A lot depends on how much higher your taxes will be. If it’s $200/yr or $1,000 over ten years it may not be worth an attorney. If it is $1,500/ yr or $15,000 and an attorney can reduce it by half it is better to have professional help.My school district is appealing my property tax assessment. A hearing is scheduled. Apparently several laws firms are aware of this as I have received several letters of solicitation. I have contacted and spoken with each one.
After speaking with them and doing a bit of my own fact finding, there is a particular circumstance regarding how my townhouse was purchased to present to the hearing body on my behalf. And, an attorney may better be able to pull comparatives together to submit. I am weighing whether to use an legal counsel or represent myself.
Anyone have any experience with this?
yeah...that went away with the site's URL change. I'll see what I can do. that is my dog. I was in vegas and picked up those sunglasses. I thought it was a funny photo. I've got a photo of her that I took at Xmas that might work.Thank you @Obliviax. This is a helpful vote of confidence to maybe handle it on my own.
(PS I've been meaning to share that while I like your new beach avatar, I also miss seeing the one of the little doggie wearing the funky sunglasses!)
Agreed on the "buddy system". But my wife knows her shit and when asked, she was able to answer with complete and clear answers. They knew not to mess with her in the first five minutes. So, I am not sure it is the "buddy system" or that somebody knew more than they did and could blow them away. My wife is nobody to be messed with.A lot depends on how much higher your taxes will be. If it’s $200/yr or $1,000 over ten years it may not be worth an attorney. If it is $1,500/ yr or $15,000 and an attorney can reduce it by half it is better to have professional help.
You may consider having a realtor with an appraisal license/certification instead of an attorney. Might be cheaper.
But a little secret of the legal system……it’s a buddy system. It’s usually better to hire an attorney that knows the judge and vice versa. They get to know each other and work together better……unless you hire one the judge hates then you are screwed. Bring in an out of town attorney it often doesn’t go well. So hiring an attorney that specializes…..or does a lot of…..these appeals might be the best option.
you are very observant! I couldn't remember who made the request so just put it in there. I was looking for a photo of her wearing her PSU collar but didn't see one. She is a Bichon and is one of the smartest and most loving dogs I've ever been around. She watches TV with us waiting for commercials that have dogs in them. She also can't stand my wife and I sitting together so jumps up on the sofa and wedges herself between us. I know she is a bit of a phoo-phoo dog but I recommend the breed wholeheartedly.Adorable! She's so photogenic. I'll bet she looks good in blue & white too. 😉
I appealed my assessment a few years back. Did all the work myself and presented before the 3 county commissioners and the assessment officer. 1 commissioner slept thru entire presentation and 1 talked on his cell phone from beginning to end. They approved my appeal but it was a joke how little attention was actually paid to my presentation. Only 1 commissioner paid attention and asked questions. Extremely unprofessional and rudeMy school district is appealing my property tax assessment. A hearing is scheduled. Apparently several laws firms are aware of this as I have received several letters of solicitation. I have contacted and spoken with each one.
After speaking with them and doing a bit of my own fact finding, there is a particular circumstance regarding how my townhouse was purchased to present to the hearing body on my behalf. And, an attorney may better be able to pull comparatives together to submit. I am weighing whether to use an legal counsel or represent myself.
Anyone have any experience with this?
Yep, they make assessments that are out of line knowing less than 20% will appeal so the municipality gets a huge bonus.I live in nj so the rules are a bit different there potentially. We hire appraisers to appeal assessments. The appeal board doesn’t like people representing themselves. I am a broker and they still did not accept me as an expert.
That said I have represented myself every time the town was reassessed. My best results came from attaching the facts and the measurement of the house and lot. There are also qualitative guidelines of the improvements and indirectly the lot.
If you are going to appeal your own taxes down load the assessors manual especially if you have a unique house. By fixing the measurements because the firm dojj in by the revaluation I reduced my assessment by 40%. Now, my house is an unusual design so your results will likely be measurably less but when the facts are on your side you need to make sure you understand the rules thoroughly.
Best of luck and remember the firms doing the reval are lazy and pencil whip the valuation. They count on you not doing the appeal to find their mistakes.