There are certainly other dynamics to all of it, as some have outlined above but countries that kick our national butt in soccer have populations of a single American state.
Argentina has 6 million more people than California. You're comparing apples to oranges in the draw, which by all accounts should matter. Foreign countries don't kick our butt because we don't care, they kick our butt because they are better, with massively less people to draw from to boot.
If we were any good we'd win on numbers alone.
The US draws from a population of 330 million, France draws from 65 million.
Brazil is the only country in the world cup the US doesn't double the population at a minimum.
The US has twice the number kids in youth soccer than France....2.2 million to 4.4 million.
It shouldn't matter what our sport "priority" is because the US has the numbers to develop from. Usually massively larger numbers of youth players compared to soccer juggernauts.
The Sporting News wraps up the biggest and smallest nations set to compete at the 2022 World Cup based on population size.