Progressives..... lmfao..... Should call them regressives. Two sets of rules..... That outcome will be a total disaster.....
So why mess with success?
Politics, of course, and ideology. But the new leniency also seems to be part of a broader social trend — one that seeks to shield offenders from the consequences of their own actions, ostensibly as a matter of racial justice.
The theory is simple enough: Because behavior-related sanctions seem to be applied disproportionately to black and Hispanics, relative to whites, the sanctions themselves must be inherently unfair.
“We know that the system has been really rigged against communities of color,” says Mark-Viverito. “So the question has always been, what can we do to minimize unnecessary interaction with the criminal justice system?”
So why mess with success?
Politics, of course, and ideology. But the new leniency also seems to be part of a broader social trend — one that seeks to shield offenders from the consequences of their own actions, ostensibly as a matter of racial justice.
The theory is simple enough: Because behavior-related sanctions seem to be applied disproportionately to black and Hispanics, relative to whites, the sanctions themselves must be inherently unfair.
“We know that the system has been really rigged against communities of color,” says Mark-Viverito. “So the question has always been, what can we do to minimize unnecessary interaction with the criminal justice system?”