Collegian editorializes against UVa frat lawsuit vs. rolling stone


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
yeah....I have to say that I am shocked at the permissive attitude the media is showing regarding Rolling Stone and this case. They seriously are OK with, literally, zero consequences for a paper to ruin people's lives?

Really shameful.
You see the muddled 'thinking' of our future journalists. Right and wrong don't matter.
Exactly. Feelings are all that matter, not right or wrong and there are no consequences for outright lies, especially for left leaning pseudo journalists and bloggers.
Originally posted by PennState1997:

Exactly. Feelings are all that matter, not right or wrong and there are no consequences for outright lies, especially for left leaning pseudo journalists and bloggers.
There is plenty of that to be found on BOTH sides.
"Paddington" to be shown tonight at 8

attendance is mandatory.
Originally posted by Obliviax:
yeah....I have to say that I am shocked at the permissive attitude the media is showing regarding Rolling Stone and this case. They seriously are OK with, literally, zero consequences for a paper to ruin people's lives?

Really shameful.
Jon Stewart did a great job trashing Rolling Stone

of course, the BoT-licking Collegian once again shows their lack of integrity . . .
They don't want the facts to get in the way of the point they want to make. They feel that their actions are justified as long as the ends justify the means.

Over time, the media earned respect by accurately reporting events and by investigating, documenting AND THEN reporting stories that revealed illegal or improper activities. Today's media is living off the reputation of their predecessors but they are quickly ruining the legacy that was handed to them.

As that free ride comes to an end, they now want to just say that as long as they are doing something "good", it should be okay.

They are dead wrong. Rolling Stone's actions had a real and significant impact on that fraternity, other fraternities at the university and the university itself. It is absolutely valid to argue that Rolling Stone should be responsible for those actions. Only when it is shown that there will be significant consequences for their actions will the media be forced to become responsible.
Very true. The media now seems to think that if they lie or omit facts it's ok as long as they are 'trying to do something good' (as they define it). Here's a journalist who literally lied and didn't check out the story because what she was told fit her wanted narrative. She didn't care, much less actually check, if it was true or not. And she doesn't even get fired. Then to top it off the idiots at the collegian think the frat should just accept that and walk away. Unreal.

This post was edited on 4/9 4:09 PM by psu00
I'm also enjoying other media outlets now 'spectating'

I especially enjoy the network airheads mentioning Rolling Stone as if its some bizarre publication with rogue policies yet 4-6 weeks ago, they couldn't get enough of Rolling Stone's reporting. I also love when NPR asks journalism professors what went wrong yet refuse to discuss the ineptitude of today's journalists in general despite the professor or guest 'media expert' pointing out how bad the profession has become.
I think you are underestimating Erdely's treachery

Originally posted by psu00:
Very true. The media now seems to think that if they lie or omit facts it's ok as long as they are 'trying to do something good' (as they define it). Here's a journalist who literally lied and didn't check out the story because what she was told fit her wanted narrative. She didn't care, much less actually check, if it was true or not. And she doesn't even get fired. Then to top it off the idiots at the collegian think the frat should just accept that and walk away. Unreal.

This post was edited on 4/9 4:09 PM by psu00
(btw like the 4/09 4:09 post!)

she went fishing at several universities looking for a narrative so shocking, she could be excused for not doing her due diligence.

sound familiar?
Is this written by an actual PSU student? Concerning if so, because the author is a dipshit.
Re: I'm also enjoying other media outlets now 'spectating'

Originally posted by ApexLion:

I especially enjoy the network airheads mentioning Rolling Stone as if its some bizarre publication with rogue policies yet 4-6 weeks ago, they couldn't get enough of Rolling Stone's reporting. I also love when NPR asks journalism professors what went wrong yet refuse to discuss the ineptitude of today's journalists in general despite the professor or guest 'media expert' pointing out how bad the profession has become.
Hey, it could be worse. You could have media outlets slamming the integrity of a former FBI director for decades who suddenly think he's the bastion of integrity when it fits their narrative.
'while unable to prove the assault didnt happen'

I mean... where do I begin
Re: 'while unable to prove the assault didnt happen'

Someone ought to make up some kind of horrible allegation against the Collegian editors and then demand that they prove a negative.
Re: 'while unable to prove the assault didnt happen'

These 2 sentences toward the end of the article really baffle me.

It will show anyone who may have something to say against a fraternity that they have the power, they can sue and they will essentially always win. We can't let this mindset that greek life is above all others continue.

I am sure the Daily Collegian would be in favor of suing the fraternity if the allegations were true but the fraternity should not have the same right. Also, who has the mindset that greek life is above all others?
Re: 'while unable to prove the assault didnt happen'

Exactly. The education system has been horrid in teaching these kids about things like the constitution. It's not about proving it didn't happen. It's about proving it did- especially before you ruin the lives and reputations of others.

I really wish someone would accuse the Collegian editors/ staff or Barron/ Masser of something as heinous as rape and then demand they prove it didn't happen before anyone will believe them or be held to account. In the meantime let them all be trashed publicly and lose their jobs. I'm not sure even that would open any eyes at the collegian or Old Main.

This post was edited on 4/9 5:22 PM by psu00
Its been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the accused didn't do it

Although it is highly likely that no assault took place, anything is possible.

We do, however, no for a fact that those accused didn't assault her.
Re: Protests planned for Tonight's Paddington movie showing...

By those who identify as humanoid bears and are uncomfortable with the movie's depiction of their people...err bears...err bear people.
I believe it has also been established that no party was scheduled at

the frat house on that day.
Mark Twain said it best:
'A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.'

[/B]And that's the basic problem with Modern Journalism. If its a sensational story, the most important thing is to GET THE STORY OUT before actually verifying that the story is TRUE.

And then the LIE becomes the default story. And once the story is out there, the burden falls on everybody else to prove it false as opposed to the burden falling on the writer to prove that it was true.

Such is the damage of the Anchoring Effect. You want to spread a lie? Be early and repeat it often and you'll have a bunch of people who will believe it to be true. Sadly, if it conforms to a pre-conceived notion (cough, cough, both political sides are guilty here) then the lie becomes easier to believe, and people will actually start to attack the fact-checkers.

a) the fact-checkers "must have" an agenda.
b) the fact-checkers are going against the established narrative and the status-quo. Who are they to say the story is false?
c) the fact-checkers are telling you that you're a bit too gullible for your own good.