Did Jimmy graduate?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
I was at the BJC yesterday and his name was in the program but I didn't hear him called. I could have missed his name and I'm just honestly asking. I wanted to yell out "JIMMY", and yes I know you are supposed to wait until the end, but I was gonna do it anyway. :p
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I was there too (my daughter graduated). Gullibon was sitting in the last row of the first section on the right and crossed the stage with the other criminal justice majors. Congrats and best wishes to the young man and his family.
Congrats indeed, Cholley!! The student-athlete's aren't just athletes, they are STUDENT-athlete's, and young men and young women who hopefully have grown as people and ready for the next phase of their life after graduation.

Cael talks about this a good bit, and believes it his responsibility to help wrestlers grow, in all aspects of their life.
The kid had one of the most difficult wrestling experiences I've ever witnessed. He stood out to me as a quintessential PA wrestler fast slick and tough as nails. A warrior. I genuinely hope he leaves with head held high having been a part of history.
My congrats to Jimmy too. I've been a fan of his throughout college. All the best for the next phase of his life. Anyone know how he plans to use his CJ degree? (My daughter is a recent CJ grad as well--so it's of particular interest to me).
The kid had one of the most difficult wrestling experiences I've ever witnessed. He stood out to me as a quintessential PA wrestler fast slick and tough as nails. A warrior. I genuinely hope he leaves with head held high having been a part of history.
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My daughter graduated Saturday night as well (BA in Psychology), and I heard James Gulibon announced.
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I would like to see the video of someone who tries to resist the arrest of Officer Gulibon (if that's the path he chooses). Congrats Jimmy!
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I would like to see the video of someone who tries to resist the arrest of Officer Gulibon (if that's the path he chooses). Congrats Jimmy!

Would Jimmy finish the takedown or does said Felon force a stalemate?