I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+
Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More
Hummmm, maybe it will dawn on her that the left has an agenda in creating sanctuary for illegals and allowing more to flow into Los Angeles. She should expect to be made a pariah for heresy. She has officially in the eyes of the left become a bigot/racist Nazi monster. Good luck to her in fighting back against the Marxist party, MSM and Social Media.
I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+
Hummmm, maybe it will dawn on her that the left has an agenda in creating sanctuary for illegals and allowing more to flow into Los Angeles. She should expect to be made a pariah for heresy. She has officially in the eyes of the left become a bigot/racist Nazi monster. Good luck to her in fighting back against the Marxist party, MSM and Social Media.