Cry Clint Eastwood

Looks to be another great one by Clint

Looks awesome. Don't let the old man in.

Clint telling the story of his aging in his last several movies....this is a great message that is not often explored by Hollywood but, if you live long enough, you will surely experience.

Toby Keith knows a good hook when he hears one. And no one weaves a tale quite like Clint Eastwood.​
That the two were sharing a golf cart last year at Eastwood’s charity tournament in Pebble Beach, Calif. is both a testament to their friendship and a stroke of good fortune. The encounter led Keith to pen the beautifully haunting song that lingers at the end of The Mule. The Eastwood-directed and starring film, in theaters now, is based on the true story of a WWII veteran in his 80s who takes a job as a courier for a Mexican drug cartel.​
Out on the green, Eastwood shared that he’d be starting work on The Mule in two days, which also happened to be his 88th birthday. Struck by Eastwood’s relentless energy at an age when many are content to sit and reflect, Keith asked how he keeps going.​
“He said, ‘I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in,’ ” Keith recounts. “And I thought, I’m writing that.”​
What was to become “Don’t Let the Old Man In” transfixed the country singer/songwriter, who had soaked in enough about the film and Eastwood’s character to take a stab at a song. “People were talking to me and they would say, ‘Did you hear what I just said?’ And I was like, ‘No,’ because I wasn’t listening to any conversations. I was consumed by ‘Don’t Let the Old Man In.’ I worked so hard on it,” Keith says. “When I finally sang the line, I thought, it’s got to be dark, it’s got to be a ballad and it’s got to be simple.”​
In what turned out to be another stroke of serendipity, Keith was under the weather the day he cut his demo. “I was sick as a dog that day. I was coughing and sneezing and thinking, this is terrible,” he recounts. “I gave it the best vocal I could that day, and I sent it off. It’s a real raspy, sleepy, tired, sick vocal. I said, ‘Well now you’ve got a reference, and I’ll go back and put a vocal on it for you.’ ”​
To his surprise, Eastwood called immediately. “He said, ‘I’ve got a spot in the movie and I’m putting it in there.’ And then Warner Bros. called asking did I read the script before I wrote this song because it fits perfectly.”​
I’ll watch anything he makes, great filmmaker. I’m a little concerned about the punching scene. It looks like it could rival the DeNiro stomp in The Irishman for laughable. kind of hit on a pet peeve of mine and why I don't like cartoon-based movies. They always want to have a 110 lb woman beat up a 240 lb man. While there are ways to beat a larger opponent, standing there and square punching them ain't gonna cut it. The physics are simply not there. So I come away highly skeptical and a little disappointed. I share your concern.
Looks to be another great one by Clint

ANYTHING Clint does HAS to be good.

Just watched "Where Eagles Dare" on TCM a few nights ago. One of those good old Clint movies most people never heard of that he starred in with Richard Burton in 1968. It was so good I watched it three nights in a row!!! :) :) :)

Never go to the movies anymore because everything they make now is pure invented crap. But this one, since it's Clint, sounds like it might be worth watching!
ANYTHING Clint does HAS to be good.

Just watched "Where Eagles Dare" on TCM a few nights ago. One of those good old Clint movies most people never heard of that he starred in with Richard Burton in 1968. It was so good I watched it three nights in a row!!! :) :) :)

Never go to the movies anymore because everything they make now is pure invented crap. But this one, since it's Clint, sounds like it might be worth watching!
I watched it, again, too! Two conclusions: that fight scene on the gondolas was epic and had to be quite a thing to see in the 1960s on the big screen. second, the germans would have won WW2 if any of them could hit the side of a barn with their gun shots.
I watched it, again, too! Two conclusions: that fight scene on the gondolas was epic and had to be quite a thing to see in the 1960s on the big screen. second, the germans would have won WW2 if any of them could hit the side of a barn with their gun shots.


My favorite part was when Clint and Burton go into the interrogation room when the Nazi's are questioning that fake American General. Never saw a guy talk himself out of so many jams in my life as Burton did in that 15 or 20 minute sequence of events. :)

I'll bet I rewound that interrogation sequence ten times it was so good!!!:):):)

Lots of back stories to that movie.

It was filmed on location under horrible weather conditions in the Alps. Eastwood and Burton called the movie "Where Doubles Dare" because of how dangerous it was to film. Among other things, the character that played Von Hapen (the Gestapo guy) was actually injured when Clint shot him in the head during the interrogation sequence. He was temporarily blinded when the blood squib attached to him exploded. He did make a quick recovery.
ANYTHING Clint does HAS to be good.

Just watched "Where Eagles Dare" on TCM a few nights ago. One of those good old Clint movies most people never heard of that he starred in with Richard Burton in 1968. It was so good I watched it three nights in a row!!! :) :) :)

Never go to the movies anymore because everything they make now is pure invented crap. But this one, since it's Clint, sounds like it might be worth watching!
One of my all-time favorite war movies!!
ANYTHING Clint does HAS to be good.

Just watched "Where Eagles Dare" on TCM a few nights ago. One of those good old Clint movies most people never heard of that he starred in with Richard Burton in 1968. It was so good I watched it three nights in a row!!! :) :) :)

Never go to the movies anymore because everything they make now is pure invented crap. But this one, since it's Clint, sounds like it might be worth watching!
I love the Eiger Sanction…
I love the Eiger Sanction… of the forgotten all time classics.

One of the early movies to suggest interracial sex (1975)

Also, a great scene early on that goes something like this:
  • (hot female college student) professor, I'd do anything to get a good grade in your class
  • (Eastwood) anything?
  • we'll....yessss
  • Do you understand the implications of your comment?
  • Yessss
  • OK, I suggest you go back to your dorm room and get rid of your roommate for the night
  • yes
  • turn the lights down low
  • yes
  • light a candle
  • yes
  • then study your little ass off all night until the test tomorrow (smacking her on the ass and sending her on her way). you'll get a good grade then

MV5BOTVlNzRhYjEtZTdiNi00MjI5LWJmODEtZjNmOTM5MjZmOTM3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzc5NjM0NA@@._V1_.jpg of the forgotten all time classics.

One of the early movies to suggest interracial sex (1975)

Also, a great scene early on that goes something like this:
  • (hot female college student) professor, I'd do anything to get a good grade in your class
  • (Eastwood) anything?
  • we'll....yessss
  • Do you understand the implications of your comment?
  • Yessss
  • OK, I suggest you go back to your dorm room and get rid of your roommate for the night
  • yes
  • turn the lights down low
  • yes
  • light a candle
  • yes
  • then study your little ass off all night until the test tomorrow (smacking her on the ass and sending her on her way). you'll get a good grade then


Don't like the script. Richard Burton made it too theatric in a stage sense. But the scenery was dynamite.
I love Clint's directing style. He asks his actors to pretend they are the character and then gets the performance in only one or two takes. He prefers their natural reactions instead of going for the overly perfect or dramatic take. I find it gives his characters a very natural and believable quality to them. of the forgotten all time classics.

One of the early movies to suggest interracial sex (1975)

Also, a great scene early on that goes something like this:
  • (hot female college student) professor, I'd do anything to get a good grade in your class
  • (Eastwood) anything?
  • we'll....yessss
  • Do you understand the implications of your comment?
  • Yessss
  • OK, I suggest you go back to your dorm room and get rid of your roommate for the night
  • yes
  • turn the lights down low
  • yes
  • light a candle
  • yes
  • then study your little ass off all night until the test tomorrow (smacking her on the ass and sending her on her way). you'll get a good grade then

That scene was great. I really like when Clint offers George Kennedy a beer after climbing that rock. Kennedy says you weren’t crazy enough to haul beer up here. Clint says, no, but you were. Grabbing beer out of Kennedy’s pack.
The first part of the trailer felt like another Rambo Last Blood type plot. Fortunately it looks more sentimental than a kill 'em all Rambo deal
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Anyone else seen this? I thought it was pretty bad. Cringy bad. I was afraid of the Eastwood punch as I said in this thread, but the beautiful 30-something looking woman wanting to bed him....come on. I appreciate Eastwood, but he was just too old for this role.
Anyone else seen this? I thought it was pretty bad. Cringy bad. I was afraid of the Eastwood punch as I said in this thread, but the beautiful 30-something looking woman wanting to bed him....come on. I appreciate Eastwood, but he was just too old for this role.

Funny thing about this movie - Clint has been wanting to make it since 1988. In fact, back then he was offered the lead but turned it down and offered to direct. He started production with Roy Scheider as lead but it was stopped and never finished. So, this story (adapted from a screenplay turned into a novel) has been in Eastwood’s mind for quite a while. Shame it’s not very good - he’s usually excellent.
Funny thing about this movie - Clint has been wanting to make it since 1988. In fact, back then he was offered the lead but turned it down and offered to direct. He started production with Roy Scheider as lead but it was stopped and never finished. So, this story (adapted from a screenplay turned into a novel) has been in Eastwood’s mind for quite a while. Shame it’s not very good - he’s usually excellent.

Did you see it? I can't even tell if it's a good story, because I can't get past just how absurd this decrepit old man is in the role. This needed to be played by someone 30-40 years younger.
I tried to watch it, but the punch scene did me in. Not to be a contrarian, but this movie was awful. Let me know if the rooster lived…
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ANYTHING Clint does HAS to be good.

Just watched "Where Eagles Dare" on TCM a few nights ago. One of those good old Clint movies most people never heard of that he starred in with Richard Burton in 1968. It was so good I watched it three nights in a row!!! :) :) :)

Never go to the movies anymore because everything they make now is pure invented crap. But this one, since it's Clint, sounds like it might be worth watching!
Wait, what? Movies are invented?
Did you see it? I can't even tell if it's a good story, because I can't get past just how absurd this decrepit old man is in the role. This needed to be played by someone 30-40 years younger.
Eastwood probably knew it too but maybe it was just too personal for him. It won’t be the last movie ruined by casting too old an actor. (If, in fact, this is the case for me.) I cringe every time The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance pops up on TCM.
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Anyone else seen this? I thought it was pretty bad. Cringy bad. I was afraid of the Eastwood punch as I said in this thread, but the beautiful 30-something looking woman wanting to bed him....come on. I appreciate Eastwood, but he was just too old for this role.
I agree it was bad, very slow. But Clint’s love interest is 52, not a beautiful 30 something. Clint’s role should have been played by someone younger for sure. The movie is streaming on HBOMax in case anyone didn’t know.
Did you see it? I can't even tell if it's a good story, because I can't get past just how absurd this decrepit old man is in the role. This needed to be played by someone 30-40 years younger.

Nah - probably gonna pass unless I find unlimited amounts of time laying around…
I agree it was bad, very slow. But Clint’s love interest is 52, not a beautiful 30 something. Clint’s role should have been played by someone younger for sure. The movie is streaming on HBOMax in case anyone didn’t know.

I was referring to the mother of the kid who gets upset when he won’t go to bed with her. The actress looked to be in her 30s to me.

Edit: just looked her up, she’s 39 and gorgeous. But boy was she upset when that 94 year old she just met won’t sleep with her… there’s not a strong enough eye roll emoji.
Eastwood probably knew it too but maybe it was just too personal for him. It won’t be the last movie ruined by casting too old an actor. (If, in fact, this is the case for me.) I cringe every time The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance pops up on TCM.

I thought we were having a friendly conversation, then you went and took a shot at The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Thems fightin’ words.
I was referring to the mother of the kid who gets upset when he won’t go to bed with her. The actress looked to be in her 30s to me.

Edit: just looked her up, she’s 39 and gorgeous. But boy was she upset when that 94 year old she just met won’t sleep with her… there’s not a strong enough eye roll emoji.
Ah, got it….that was pretty unrealistic. Some of these old actors have to give up their heroic roles (like Stallone for instance).
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Stewart and, to a lesser extent, Wayne. The movie covers a time frame of 25 years and they just don’t fit in the early part of the timeline.
IMBD trivia:

Several reasons have been put forward for the film being in black and white. John Ford once claimed it added to the tension, but others involved with the production said Paramount was cutting costs, which was why the film was shot on sound stages at the studio. Without the budget restraints, Ford would have been in Monument Valley using Technicolor stock. It has also been suggested that since both John Wayne and James Stewart were playing characters 30 years younger than their actual age (Wayne was 54 when the movie was filmed in the autumn of 1961 and Stewart was 53), the movie needed to be in black and white because they would never have gotten away with it in color. The age difference was particularly noticeable in Stewart's case, since he was playing a young lawyer who had only just graduated from law school and had moved west without even practicing law back east.
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