Eagles fans will love this

I love it.
My whole schooling would have improved with innovative teaching methods like this!!!
The reason I got into reading was my mom bought me a lot of sports books about Johhny Unitas, Gordie Howe, etc - things I was interested in. Not exactly masterful prose, but it ignited the spark. Shoving Billy Budd down a kid’s throat is not the way to instill a love of learning
The reason I got into reading was my mom bought me a lot of sports books about Johhny Unitas, Gordie Howe, etc - things I was interested in. Not exactly masterful prose, but it ignited the spark. Shoving Billy Budd down a kid’s throat is not the way to instill a love of learning
But what about all those kids who are interested in sailing the high seas who have sports books shoved down their throats?;)