COVID vaccine: who has had it?

obviously you don't recognize a HUGE difference between wearing masks reduces spread and wearing masks basically stops things based on your comments. so you are not much different then the anti-mask crowd just on the other side saying this could have all been prevented (your words) if everybody just wore masks.

My actual words were "we had a chance." But keep putting words in my mouth. And you called me a troll? LOL
I received the Moderna last Friday at a mass vaccination event at Bank of America stadium in Charlotte, NC. They vaccinated 19,000 people over the 3 day event. Made the appointment only 6 days prior when I was looking for better options than the Feb 27 appointment I already had scheduled. I say to everyone you need to be constantly looking for a vaccination. Be willing to go to another State if you have to. A friend of mine who is a PA resident got vaccinated at a pharmacy in NJ. As for side effects I noticed some minor discomfort at the injection site for a couple of days, and nothing more.
So, if I get the vaccine i still need to wear a mask so I don't transmit it to anyone that refuses to wear a mask?

How does that math add up?
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So, if I get the vaccine i still need to wear a mask so I don't transmit it to anyone that refuses to wear a mask?

How does that math add up?

Since you likely caught COVID from an unmasked person while you yourself were masked, you should already know the answer.
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"David Martin, the businessman, professor, author, storyteller, inventor, global foresight advisor, father, friend and Creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index, specializes in putting humanity back into humans – and business. "

Not sure what in that list of titles makes me want to listen to his medical advice.
"David Martin, the businessman, professor, author, storyteller, inventor, global foresight advisor, father, friend and Creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index, specializes in putting humanity back into humans – and business. "

Not sure what in that list of titles makes me want to listen to his medical advice.
That surely is a different read on what is going on in the world. I'm not too fond of Fauci and he's got nothing good to say regarding him. Good to read another's view on this subject.
"David Martin, the businessman, professor, author, storyteller, inventor, global foresight advisor, father, friend and Creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index, specializes in putting humanity back into humans – and business. "

Not sure what in that list of titles makes me want to listen to his medical advice.
I was trying to figure out who he is and his educational background too. Can't see definitely what his degrees are in. PhD from UVA, but can't see what the focus is. He does not have an MD. Seems like more of a math, business guy, with maybe some genetics and cell biology thrown in too. He is making some very powerful claims, that no one else currently in the COVID-19 discussion is making.
Midway through the text, a Dr Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman are mentioned. If you check up on them some interesting discussions on the virus.

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Lots to unwrap there. First the link is to a foundation based on natural healing and traditional medicines so they have a strong bias, which is why they interview people with similar approaches.

Then this guy says it is not a vaccine.....which is strictly true using the long held definition of vaccines. But to make that a major issue is nitpicking. Then he says it actually causes the disease with its side effects. That could be said of pretty much every vaccine as most will cause muscle soreness and fever in a substantial number of people.
As for ‘gene therapy’ that is also never been shown and is very doubtful. mRNA is made in the nucleus and moves out into the cell body as a messenger carrying the instructions of the DNA. I have never seen evidence that mRNA can move from the cell body into the nucleus. It may and it would be a good research study to manufacture this mRNA with a radioactive nucleotide and see if it can be tracked into the nucleus. If anyone knows of studies showing mRNA moves into nuclei let me know, please.

And even if it does you still need to show that the mRNA has the ability to alter genes. Again, possible but needs to be shown.

As for the Pharma not testing for the virus during their studies, it’s pretty impossible using current tests. The tests look for the presence of the spike protein as proof of infection. But since the vaccine tricks the body into making the spike protein every test would be positive. And having the spike protein doesn’t constitute an infection because it doesn’t contain the full mRNA that causes the body to replicate the virus.
Good luck to all. Get back to me in 8-12 months. If you're good, I will consider it.

Of course it won't work that way. If you want to travel, you'll need to get it. My wife will be all over that, so I'll have little choice, lol.

I want to see studies that instruct on what those who have antibodies should be doing. I had it 8 months ago and I still have 'em (wow, and they kept selling the 'you have maybe 3 months immunity bulls) .. .
How do you know that you still have antibodies eight months after your bout with the ‘Rona? Have you had a recent antibodies test?
The latest CDC numbers say that 83% of the deaths are people over 65. That's less than 50 million people. Doesn't it make sense that deaths would drop by 83% if get those 50 million people vaccinated?
The latest CDC numbers say that 83% of the deaths are people over 65. That's less than 50 million people. Doesn't it make sense that deaths would drop by 83% if get those 50 million people vaccinated?

Not necessarily. Vaccines in the old and infirmed may not produce enough immune response to keep someone from a positive PCR test, then once the old person dies of heart disease or other common old person disease, it'll still go down as a covid death.
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I had the 2nd Pfizer shot on February 2nd...I definitely had a reaction to the 2nd dose. I ended up missing work for two days due to not feeling well. Nausea, heart palpitations, feeling like I had a fever, and shaking like a wet dog for an evening. Feel great today. My coworker, who got his 2nd dose the same day as me, had the same reaction I did but he ended having the lymph node under his armpit swell to the size of a grapefruit. He went to his primary care provider and they told him that was a common side effect of the vaccine.

1st dose only gave me a sore shoulder for two days...
First dose of Pfizer yesterday. About 5 hr after the shot, my arm & shoulder started to feel stiff. Woke up this morning feeling like a 100 yr old man that had just finished a marathon while hung over. Took a sick day from work. Rather a day or two of side effects from the vaccine that what I could face from a bad case of COVID given that I’m diabetic and overweight.
I had the 2nd Pfizer shot on February 2nd...I definitely had a reaction to the 2nd dose. I ended up missing work for two days due to not feeling well. Nausea, heart palpitations, feeling like I had a fever, and shaking like a wet dog for an evening. Feel great today. My coworker, who got his 2nd dose the same day as me, had the same reaction I did but he ended having the lymph node under his armpit swell to the size of a grapefruit. He went to his primary care provider and they told him that was a common side effect of the vaccine.

1st dose only gave me a sore shoulder for two days...
had the lymph node swelling in armpit after second shot as well. Its actually a reassuring sign that immune system is reacting properly and developing immune response
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Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday at the Meadowlands super site and will go back on the 22nd for the second dose. Two hours after the shot I had very subtle taste of something in the back of my throat but it went away in a few hours. Today just mild soreness in the area where i got the injection.
The process was efficient and quick thanks to the many NJ National Gard people who were on site to help direct us around.
I had the 2nd Pfizer shot on February 2nd...I definitely had a reaction to the 2nd dose. I ended up missing work for two days due to not feeling well. Nausea, heart palpitations, feeling like I had a fever, and shaking like a wet dog for an evening. Feel great today. My coworker, who got his 2nd dose the same day as me, had the same reaction I did but he ended having the lymph node under his armpit swell to the size of a grapefruit. He went to his primary care provider and they told him that was a common side effect of the vaccine.

1st dose only gave me a sore shoulder for two days...

I get my second dose on 2/17. Something to look forward to I guess. Yikes.
Got my second dose of Pfizer vaccine on February 2. Very mild soreness at injection site, minor body aches, and a little fatigue lasting 1 day. Piece of cake!
I got my first Pfizer shot today and return in 3 weeks for the second. My upper arm is a little sore but it’s no big deal. I barely notice it and was thankful to find the vaccine and get it with no hassle or waiting. It’s a big weight off my mind to get the immunization. It seems like all my friends (over 65) are getting it now and that availability is increasing.
I got my first Pfizer shot today and return in 3 weeks for the second. My upper arm is a little sore but it’s no big deal. I barely notice it and was thankful to find the vaccine and get it with no hassle or waiting. It’s a big weight off my mind to get the immunization. It seems like all my friends (over 65) are getting it now and that availability is increasing.
Rc'vd my 2nd Pfizer vaccine on Thursday. Same as 1st, slight arm soreness and some tightness in my neck/shoulder on left side for a day following vaccine. Rc'vd my vaccines in left arm. Took a couple 200mg Advil post vaccine. Feeling fine, praise the Lord.
My wife got second Moderna shot yesterday afternoon. Arm hurt a lot and all over body pain started about 4 hours after the shot. Feeling a little bit better this morning.
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For the greater audience. Information sharing. Any side effects? Any issues?

got mine tonight. Wife got hers 3 days ago. No side effects or issues for her, nothing initially for me but I’ll report back if we get anything.
Got my second shot of the Moderna vaccine Friday. Friday night I became tired, then the chills, muscle ache, malaise. Just feeling well this morning in time for the Super Bowl.
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My second shot had to be rescheduled from 2/1 to 2/9 due to the snow storm. Today we get hit with a second storm and the 2/9 date could be in jeopardy. I was told that the absolute gap between shots cannot exceed 42 days, on the 9th I’m at day 35.
My second shot had to be rescheduled from 2/1 to 2/9 due to the snow storm. Today we get hit with a second storm and the 2/9 date could be in jeopardy. I was told that the absolute gap between shots cannot exceed 42 days, on the 9th I’m at day 35.

i actually asked my dr what would happen if I was a few days late, they said it wouldn’t be a big deal. I wouldn’t worry about it if it exceeds 42 by a few days.
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Got my second dose of Moderna Friday. Minor injection site pain, slight fatigue that lasted about a day, but nothing else. Several co-workers that got it had much more intense reactions after their second round
Got the 1st one on Tuesday. Did a lot of digging to get there. I wasn't going to miss the appointment at St Joe's in Reading. Arm hurt a bit that evening but I was 100% the next morning.
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For the greater audience. Information sharing. Any side effects? Any issues?

got mine tonight. Wife got hers 3 days ago. No side effects or issues for her, nothing initially for me but I’ll report back if we get anything.
My wife and I received 1st dose of Moderna on Friday. A little sore in the arm for a day but no other symptoms. 2nd dose scheduled for 3/5.
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If anyone has any advice on how to get the shot in the Pittsburgh metro area I’m all ears. I’ve been trying for weeks to get it for my 84 yo mom. I’ve tried Giant Eagle, Rite Aid and a county site along with a few others to no avail.

It seems like it shouldn’t be this hard but it is.
According to today’s CDT article 3,000 individuals have received two doses in State College Area. Being 1A grouping I am deeply appreciative, And I offered my name repeatedly to volunteer but those willing to assist out number the availability of supply.
I felt minimal soreness and felt post injection workout assisted me , but several of my office staff stayed home the next day with various symptoms. Again those nurses, physicians, common folks involved in process showed extreme levels of honest willingness to help their neighbors! God Bless them all
I received my second Moderna shot late yesterday morning. My shoulder is sore and I have a fair bit of muscle soreness. I'm tired, but I don't know if that is from the shot or not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep well last night, thanks to the muscle soreness. If I follow the normal 24-36 hour recovery time most report, I'd call it a fairly easy road.
Here in Ohio, they are now inoculating people over the age of 65. Nationally, 80%+ of COVID fatalities have been 65 or older. So, does this mean we should see a drop in mortality rates by 80%-ish over the next month or so?

that is damned exciting.

No. We’ll find a new way to get those numbers up. Remember, these are difficult times.
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I had the first Pfizer shot on Friday and had soreness in my arm both Saturday and Sunday. Today (Monday) it seems fine. There were no other symptoms.
If anyone has any advice on how to get the shot in the Pittsburgh metro area I’m all ears. I’ve been trying for weeks to get it for my 84 yo mom. I’ve tried Giant Eagle, Rite Aid and a county site along with a few others to no avail.

It seems like it shouldn’t be this hard but it is.
That’s terrible.

I’ve recently learned that a 38 year old man I know is getting his shot. He is in great shape. He is a teacher and apparently has asthma which qualified him. I know of another guy who is like 33. He is technically obese, but not really that bad 6’2” 280. He is also getting a shot. A bit disgusting to me that these guys have got an appt, but you mom can’t. This vaccine rollout is a total cluster f.
That’s terrible.

I’ve recently learned that a 38 year old man I know is getting his shot. He is in great shape. He is a teacher and apparently has asthma which qualified him. I know of another guy who is like 33. He is technically obese, but not really that bad 6’2” 280. He is also getting a shot. A bit disgusting to me that these guys have got an appt, but you mom can’t. This vaccine rollout is a total cluster f.

I'm 54 and only got the vaccine through my sister's employer. I was on a stand-by list in case they had extra doses at the end of the day. They either go into an arm or the trash at that point. So I got a bit lucky. But I know people who are maybe exaggerating their conditions in order to make appointments.
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If anyone has any advice on how to get the shot in the Pittsburgh metro area I’m all ears. I’ve been trying for weeks to get it for my 84 yo mom. I’ve tried Giant Eagle, Rite Aid and a county site along with a few others to no avail.

It seems like it shouldn’t be this hard but it is.
What county is she in?