excited to come back to Pennsylvania.

I read that their daughter played soccer at Rutgers so there are other eastern ties.
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wonder what his wife’s background is, if she has family in PA, don’t underestimate her pull.
She is a women’s lacrosse coach and coached at Temple & Delaware. She was a two time All American player at Temple. Daughter played soccer at Rutgers and son is playing lacrosse at Monmouth in NJ. Mrs. Ciarocca is from Conshohocken and a Temple grad, so coming back to near home area is probably desirable and closer to their son’s college lacrosse career. Maybe she winds up on the women’s PSU lacrosse staff too?
Believe it or not, a lot of people are drawn to home and can argue what is a “deciding factor’
Goodness, some of you really fall for marketing. How important was PA to JM? Only insofar that a PA school was his best opportunity to build his big time P5 resume. Now he is a southern boy. He has probably developed a southern drawl and likely has a picture of Robert Lee hanging in his office. If his best opportunity was in California he’d be eating hummus right now with a smile.
Kirk will be here for 2 or 3 years as well before he goes out of state to his first hc opportunity. I am guessing his opportunity will not be in PA.
Goodness, some of you really fall for marketing. How important was PA to JM? Only insofar that a PA school was his best opportunity to build his big time P5 resume. Now he is a southern boy.
Kirk will be here for 2 or 3 years as well before he goes out of state to his first hc opportunity. I am guessing his opportunity will not be in PA.
Well with the revolving door on the head coach’s office on north Broad Street in Philly, don’t be so sure that he will have to go out of PA for that HC job.
Well with the revolving door on the head coach’s office on north Broad Street in Philly, don’t be so sure that he will have to go out of PA for that HC job.
True, there is that possibility (and decades ago who would have thought temple would be a school of opportunity for aspiring head coaches) but likely Kirk’s first real hc job will be out of state. If Kirk could leave a friend in PJ who he was with for years, he will again leave his “beloved” home state of PA.
Not a Rahne hater but I seriously questioned the offense during the OSU game when I never saw a plan with dealing with Chase Young other than leaving Will Fries out on an island by himself the whole game. And I bet Brent Pry is excited about this hire, since he was a mile behind Minny for the entire first half....
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Not our problem, but I imagine Minnesota had some offensive recruits sign on earlier this month. Awkward. A downside of the early signing day since this is the time of year when we see many coaching changes.
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Not our problem, but I imagine Minnesota had some offensive recruits sign on earlier this month. Awkward. A downside of the early signing day since this is the time of year when we see many coaching changes.
It doesn’t appear they signed a QB for 2020. They do have a top 20 QB verbal for 2021.
Not a Rahne hater but I seriously questioned the offense during the OSU game when I never saw a plan with dealing with Chase Young other than leaving Will Fries out on an island by himself the whole game. And I bet Brent Pry is excited about this hire, since he was a mile behind Minny for the entire first half....
I think Pry should’ve received more heat than Rahne at times. It takes too long for our D to adjust to what the opponent is doing
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Goodness, some of you really fall for marketing. How important was PA to JM? Only insofar that a PA school was his best opportunity to build his big time P5 resume. Now he is a southern boy. He has probably developed a southern drawl and likely has a picture of Robert Lee hanging in his office. If his best opportunity was in California he’d be eating hummus right now with a smile.
Kirk will be here for 2 or 3 years as well before he goes out of state to his first hc opportunity. I am guessing his opportunity will not be in PA.
Or not - you have no idea and neither do I - you sound like you sit at the dinner table with the guy.
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The red zone play calling was atrocious and I’m not a Rahne hater. But it was brutal.

That game was typical Rahne. The offense was competent, OK but not really good enough for that far along in the season -- by contrast look at how sophisticated the Ohio State or Michigan offenses were by late season -- or Minnesota for that matter.

PSU had too many throwaway plays (like the pointless run off tackle when they had a first down at the 11 with 2 minutes left). Too many times calling a boring predictable play at a critical juncture Rahne didn't have something better prepared. And when they really needed a great play at a critical time, they didn't have one available.

Somehow there are an awful lot of Rahne fans on this board, and that's great, I'm happy for them and for him. But if he were still here next season, and we'd seen the same shortcomings a third time, another year with top 10 talent and a top 50-level offense -- he wouldn't have had so many fans next year at this time.

He saw what was ahead for him, he sensed he wasn't destined to be an OC for a top 10 program, and he found an excellent opportunity in Norfolk and took it. He could be really successful as a head coach. But I like PSU's chances better with a top line OC and I think Franklin has got one now.
Not a Rahne hater but I seriously questioned the offense during the OSU game when I never saw a plan with dealing with Chase Young other than leaving Will Fries out on an island by himself the whole game. And I bet Brent Pry is excited about this hire, since he was a mile behind Minny for the entire first half....
Agreed....hard to know what is going on with injuries and stuff on a day to day basis. But the game plan for tOSU was really a head scratcher and there were really no adjustments made with regard to Young. Young should send our staff a thank you note.
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I think we will run the ball very effectively next year. Oline is very experienced and we are loaded at RB. Compare that to a WR room with one proven player. I read he doesn’t use the TE but Minnesota had two excellent wideouts. They certainly didn’t have our TE room
Maybe someone can copy/paste the artcle so we don't have to support Dave Jones and PennLies.

Here’s an article you all might want to read, but heaven forbid we support it.

Maybe if we only click on links to articles we like, they’ll get the message and only write articles we like.

It’s a subscriber exclusive article anyway. I clicked the link.
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From someone who's broken down every offensive snap by UMinn vs B10 opponents.... one view on what can be expected:

(With the HUGE caveat that one never knows to what degree a coach may adapt/mold/reshape his schemes to fit existing personnel and design.... and to what degree a coach will reshape existing personnel and designs to fit "his" schemes.... and only time will tell).

KC's offense will - largely - share some of the basic fundamentals of the existing PSU offense. I think everyone knows that.

Fundamentally, what will be the same:

1) A lot of "check with me" decisions at the LOS based on what they are seeing from the defensive alignment
2) A lot of read-option in the run game, and a decent mix of RPO
3) Making the D at least have to account for 11-on-11 (the threat of the QB as a ball-carrier)
4) Primarily a zone-blocking scheme (in general terms)

What will/might be different from the current offense, if KC brings what he has been doing at UMinn:

1) A lesser reliance on the QB as a ball-carrier. It will still be an option, but (if anything at all like what KC has done in the past) not nearly so much so as under Rahne.

My personal thought - that is a good thing

2) More predetermination (at the LOS) of "run" vs "pass". Its not like PSU - under Rahne - did a TON of true RPO.... but KC seems to do even less of it..... choosing instead, it appears, to make those determinations pre-snap.
That certainly allows the QB to reduce the amount of live read he is doing, play faster, and ask less of the QB (especially a younger, less experienced QB).

My personal thought - that is a good thing

3) More six and seven man protections. Pretty self-explanatory.

My personal thought - that is a good thing

4) Less straight drop in the passing game.
PSU actually runs (ran) a LOT of straight drop in their pass game (more than I think most folks would expect). KC - at least at UMinn - really tried to reduce the amount of straight drop (probably at least partially due to not having OLs that could be trusted in standard pass-pro) but instead threw the ball (quickly) a lot out of "RPO-looking" work from the OL (even when, I believe - based on what it looked like on the video, they were determining "pass" in their pre-snap reads).
Their difficulties - when they happened - arose when they were forced into obvious passing downs - because their OL simply wasn't very good in those situations.... so they schemed and play-called to minimize tha

My personal thought - KC will feel a little more comfortable including more straight drop (with a competent OL), but will still do a lot of work from the RPO look up front.... which I think is a good thing, and is very hard to defend.
That RPO look - even on what were probably pre-determined throws - absolutely drove the PSU D nuts (and most other teams they faced) - - - and they often had 2 or 3 linebackers (and even safeties) up in the line of scrimmage as Tanner Morgan was taking advantage of wide open passing lanes to slants and dig routes with zero underneath defenders.

5) More diversity - and heavier reliance - on getting the ball to the outside receivers. UMinn and PSU (under Rahne) were pretty much night-and-day in that regard.... enough said.

My personal thought - that is a good thing

6) Run game will be more TB reliant (as mentioned earlier) but still predicated primarily on inside and outside zone with read-option elements.

My personal thought - not much different, and having less of a threat from the QB CAN make things a bit easier on the D.... but so long as it is enough to "keep them honest" the benefit of fewer hits on the QB might be a long term plus (over the course of the season)

7) Run game may be less diversified than some of the things Rahne was beginning to sprinkle in (which I thought was Rahne's strongest area). KC did incorporate the occasional misdirection (including some limited stuff off of the jet-sweep motion)….. but he was pretty bread-and-butter with his run game - choosing to "keep the D honest" by being able to LOS check to the pass.

My personal thought - more or less a wash, and you can't do "everything" and do it well.... but may miss some of the tangential elements of the run game that were emerging under Rahne.


- UMinn under KC did, of course, run some "under center". Will he bring that to PSU? IDK... and IDC (personally, I think its irrelevant - but some folks might jump for joy if they see it :) )

- UMinn does run some traditional screen game - another thing that may cause some to jump for joy …. but they don't really use a full back
- UMinn does - on occasion use a "wildcat".... with a power running QB. That - they way they used it - can reduce some wear and tear on your #1 QB in obvious run situations, and I could see him doing the same here at PSU.
- KC is an EXCELLENT situational play-caller (much like Bill O'Brien). This was one of Rahne's weakest points...… so that should be a huge improvement. He also is quite aggressive (which may surprise some folks, given the overall history of UMinn over the last decade or so). Much like JMoorhead in that way. A huge improvement for PSU - if that continues.

That's about all I can think of - in broad strokes - OTTOMH, based on what I saw out of UMinn the last couple years.
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Too many times calling a boring predictable play at a critical juncture Rahne didn't have something better prepared.

I think that's more an indicator that our OL is not pushing people around than a boring play call.

Go back to the Minnesota game. The OPI on George was a great play call. For some reason, we just seem to get called for it every time we run something in the vein of a rub route while others get the benefit of the doubt. (I remember examples where LSU and OSU ran basically our same exact play with no penalty).
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