A CNN team rescued a ‘prisoner’ from Syrian jail. Now, it admits he was a torturer
After a fact-checking group in Syria concluded that a man found in an abandoned Syrian prison was actually an Assad officer who took part in tortures, CNN said it is now investigating if the prisoner gave them a “false identity”
We're CNN, it's what we do. (my apologies to Bo Nickal)
I'm starting to think Clarissa Ward's reports are more about pushing the CNN worldview/narrative than actual reporting of facts like a true journalist would do. Well, there goes your Emmy and Pulitzer, Clarissa. BWHAHAHAHA
Like I said, so what's new about that? No wonder they haven't announced a takeover party yet.... who would want to spend good money for this bunch of wankers?
They are trying to make the best of it now. But, they are making chicken shit out of chicken feathers..... not the outcome they hoped for.
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