Death Valley...

Serious question: The LSU band plays in between plays to incite the crowd...of course that is typical throughout football...but on some plays it sounded as if they didn't stop pre-snap until the snap occured...that can't be accurate, right?
Thought the same thing. After seeing Auburn fans on their boards talking about how LSU and Florida were louder I watched that game tonight. That was nothing compared to a whiteout.
I have been to both. I think Tennessee is louder than either. I have not been to any of them for a big game however.
It all depends on the circumstances.

I was at LSU in 2014 when they were playing number 1 ranked MISS( the same night as the PSU/OSU officiating fiasco). Objectively I have to say that it was the loudest craziest atmosphere that I have ever experienced in CFB. Taking nothing away from the 4 or so white out games that I have been to that one night topped them all. Of course that was just one night and an extraordinary circumstance a that. I guess the proper comparison would be if PSU was playing and beat Bama on a white out game.
It all depends on the circumstances.

I was at LSU in 2014 when they were playing number 1 ranked MISS( the same night as the PSU/OSU officiating fiasco). Objectively I have to say that it was the loudest craziest atmosphere that I have ever experienced in CFB. Taking nothing away from the 4 or so white out games that I have been to that one night topped them all. Of course that was just one night and an extraordinary circumstance a that. I guess the proper comparison would be if PSU was playing and beat Bama on a white out game.
First of all you are going to have to be much mores specific on which night this was.

I am not sure why folks get all twisted up about the comparisons. Whiteouts at Beaver Stadium are amazing. I haven't been to LSU but have been to Bama a few times as well the Swamp. On the right night and right teams and based on how invested you are in the team those places are very similar.

Let's just enjoy what we have.
First of all you are going to have to be much mores specific on which night this was.

I am not sure why folks get all twisted up about the comparisons. Whiteouts at Beaver Stadium are amazing. I haven't been to LSU but have been to Bama a few times as well the Swamp. On the right night and right teams and based on how invested you are in the team those places are very similar.

Let's just enjoy what we have.

I concur. Suffice it to say Northern fans are more sedate than their southern counterparts, and the only comparison to SEC night game crowds is the White Out. And we've the decibel meter readings to back it up.
my personal fave was near goal line where osu defender has hands all over receiver and prevents him from catching ball... announcers determine this does not fit definition of PI.


Minny scored a couple plays later but most times that does not happen. According to the announcers, PI is no longer PI as we used to know it. Guess PI just got canceled. At least inasmuch as osu is concerned.. i'm pretty sure the rest of us get flagged.

First of all you are going to have to be much mores specific on which night this was.

I am not sure why folks get all twisted up about the comparisons. Whiteouts at Beaver Stadium are amazing. I haven't been to LSU but have been to Bama a few times as well the Swamp. On the right night and right teams and based on how invested you are in the team those places are very similar.

Let's just enjoy what we have.
To be honest i wouldn't think that any PSU fan needs to be reminded about that night. Interception hits ground. " Broken replay equipment" Play clock expired 3 seconds before OSU field goal try. Do I have to go on?

Other than that I agree with your post. Enjoy what we have.
To be honest i wouldn't think that any PSU fan needs to be reminded about that night. Interception hits ground. " Broken replay equipment" Play clock expired 3 seconds before OSU field goal try. Do I have to go on?

Other than that I agree with your post. Enjoy what we have.
I meant that there are too many officiating fiascos vs OSU to narrow it down to just one. But yes i know exactly which night you were referencing.
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I was thinking they had an art museum

They do, the Cantor Center. Twice as large and has a much better collection than Molly's House will ever. Draws 200k in the Bay Area.
Was sitting beside an Auburn couple that had also been to a few LSU night games at LSU. The thing that surprised them the most was how much bigger Beaver Stadium was. They said it was huge compared to LSU. Also said the Beav was much louder, and said that they were happy they had to play us because there would be no intimidation factor at LSU after their players were exposed to “this”.

Oh ya. They also said LSU fans were all complete a$$holes. 🙂
And the voting brackets once again boil down to Happy Valley vs Death Valley.