Coin toss jets game

No that's true If the pats said which goal they will defend, the jets could have said okay we will kick but that would be really really stupid as most likely you would have kicked into the wind.
If you are deferring in overtime, you are kicking off, 10 times out of 10. Belichick knows that.
Believe it was 1979. Matt Millan was on crutches as captain. The Pitt player, " Rooster " Jones, when Pitt won the toss, said to the ref, we'll
defend the goal and we'll kick. The ref replied you can kick ,receive, or defend a goal. This actually happened twice, before a confused Jones
said we'll kick, so State got the ball and the wind. Matt Millan lost it in the background.
And none of that mattered in 1979, because Dayle Tate couldn't throw a beach ball into the ocean with a 50 mph wind at his back. One of Joe's all time worst quarterbacks. NOT Chris Ganter bad, but bad.
LOL, yeah, exactly. When does the team winning the overtime toss ever elect to kick? Just ask the player what he wants to do, for God's sake. The player got fooled but the refs gotta be more on the mark, too. Cousin's mistake yesterday was much dumber but he can laugh about it now.
It was Marty Mornhinwig- "we'll take the wind"- and the Bears went right down the field and kicked a sudden death OT field goal.
No that's true If the pats said which goal they will defend, the jets could have said okay we will kick but that would be really really stupid as most likely you would have kicked into the wind.

No stupider than what Slater ACTUALLY DID DO - he effectively did precisely this in reverse....he choose to kick rather than defer the kicking decision to the Jets and selecting which goal to defend. Belichik has stated multiple times that he wanted Slater to "defer the choice regarding the kick" (e.g., in favor of field direction choice), but that is not what Slater did. By "electing to kick" (rather than defer that choice to the Jets), Slater not only gave the jets the ball first, but then it was also the Jets' choice as to which end they would receive the kick on. Of course, the Jets exercised their choice by electing to make NE kick into the wind and start their possessions going downwind.
A game (OT) should NEVER be decided on a coin toss.

Just silly.

VERY silly!

If you are deferring in overtime, you are kicking off, 10 times out of 10. Belichick knows that.

Again, the issue is that Belichick did not get what he was looking for (the Jets got the ball first and were going downwind on their possession) because Slater screwed up and did not "defer" the selection regarding "kick/receive" in favor of choosing the direction NE would be going for the entire OT (Belichick clearly wanted "defer" the kick choice in favor of being with the wind and forcing the Jets to kick into the wind for the entire OT!). Instead of choosing direction (e.g., defending the goal that would put them "with the wind" for the entire OT period) Slater stated that they wanted to "kick off" - this not only gave the Jets the ball first, but it also gave the choice of DIRECTION to the Jets as well. The Jets immediately choose to defend the goal that would force NE to kick into the wind and make the Jets downwind for the entire OT period. IOW, Slater's failure to "defer the kick choice" in favor of Direction choice as Belichick clearly wanted meant that they would not have the ball first, they would kick into the wind, the Jets would play downwind on offense, the Jets would kick downwind if NE was able to stop them and NE would play offense into the wind if they ever got the ball.

Again, very CLEARLY not what Belichick intended - he wanted to get direction (e.g., with the wind) over receiving the ball if they won the toss, but Slater screwed it up. He should have taken the goal that NE wished to defend which would have left the "kick/receive" choice to the Jets (what Belichick clearly meant by "deferring the kick"). The Jets would have almost certainly selected to receive as electing to kick would have meant they would be kicking into the wind and NE would play downwind, but NE would have been kicking DOWNWIND and the Jets offense would have been playing into the wind.