<<insert joker.gif>>>> and here we go
At my side for this writing...rock glass of JD Honey on ice
On TV is the DVR'd PSU vs scUM game
Smell in the air is the wife cooking fresh deer loin in a Redneck Rivera Whiskey Marinade the boy made
Looking out the window at my corn feeder for the local animal populations
Sooooooo....back story 1
As you know from the dumpster fire thread, getting to PA and back without issues with the fuzz was a concern. The concern wasnt enough to keep me from hunting, so I printed off my tax bill/receipts for property I own in PA, with the thought that if stopped I would say I was visiting said property to winterize it, blah, blah, blah. Not untrue to a certain extent because the cabin does need winterized after hunting season. But figured if I got pinched I at least had a reasonable excuse for a reasonable officer of the law to consider. my drive from the DC metro to PA/NY border only saw a few smokeys on the perch. None who were in hot pursuit and none that wanted to talk to me. So I made it in...and ....back out without issue.
Back story 2
We also had a run in with China Virus in our family from a hunting trip a few weeks back. My cousin got covid from his contact with the local YMCA where he takes his kid for daycare. He is asymptomatic never having any symptoms but he tested positive due to the contact tracing from the Y outbreak AND....after taking my father to our cabin for archery season that fell within the incubation period. So my parents upon learning of my counsins positive test went into quarantine and we missed our first thanksgiving together as a precuation. However they got tested 2 sundays ago and got their test back negative on Friday so we were able to get to deer camp together. My dad will be 81 this January and has bad lungs, bad heart, strokes, bad hearing, bad knees....his body is just worn out. Miiltary paratropper, 2nd job cutting lumber, 35 year smoker, etc, etc
But nothing can move that man like trout fishing and hunting...he got himself to the cabin
Back story 3
My son finally came of age and was able to hunt with us. This was big for my pop as he claims its one of his pre death wishes to see my son shoot a deer with him. So with our business, we have a lot of left over building materials and from that my dad hatched a plan this spring to build a massive tree stand. at 80 yrs old he made 4 trips to MD and then up to Tioga county with building materials of many shapes and sizes. The tree stand has a kind of Johnny Cash "one piece at a time" feel. He then drug these materials up a pretty formidable mountain 4 wheeler road to build this tree stand. Not by hand mind you but still a feet I feel for an 80 yr old.
Its all home made, its a tad rednecky and very much a modern work of art. Its got heat, windows, shingled roof, stands 20' tall at the floor, seats 2 comfortably, has cell reception and sits on a very fine deer trail.
To the hunt...
by 7:45am I got a fine 8pt. Not big, but not a basket rack either. Just a nice rack. at 1130 my son missed a massive 10 point at about 80 yds through the red brush. I think he got nervous and just shot underneath it. My cousin shot a big rack 8pt on saturday around 930 and my uncle shot a 9 pt around 330. I think I saw 3 buck and 20 doe my two days hunting. still waiting to a cinnamon bear that the locals talk about. maybe next year if he keeps hidding out effectively.
on Sunday my cousin and I biked the rails to trails that runs from Tiadaghton state park to Ansonia along pine creek. around the 3 mile mark my cousin shot a doe with his DMap tag. We gutted it, skinned it down and quartered it up. Packed up the meat and road our bikes back down the trail. On sunday my son saw two more bucks, but it was like 27 degrees that morning and my dad was cold so he had the windows closed. Needless to say it cost my son a shot as getting the windows open, getting the scope on the bucks was just too much for this novice hunter My dad was crushed by this but it tis what it tis.
So we had a very nice hunt, great times with friends/family, avoided the fuzz and made some memories. After shooting my deer i returned to my tree stand to enjoy the surroundings. Was able to listen to the PSU game on a blue tooth. Was able to follow my daughters soccer tournament back in MD as the app kept score and updating. [[[[Ill be a proud pop for a moment.....my daughters soccer team is ranked #1 in the state of MD and #32 in the country....so maybe someday she'll wear the blue and white..fingers crossed. still amazed the rank 10 yo girls soccer but whatever its a f** thing to talk about]]]]]
Im going back up Friday for Doe on Saturday, as we like to take 2-3 deer a year for our family of 4. We eat everything we shoot and make a lot of things from the venison. Had mule deer stew on Friday night at the cabin, from a successful hunt my cousin and uncle took to Wyoming a weeks ago. Had fresh cabbage, carrotts, potatoes and of course the mule deer in 3 different flavors of sausage.
If the plans fall into place, in 2 weeks my cousin and I plan to float pine creek with our guns and fishing rods. With the hope of catching some trout in the turkey path hole and shooting a deer. He has gun all set up for shooting from a canoe and we were still catching nice trout in pine in late september. So hopefully we can pull off this first for us.
This makes 5 years in a row with a buck.....not that Im bragging
With the new house in MD sitting on 5 acres and in the country side, Im pretty sure Ill harvest a deer in MD for the first time next year, but I will always go to PA for the first day.
I dont post as much as I once did with being so busy....But I enjoy dropping in and seeing.... everyone!
@pawrestlersintn I hope this meets expectations...if not well try again with a different adventure.....maybe soon
PS- I wrote this with no intent of rereading it for spelling, sense or grammar. If that is what you need, go find the tHR board.