Defensive football games are still exciting


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
Hagerstown MD
With all the spread offenses and teams putting up ridiculous points, a game like Iowa Michigan state is every bit if not more exciting to me. Fighting for every possible inch, a defensive slug fest is still my favorite kind of football. Congrats msu.
With all the spread offenses and teams putting up ridiculous points, a game like Iowa Michigan state is every bit if not more exciting to me. Fighting for every possible inch, a defensive slug fest is still my favorite kind of football. Congrats msu.
That game was like a heavyweight boxing match. MSU was able to outslug when it mattered.
With all the spread offenses and teams putting up ridiculous points, a game like Iowa Michigan state is every bit if not more exciting to me. Fighting for every possible inch, a defensive slug fest is still my favorite kind of football. Congrats msu.
Yup, the Big 12 is near unwatchable. Its glorified flag football at times
I agree. That was a good football game. Found myself really wanting Iowa to make that stop, and they damn near had it. That winning play is the reason I like a big tailback. A 190 pound guy would not have made it.
Disagree...MSU will get throttled by any of the other top 3 if they play the way they did tonight. If these are the 2 best in the conference, then the b1g (minus an inconsistent tosu) is back to being boring also-rans.
Disagree...MSU will get throttled by any of the other top 3 if they play the way they did tonight. If these are the 2 best in the conference, then the b1g (minus an inconsistent tosu) is back to being boring also-rans.
Gentleman's bet - they are a very physical team and will not get throttled. A lot of people said the same thing about tOSU last year. MSU is able to stop the run and is determined to run. They are big and physical on the LOS and will match-up there well with anyone. They will also be well-prepared. To me their Achilles' heel is the FG kicker. He is shaky. In spite of the fact that many will want to anoint Alabama already, I don't see any clear favorite to win the playoff.
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Gentleman's bet - they are a very physical team and will not get throttled. A lot of people said the same thing about tOSU last year. MSU is able to stop the run and is determined to run. They are big and physical on the LOS and will match-up there well with anyone. They will also be well-prepared. To me their Achilles' heel is the FG kicker. He is shaky. In spite of the fact that many will want to anoint Alabama already, I don't see any clear favorite to win the playoff.
Bama would be a closer game on the score board if only because their offense is inconstant. But their D is 10x better than anything they've seen all year. I'd say that would be something like a 24-6 type game. Clemson would surrender some points (as they have all year), but pull away in the second half...something like a 45-27 type game.

Sparty's signature win this year came against an inconsistent tosu team that didn't show up to play for long stretches of the season. In another thread I suggested that the bucks were a poorly coached team this year in that they never were able to reach/maintain their potential. That cost them vs MSU, but if the two teams played again, tosu would beat them by 3 scores.

Or maybe I'm wrong. I just think that last year was the exception for the b1g and that it's back being a mediocre conference.
What's fun is that we'll get to see it play out on the field. By the way, I haven't been following the possible playoff contenders as closely as most here. I assume ALA, Clemson and MSU are in to the playoff. Is Oklahoma the likely 4th?
With all the spread offenses and teams putting up ridiculous points, a game like Iowa Michigan state is every bit if not more exciting to me. Fighting for every possible inch, a defensive slug fest is still my favorite kind of football. Congrats msu.

I have to admit, I was impressed with Iowa. I didn't think they had the muscle for such a slug fest. Kudos to their team. Sad that they lost.

You're right. Watching games like this makes you sad that someone has to lose. Very fun to watch, defensive battles. Much better than a 56-45 type of ballgame. But, then again, I, also, like great pitching matchups in baseball, too. I'd rather watch a 2-1 ball game than a 9-6 ball game.
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The B1G will have a down year every now and again but this is not one of them. MSU will beat Alabama because of Cook and their suffocating D. Similarly if the OL can stop Clemson's DL they'll beat them too. Oklahoma vs MSU would be a phenomenal game and here's hoping it comes to fruition.