Do you think Joe would want to have his name associated with beer?

Just sayin.....I don't think he would love this idea.
Perhaps not while he was coaching, but had he retired, I'm not so sure. If, as here, it was a Pennsylvania brewery, and part of the money was going to charity, I think he would seriously consider it. Regardless of his decision, Sue apparently gave her approval in this case and if it's good enough for Sue Paterno, it's good enough for me.
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He certainly would not want it associated with Surma, Peetz, or Erickson. He'd rather have it associated with Iron City, than with those losers.
I think he'd love his own line of bourbon myself. But, whatever the family supports is great and I enjoy the thought of folks sitting around having a beer for Joe.
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I think he liked drinking, right? If his kids wanted it I think he would definitely be ok with it.

It's not like they are putting his name on bags of heroin.
I think under the circumstances, he would be O.K. with it (those circumstances being a U.S.-owned brewery in Latrobe, where Sue is from and where Sue and Joe were married, and the fact that some proceeds will be given to charity).